NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors 24 Finals Results; The 24th Annual BOTSJ Champion Is Crowned!

Welcome to's live coverage & discussion for NJPW Best Of The Super Juniors 24 Finals. We'll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below! 

You can see the full results below!

BOTSJ 24 Finals: Kushida (Block B Winner) def. Will Ospreay (Block A Winner)

Bullet Club (Kenny Omega & Marty Scurll) def. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada & Gedo) 

Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Evil, Sanada, Bushi & Hiromu Takahashi) def. Dragon Lee, Ricochet, Ryusuke Taguchi, Juice Robinson & Satoshi Kojima 

Chaos (Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi) def. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Taichi)

Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi, Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga & Tonga Roa) def. ACH, David Finlay & War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson) 

Volador Jr., Jushin “Thunder” Liger & Tiger Mask IV def. Suzuki-Gun (Taka Michinoku, El Desparado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

Chaos (Jado, Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii) def. Hirai Kawato, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Togi Makabe 

Syota Umino, Tomoyuki Oka & Yuji Nagata def. Tetsuhiro Yagi, Katsuya Kitamura & Manabu Nakanishi

Match By Match Recap

Syota Umino, Tomoyuki Oka & Yuji Nagata vs. Tetsuhiro Yagi, Katsuya Kitamura & Manabu Nakanishi

The match begins with Kitamura and Oka doing some chain wrestling, Oka backs Kitamura into the corner before attacking him with chops. Kitamura and Oka exchange shoulder tackles, Oka nails Kitamura with more chops before dropping him with a shoulder tackle. Umino tags in and he attacks Kitamura with a series of running back elbow strikes, Umino attacks Kitamura with some more chops and European uppercuts. Kitamura gets angry and he slams Umino multiple teimes before tagging Yagi in, Yagi starts to stomp away on Umino. Yagi locks Umino in the Boston crab until Oka breaks it up. Nakanishi tags in and he levels Umino with chops, Nakanishi slams Umino before missing a knee drop.

Nagata tags in and he cleans house of the opposition, Nagata then attacks Nakanishi with a series of kicks and a running boot to the face. Nagata then catches Nakanishi with a low drop kick and Nakanishi responds by nailing him with a spear, Nakanishi drops Nagata with a clothesline for a near fall. Nagata recovers and drops Nakanishi with an exploder suplex, Oka and Kitamura get the tags from their respective partners. Kitamura quickly drops a striking Oka with a drop kick before locking him in the torture rack, Nagata breaks up the hold before nailing Kitamura with a spinning heel kick. Yagi tags in and he nails Oka with some drop kicks for a near fall, Yagi gets angry and he attacks Oka with a plethora of stomps. Oka catches a charging Yagi with a belly to belly suplex, Oka then hits Yagi with a power slam and everybody brawls around the ring. Oka locks Yagi in the Boston crab and a tap out follows.

Winners: Syota Umino, Tomoyuki Oka & Yuji Nagata

Hirai Kawato, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Togi Makabe vs. Chaos (Jado, Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii)

The match begins with Jado attacking Tenzan with a few chops, Tenzan responds by nailing Jado with Mongolian chops. Tenzan then drops Jado with a shoulder tackle, Kawato tags in and he attacks a downed Jado with stomps. Jado recovers to drop a charging Kawato with a shoulder block, Jado works over Kawato in the ring as a brawl breaks out on the arena floor. Jado tosses Kawato into the exposed turnbuckle after Yano removed the turnbuckle pad, Ishii tags in and he attacks Kawato with headbutts. Kawato tries fighting back and Ishii assaults him with chops, Yano tags in and he tosses Kawato into the exposed turnbuckle multiple times. Kawato drops a charging Yano with a drop kick before tagging Makabe in, Makabe instantly cleans house on the opposition.

