NYSAC Changes Weigh-In Procedures After DC Towel Incident

The New York State Athletic Commission (NYSAC) is changing its weigh-in procedures following a incident caused by UFC Light Heavyweight Champion Daniel Cormier at the UFC 210 weigh-ins.

For those who don’t know what went down, the champion in Cormier dropped a little over a pound in under two minutes time while utilizing a towel trick. The towel trick is essentially a way fighters lean on a towel while weighing in so that they can leverage their weight and then make weight for an upcoming fight.

Due to Cormier and the “towel trick,” the NYSAC made the following changes to their weigh-in procedures:

When on the scale, the combatant shall stand still with his or her feet flat upon the scale and shall not make physical contact with any person or object other than the scale. No other person shall touch the scale when a combatant is in the act of weighing in. While on the scale, the combatant shall follow any direction issued by the Commission.

You can view the full statement from the NYSAC by clicking here.

These new changes may be in response to an appeal filed by the now retired Anthony Johnson, who fought and lost to Cormier at UFC 210. The NYSAC has yet to announce any sort of ruling to the appeal, a date for that ruling is unknown at this time.

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