
WWE NXT Results 6/7 Killian Dain VS No Way Jose & More!

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! Tonight the Glorious WWE NXT World Champion returns to Full Sail when Bobby Roode returns for the first time since defending his title against Hideo Itami at NXT TakeOver Chicago. We also have No Way Jose taking on the always dangerous Killian Dain and Hideo Itami takes on Oney Lorcan! Be sure to come back here at 8PM for what should be a great hour showcasing the NXT brand!

Heavy Machinery vs Lars Sullivan & Victor Andrews

Knight and Lars start it off with Knight in control before Lars comes with a series of clotheslines before hitting a fall away slam. Lars tags Andrews in and Heavy Machinery take turns putting him in a bear hug before tossing him across the ring. They smash into him before Knight hits a hip toss, then tags in Dozovic before they hit the Compactor for the pin and the win.

Winner: Heavy Machinery via pinfall

-Lars kills Victor after the match with clubbing blows hitting a uranage and a modified torture rack before leaving.

-Roderick Strong comes out to the ring and thanks the fans, saying that he came to NXT to be champion and that's his next goal. Bobby Roode comes out to the stage, acting like he's crying and mocking Strong before saying that he should stay in his lane and that he should do himself a favor and not challenge him because he won't win. 

Sara Logan vs Peyton Royce

They lock up to start the match before Sara takes Peyton down, then Peyton comes back and starts focusing on the leg of Logan. Peyton puts her in a submission, but Logan rolls over into a pin attempt for a quick two count before Peyton hits a death valley driver for a near fall. Logan comes back with a headbutt and a dropkick before hitting Peyton Airbus series of punches and chops. Peyton comes back with a clothesline before she finishes with a bridging fisherman's suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: Peyton Royce via pinfall

Hideo Itami vs Oney Lorcan

They lock up to start the match for a clean break before they do several standing switches and grappling for another break, but Hideo slaps Lorcan when he does. Lorcan hits Hideo with a series of strikes only for him to drop him with a kitchen sink and a series of strikes of his own for a quick two count. Lorcan catches Hideo coming in and hits a running blockbuster for a quick two count, then gets caught with a kick when he goes for a tope to the outside. They get back in the ring and Hideo hits a missile dropkick for a quick two count, then Lorcan chops Hideo, but he tells him to keeping up. Lorcan counters a GGTS with a series of chops and slaps to the chest and face before sending Hideo out of the ring.

Lorcan hits a blockbuster from the top rope, then they get back in the ring and Hideo hits a series of punches and kicks before dropping Lorcan with a kick to the chest. Hideo hits the GTS, but doesn't go for the pin, instead opting to hit two more of them before Kassius Ohno comes out and shoves him down. They then glare at each other before Hideo leaves.

Winner: No contest

-We get a video package for Drew McIntyre and are told he'll be back in action next week and that Asuka will defend her NXT Women's Championship against Nikki Cross and Ruby Riot in a triple threat elimination match. Next we have Ember Moon being interviewed about the match and her return.

No Way Jose vs Killian Dain

Jose tells Dain to bring it to start the match, trying to knock him down repeatedly, but he won't budge. Jose tries to take Dain down, but he can't, dropkicking him out of the ring, but he lands on his feet as we go to commercial. 

They exchange strikes until Dain hits a running cross body, then stomps on Jose in the corner until the referee pulls him off. Dain hits a series of elbow drops before dropping him with a stiff forearm. Dain puts Jose in a neck crank before he fights out of it only for Dain to hit what he calls the Belfast Blitz for a near fall. Dain hits Jose with a series of clubbing blows before playing to the crowd and calling for the end. Jose counters the Ulster Plantation with a series of punches and kicks and knees, but cannot drop Dain.

Jose hits a TKO for a near fall, then Dain counters the Fireballl with a headbutt and a shotgun dropkick in the corner. Dain then finishes with the Ulster Plantation for the pin and the win.

Winner: Killian Dain via pinfall

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