Makabe catches Yano and Ishii with multiple running clotheslines in the corners, Makabe then drops a charging Yano with a clothesline for a near fall. Yano pulls the hair of Makabe before tagging Ishii back into the match, Makabe drops Ishii and Yano with a running double clothesline. Kawato tags back in and he attacks Ishii with running forearm strikes, Kawato then eats a shoulder tackle as he runs into Ishii. Ishii traps Kawato in the corner before assaulting him with chops, Tenzan and Makabe hit the ring before brawling with Yano and Jado on the arena floor. Kawato nails Ishii with a missile drop kick for a near fall, Kawato catches Ishii with a roll up for a near fall. Ishii then hits Kawato with a suplex for a near fall of his own, Ishii then crushes Kawato with a few lariats for a three count.

Winners: Chaos (Jado, Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii)

Volador Jr., Jushin “Thunder” Liger & Tiger Mask IV vs. Suzuki-Gun (Taka Michinoku, El Desparado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

The match begins with Volador Jr and Desparado going through a series of reversals, Volador Jr drops Desparado and he tags Liger into the match. Liger quickly locks Desparado in the surfboard hold until Michinoku and Kanemaru breaks it up, Kanemaru drags Liger out of the ring and tosses him into the ring post. Kanemaru traps Liger on the ring apron before clocking him with a drop kick, Michinoku tags in and he stomps away on a downed Liger. Liger fights back and Michinoku pokes him right in the eyes, Kanemaru tags in and he just stomps away on Liger as well. Desparado tags back in and he works over Liger in the corner, Kanemaru tags in and Liger drops him with a palm strike. Kanemaru interferes and Liger nails him with a tilt-a-whirl back braeker, Mask IV tags in and he cleans house on the opposition.

Mask IV catches Kanemaru in a roll up and Desparado breaks it up, Kanemaru then drops Mask IV with a reverse DDT. Kanemaru then hits Mask IV with an enzaguri, Mask IV quickly recovers and he drops Kanemaru with a Tiger Bomb. Volador Jr and Michinoku get the tags from their respective partners, Volador Jr catches Michinoku with a springboard drop kick. Desparado interferes and that allows Michinoku to get a near fall on Volador Jr, Volador Jr traps Michinoku on the top rope and he catches him with a belly to belly suplex for the three count.

Winners: Volador Jr., Jushin “Thunder” Liger & Tiger Mask IV

More action on Page Two…

ACH, David Finlay & War Machine (Raymond Rowe & Hanson) vs. Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi, Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga & Tonga Roa)

The match begins with War Machine brawling with Tama and Roa, Rowe drops Tama with a shoulder tackle. Takahashi interferes and War Machine quickly takes him out with double team holds, War Machine and Finlay then hit Fale with triple team maneuvers. War Machine try launching ACH out of the ring and Takahashi interferes, ACH knocks Takahashi out of the ring with a drop kick. Tama interferes and drags ACH out of the ring before tossing him into the ring post, Fale grabs Finlay and he tosses him into some chairs at ringside. Tama brings ACH into the ring before grabbing a camera to snap some pics of him, Takahashi tags in and he catches ACH with a running drop kick for a near fall.

Fale tags in and he simply stands on the back of a downed ACH, Roa tags in and he nails ACH with a running power slam for a near fall. Tama tags back in and he works over ACH with strikes and a headbutt, Takahashi tags back in and he works over ACH in the corner. Takahashi then cracks ACH with a running boot to the face, ACH drops a charging Takahashi with a double boot to the face. ACH then sends an interfering Fale out of the ring,Rowe tags in and he cleans house on the opposition. Rowe grabs Takahashi and he launches him across the ring, Tama hits the ring and he drops Rowe with a drop kick. Hanson hits the ring to take out Tama and Roa with running clotheslines, Fale interferes and Hanson knocks him out of the ring.

