
WWE Elimination Chamber (2/18/2023) Results: Roman Reigns vs. Sami Zayn, 2 Elimination Chamber Bouts

Results for the 2/18/2023 edition of Elimination Chamber from the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on Peacock & WWE Network.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 2/18/2023 edition of Elimination Chamber from the Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on Peacock & WWE Network.

We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show.


WWE Elimination Chamber (2/18/2023). 

Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Match: Roman Reigns (c) vs. Sami Zayn.

WWE United States Championship – Elimination Chamber Match: Austin Theory (c) vs. Seth Rollins vs. Johnny Gargano vs. Bronson Reed vs. Damian Priest vs. Montez Ford.

WWE RAW Women’s Title #1 Contendership – Elimination Chamber Match: Asuka vs. Nikki Cross vs. Liv Morgan vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Natalya vs. Carmella.

– Edge & Beth Phoenix vs. Finn Balor & Rhea Ripley w/ Dominik Mysterio & Damián Priest of Judgement Day).

– Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley.

Refresh the site for the latest updates. 

Live Coverage.

– After a video package promoting the night’s card, Michael Cole & Corey Graves welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match.

WWE RAW Women’s Title #1 Contender’s Elimination Chamber Match.

Asuka vs. Nikki Cross vs. Liv Morgan vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Natalya vs. Carmella.

Morgan & Natalya began the chamber match, with the two locking up before Natalya got a headlock takeover into a shoulder tackle on Morgan. Morgan & Natalya ran the ropes & exchanged pins before the two did a stare-down. Morgan hit a back elbow before Morgan slammed Natalya into the chamber repeatedly. Morgan got Natalya’s head into one of the holes in the cage & leaned her boot on Natalya’s head, but Natalya stood up & slammed Morgan onto Cross’s chamber pod, which brought eternal delight to Cross’s grin. Natalya hit a slingshot face-slam on Morgan onto the chamber steel.

Raquel Rodriguez entered the match & immediately squared up to Natalya in the ring before hitting a short-hand clothesline & a lariat on Natalya. Raquel slammed Morgan into the corner before she hit Natalya & Morgan with a corner splash. Raquel hit a Fall-Away Slam on Morgan before booting Natalya in the face to send her outside. Raquel got Natalya in a Fireman’s Carry & slammed her repeatedly into the cage before catching Morgan in a carry while holding Natalya, but Natalya rolled over & slammed Raquel & Morgan onto the chamber cage. Natalya & Morgan exchanged strikes before Morgan went for a code breaker on Raquel, but Raquel caught her before Natalya hit a neck breaker/ code breaker combo on both.

Nikki Cross entered the match & immediately went would, tossing Raquel & Natalya out of the ring before tossing Morgan out of the ring right onto the chamber floor. Cross hit a Catapult on Morgan onto the chamber pod before slamming Natalya & Raquel into the cage repeatedly. Cross climbed onto the top of a pod and hit a Diving cross-body onto Cross, Morgan & Raquel before waving to a fan on the outside. 

Carmella joined the match & immediately tried to pin Natalya & Morgan, but the two kicked out. Carmella immediately talked trash to Asuka while she was in her pod, but Cross chased her down. Carmella locked herself onto the pod before Raquel slammed Cross onto Carmella’s pod. Carmella saw this & immediately entered another pod while Raquel got Cross in a single-leg hook to eliminate Cross from the match, but was immediately greeted with a code breaker by Morgan. Morgan climbed to the top of Asuka’s pod while Raquel & Natalya brawled in the ring. Raquel stomped down Natalya while on the middle rope, but Morgan dove off the pod & hit an Avalanche Sunset Bomb on Raquel, to which Carmella reacted by getting a pin on Raquel, but Raquel kicked out.

And then, the pain arrived. Asuka entered the match & immediately attacked Carmella on the outside before getting her back in the ring & hitting a sliding basement dropkick & a German SUplex on Carmella. Asuka & Raquel had a staredown before Raquel hit a shoulder tackle on Asuka, but Asuka responded with the Octopus Hold on Raquel. Raquel broke the hold & went for the Snake Eyes, but Asuka slid & hit a Roundhouse kick on Raquel, but Morgan caught her with a Shotgun Dropkick for a near fall. Morgan hi ta Code Breaker & went for the Oblivion, but Carmella caught her with a Thrust Kick before Natalya got Morgan & locked in the Sharpshooter. Asuka saw this & chose violence & locked in The Sacrifice on Morgan while on the Sharpshooter, leading to Morgan passing out on the double hold. & eliminating her from the match. Natalya got Asuka in the Sharpshooter, but Carmella hit a thrust kick to eliminate Natalya from the match. Carmella & Asuka hit a series of kicks on Raquel before the two pinned Raquel & eliminated her from the match. Carmella immediately hit a Thrust Kick on Asuka, but only got a near fall. Carmella & Asuka exchanged pin attempts before Asuka locked in The Sacrifice hold, to which Carmella immediately tapped out to give Asuka the submission win. With this win, Asuka will challenge Raw Women’s Champion Bianca Belair for the title on WrestleMania 39.

Winner: Asuka.

Brock Lesnar vs. Bobby Lashley.