Rowe gets back in the ring to nail Tama and Roa with a running double knee strike, Finlay tags in to assault Tama and Roa with running European uppercuts. A brawl breaks out all over the place between everybody in the match, Takahashi trips up Finlay before nailing him with a drop kick. ACH nails Fale with a suicide dive on the arena floor and both crash into tables at ringside, Hanson does a swanton bomb off the top rope onto Tama and Roa as they were on the arena floor. Finlay misses a charge in the corner and Fale takes him out with an avalanche, Takahashi hits Finlay with Pimp Juice for the three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi, Bad Luck Fale, Tama Tonga & Tonga Roa)

Chaos (Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Taichi)

The match begins with a brawl breaking out between all the competitors in the match, Goto fights Suzuki on the arena floor while Taichi battles Yoshi-Hashi in the ring. Yoshi-Hashi catches a ducking Taichi with a rolling neck breaker, Taka Michinoku interferes and he attacks Yoshi-Hashi n the arena floor. Suzuki drags Goto into the crowd and he throws him into some chairs, Suzuki finds a chair and he assaults Goto with it. Yoshi-Hashi eventually gets back in the ring and Taichi attacks him with the ring bell hammer, Suzuki makes the legal tag and he attacks Yoshi-Hashi with some kicks. Suzuki picks Yoshi-Hashi up and he attacks him with a series of chops and forearm strikes, Yoshi-Hashi nails Suzuki with a chop of his own.

Yoshi-Hashi eventually knocks Suzuki into the ropes with a spinning mule kick, Goto tags in and he nails Suzuki with a spinning heel kick followed by a Saito Suplex for a near fall. Suzuki recovers to drop Goto and nail him with a penalty kick for the near fall, Suzuki and Goto have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Suzuki eventually locks Goto in the sleeper hold, Suzuki then goes for the Gotch Pile Driver, Goto recover to nail Suzuki with a modified neck breaker. Yoshi-Hashi and Taichi get tagged in by their respective partners, Taichi quickly nails Yoshi-Hashi with an enzaguri. Desparado hits Yoshi-Hashi with a chair as Taichi distracted the referee, Taichi hits Yoshi-Hashi with a super kick for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi rolls up the referee as Taichi knocks the referee down, Michinoku and Desparado interfere again and attack Yoshi-Hashi.

Suzuki then hits a downed Yoshi-Hashi with a penalty kick and he then locks him in a sleeper hold, Goto hist the ring and he gets attacked as well. Suzuki drags Goto out of the ring and he throws him into some chairs at ringside, Yoshi-Hashi catches Taichi with a back body drop and a Western lariat in the ring. Desparado distracts the referee and Kanemaru accidentally spits whiskey into the eyes of Taichi. Yoshi-Hashi hits Taichi with Kharma to get the three count.

Winners: Chaos (Hirooki Goto & Yoshi-Hashi)

After the match, Suzuki-Gun lays a beat down on their opponents until Goto fights them off.

Dragon Lee, Ricochet, Ryusuke Taguchi, Juice Robinson & Satoshi Kojima vs. Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Evil, Sanada, Bushi & Hiromu Takahashi)

The match begins with Naito interfering so Sanada can get the jump on Robinson, Robinson takes Naito and Sanada down with a cross body block. Robinson traps Sanada in the corner before nailing him with a cannonball, Taguchi tags in and Sanada gets a five way beat down from the opposition. Naito interferes and the same thing happens to him until Ricochet is taken out by Bushi, a brawl breaks out between everybody in the match on the arena floor. Sanada and Bushi work over Taguchi in the ring, Naito and Bushi also work together to nail Taguchi with some double team moves. Evil tags in and he nails Taguchi with a thrust kick to the behind, Evil follows that up by nailing Taguchi with a senton for a near fall.

Robinson interferes and Evil takes him out with a senton as well, Takahashi tags in and he nails Taguchi with a drop kick for a near fall. Takahashi then nails a leaping Taguchi with an atomic drop over and over again, Taguchi recovers to nail a kneeling Takahashi with a leg lariat. Lee tags in and he quickly nails Takahashi with a running drop kick in the corner, Lee and Takahashi have a chopping exchange in the middle of the ring. Lee catches a charging Takahashi with a victory roll for a near fall, Lee then hits Takahashi with a jumping knee strike. Takahashi recovers and propels a charging Lee into the turnbuckle, Bushi tags in and he catches Lee with a missile drop kick. Bushi and Lee have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Lee eventually drops Bushi with a snap German suplex.

Ricochet tags in and he works over an interfering Sanada, Naito and Evil hit the ring so Ricochet ca take them out with a series of strikes. Ricochet then catches a downed Evil with a 619 followed by a springboard European uppercut, Ricochet then hits a downed Bushi with a shooting star press for a near fall. Robinson interferes to double team Bushi with Ricochet, Bushi voids a kick from Ricochet to catch him with a code breaker. Kojima and Sanada get the tags from their respective partners, Kojima traps Sanada in the corner to nail him with his patented chops. Sanada recovers to kick the middle rope into the balls of Kojima, Sanada ties up Kojima before leveling him with a drop kick. Kojima recovers by taking out Sanada with a dragon screw leg whip, Sanada gets back up to drop Kojima with a springboard drop kick.

Naito tags in as Kojima gets nailed by a triple drop kick from the opposition, Lee hits the ring and he eventually eats a super kick from Takahashi. Everybody from both teams take turns taking each other out, Kojima eventually lays out Naito with a Koji Cutter. Kojima crushes Naito with a Western Lariat, Evil hits the ring and he helps Naito double team Kojima. Naito hits Kojima with Destino to get the three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito, Evil, Sanada, Bushi & Hiromu Takahashi)

After the match, Tetsuya Naito was in the midst of a speech when Hiroshi Tanahashi makes his way to the ring. Tanahashi gives a brief speech to the crowd and has a face off with Naito.

Final bouts are on Page Three…

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada & Gedo) vs. Bullet Club (Kenny Omega & Marty Scurll)

The match begins with Okada powering Omega into the ropes before taunting him a little bit, Scurll distracts Okada and that allows Omega to jump him. Omega kicks Okada in the face and then he unsuccessfully attempts the One Winged Angel, Scurll and Gedo get the tags from their respective partners. Gedo starts working over the arm of Scurll and Scurll eventually does the same to him, Gedo then drops Scurll with a shoulder tackle. Scurll taunts Gedo and Gedo nails him wit a super kick, Scurll recovers to knock Gedo out of the ring before nailing him with a super kick. Omega grabs Gedo and he works him over before tossing him back into the ring, Scurll bends the arm of Gedo before stomping away on it. Omega tags in and he nails Gedo in his hurt arm with an axe handle drop, Scurll tags back in and he nails Gedo with an axe handle drop as well.

Omega tags back in and he works over the injured arm of Gedo, Scurll tags back in and he wrenches away on the arm of Gedo. Scurll continues to just stomp away on a downed Gedo, Gedo catches Scurll with a sunset flip and a roll up for some near falls. Omega tags back in and he double teams Gedo with Scurll, Omega accidentally nails Scurll with a knee strike before eating a DDT from Gedo. Okada gets the tag and he drops Omega with an elbow strike, Okada then catches an interfering Scurll with some running back elbow strikes. Okada follows that up by hitiing Omega with a flap jack and then a diving elbow drop, Omega blocks The Rainmaker by nailing Okada with a few strikes, Omega then hits Okada with a Finlay Roll and a middle rope moonsault for a near fall.

Scurll tags back in and Okada catches him with a modified neck breaker, Gedo tags in and he peppers with jabs. Omega distracts Gedo and that allows Scurll to hit him with a super kick, Scurll catches Gedo in the chicken wing and Okada breaks it all up. Okada then drops Scurll with a drop kick and Gedo rolls him up for a near fall, Omega distracts the referee so Scurll can hit Okada with his umbrella. Scurll and Omega then hit Okada with stereo super kick, Scurll then hits Gedo with a pile driver for a near fall. Scurll follows that up by cracking the fingers of Gedo and then locking him in the chicken wing to force a tap out.

Winners: Bullet Club (Kenny Omega & Marty Scurll)

BOTSJ 24 Finals: Will Ospreay (Block A Winner) vs. Kushida (Block B Winner)

The match begins with Ospreay playing some mind games with Kushida, Kushida gets Ospreay down and he works over his leg. Ospreay goes through some reversals until he catches Kushida in a headlock, Kushida breaks free and the wrestlers go through a series of reversals. Kushida eventually drops Ospreay with a shoulder tackle and then both wrestlers try to drop kick each other, the wrestlers then have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Kushida knocks Ospreay out of the ring before nailing him with a swanton bomb from the top rope, Kushida brings Ospreay back into the ring and he smashes his shoulder on the mat below. Kushida follows that up by smashing both of Ospreay’s knee on the mat below, Kushida then kicks away at the injured leg of Ospreay.

Kushida then connects with a running drop kick to the injured arm of Ospreay, Kushida follows that up by locking Ospreay in a figure four leg lock. Ospreay escapes the hold and he catches a charging Kushida with a handspring enzaguri, Ospreay catches Kushida with a few chops and a running European uppercut. Ospreay traps Kushida in the corner before catching him with a running drop kick for a near fall, Ospreay follows Kushida around the ring while nailing him with strikes. Ospreay hits Kushida with a snap suplex before gaining another near fall on him, Ospreay decides to just lock Kushida in the octopus stretch afterwards. Ospreay and Kushida get into another striking exchange in the corner of the ring, Ospreay misses a charge in the corner and then he goes up to the top rope.

Kushida quickly nails Ospreay with an enzaguri to the back of the head, Kushida goes to the top rope and Ospreay drops to the mat below. Kushida then hits Ospreay with a divorce court DDT from the middle rope, Kushida then kicks away at the arm of Ospreay before catching him with a handspring elbow strike. Ospreay eventually knocks Kushida out of the ring by nailing him with an enzaguri, Ospreay catches Kushida with a suicide dive. Ospreay tosses Kushida back into the ring before nailing him with a springboard forearm strike, Kushida recovers to nail Ospreay with a pele kick. Ospreay gets back up and he nails a charging Kushida with an Essex Destroyer, Ospreay follows that up with a super kick followed by a shooting star press.

Kushida recovers and he nails Ospreay with a dragon suplex for another near fall, Kushida gets angry and he stomps on the injured arm of Ospreay. Kushida makes his way to the top rope and Ospreay knocks him off with a drop kick, Ospreay meets Kushida back on the top rope and Ospreay drapes Kushida on the top rope. Ospreay dives off the ropes and he crushes Kushida with a shooting star press, Ospreay then hits Kushida with a reverse hurricarana on the ring apron. Ospreay catches Kushida in the ring with another Essex Destroyer for a near fall, Ospreay goes for a dive and Kushida catches him with an arm bar. Ospreay gets up and he nails Kushida with a buckle bomb to break the hold, Ospreay nails a leaping Kushida with an ace crusher for a near fall.

Ospreay then hits Kushida with a spinning kick to the back and then misses the Os-Cutter, Kushida makes Ospreay pay by nailing him with a handspring ace crusher. Kushida quickly locks Ospreay in the Hover Board Lock and Ospreay quickly escapes, Ospreay and Kushida exchange a plethora of strikes in the middle of the ring until both go down. Kushida traps the arms of Ospreay while kicking him in the head multiple times, Kushida again locks Ospreay in the Hover Board Lock. Kushida goes for Back To The Future and Ospreay counters with an ace crusher, Ospreay catches Kushida with an inverted 450 slash for a near fall. Ospreay then crushes Kushida with a bicycle kick before nailing him with a series of super kicks as he is trapped in the corner, Ospreay then places Kushida on the top rope and Kushida winds up catching him with a top rope Back To The Future. Kushida hits Ospreay with another Back To The Future to get the three count.

Winner: Kushida

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