Lesnar slammed Lashley into the corner before hitting a Belly-to-Belly Suplex on Lashley to begin the match. Lesnar clotheslined Lashely out of the ring before bringing him back in the ring. Lesnar got back in the ring, but Lashley immediately greeted him with a spear for a near fall, to which Lashely responded by hitting a second spear before going for The Hurt Lock. Lashley got the hold, but Lesnar reversed it with an F5 for a near fall on Lashley. Lesnar hit another F5 on Lashley, but Lashley kicked out at two. The crowd demanded Lesnar to hit a third F5, to which Lesnar oblige but Lashley slipped & hit a third Spear on Lesnar before locking in The Hurt Lock on Lesnar. Lesnar tried to power through the hold, but Lesnar ended the match by hitting a Low Blow on Lashley to lose the match via Disqualification.

Winner: Bobby Lashley (via Disqualification).

– Brock Lesnar hit an F5 on the referee before hitting another F5 on Lashley. Lesnar put Lashley through the broadcast table before staring daggers at the WrestleMania sign. Lesnar pulled the prone referee from the ring & hit an F5 on the referee on the outside.

– There was a spoof of Becky Lynch & Seth Rollins playing Batman & The Joker as promotional material for WrestleMania 39 in Los Angeles, California. 

Edge & Beth Phoenix vs. Finn Balor & Rhea Ripley (w/ Dominik Mysterio of Judgement Day).

E& Balor began the match locking up before Balor hit a shoulder tackle on Edge. Edge responded with two shoulder tackles before laying in a series of punches on Balor. Phoenix tagged in & hit a corner splash on Balor before assisting Edge by allowing him to hit a corner splash on Blaor. Ripley tagged in & immediately got in a collar & elbow tie-up with Ripley. Phoenix & Ripley exchanged lariat attempts before Ripley hit a gut kick on Phoenix. Dominik talked to Ripley to bring some strategy before Ripley offered to do a Greko-Roman lock-up as the crowd chanted “FUCK YOU DOMINIK”. The two had a test of strength before Ripley hit a gut kick & went for a riptide, but Phoenix evaded before hitting a lariat on Ripley to send her out of the ring. Phoenix chased down Dominik before slamming Ripley onto the stairs. Phoenix slammed Balor onto the mat & went for a Moonsault, but Dominik slammed Phoenix onto the turnbuckle before Edge chased Dominik right out of the building. About two minutes later, Dominik came back to ringside as Ripley continued to attack Phoenix. The two exchanged forearm strikes before Phoenix hit a Pendulum DDT on Ripley. Phoenix tried to tag Edge into the match, but Balor pulled him off the apron & hit the Bloody Sunday on Edge on the outside. Phoenix & Ripley climbed to the top rope before Phoenix hit two chops & connected a Superplex on Ripley onto the mat.

Phoenix kicked Ripley onto Balor before Edge tagged in. Edge hit three lariats, a flapjack & locked in the Edge-ducator while Phoenix hit a spear & locked in the Edge-ducator on Ripley, but Dominik distracted the referee to allow Ripley to break the hold & hit Edge to brass knuckles to allow Balor to get the pin, but Phoenix broke the hold. Balor went for the Coup de Grace, but Phoenix pushed Dominik onto Balor to make him land on his nards. Edge & Balor brawled on the top rope before Ripley got Edge & Phoenix got Balor as the two hit Powerbombs on the men before laying each other out with clotheslines. Ripley got Phoenix on the stairs & went for a Con-Chair-to, but Ripley evaded & slammed Ripley onto the stairs before hitting the Glam-Slam on Ripley on the outside before Edge greeted Dominik with a Tope Suicida to the outside. Edge got back in the ring, but was greeted with a Sling Blade. Balor went for a Shotgun Kick, but Edge caught him with a spear before he & Phoenix hit Balor with the Big Rig (Flapjack into a Codebreaker) for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Edge & Beth Phoenix.

– Paul Heyman cut a promo on Montreal, saying that it was the Island of Relevancy for Roman Reigns tonight. 

WWE United States Championship – Elimination Chamber Match.

Austin Theory (c) vs. Seth Rollins vs. Johnny Gargano vs. Bronson Reed vs. Damian Priest vs. Montez Ford.

Gargano & Rollins began the match by locking up before exchanging wrist locks. The two exchanged pins before the two former NXT Champions had a stare-down. The two locked up again before Gargano rolled through for a kick & got a Sunset flip, but only got a near fall as the two exchanged pinfall combinations before Gargano went for a Slingshot Spear, but Rollins caught him before tossing him out of the ring & hitting the Slingshot spear on Rollins into the ring floor.

The Champion Theory entered the match & immediately attacked Gargano & Rollins. Theory hit a series of corner spears on Rollins before hitting a snap-mare into a stomp on Rollins in the ring. Theory slammed Gargano onto the pod before he got back in the ring & hit an Irish Whip into a side backbreaker on Rollins. Gargano & Rollins took turns in laying in punches on Theory before Rollins hit a wicked slap on Theory. Theory tried to talk up Gargano to team with him, but Gargano responded by hitting a forearm strike on Theory, to which Theory responded by locking himself on the pod, but Rollins opened the pod from the other side before the two locked themselves on the pod with Theory & attacked him. 

Priest hit a lariat on Rollins, a boot on Gargano, a kick on Rollins, a series of Falcon Arrows on Gargano & Rollins before hitting a Falcon Arrow on Gargano. Priest hit a Spike bulldog on Rollins before hitting an Elevated Flatliner on Gargano for a near fall. Priest went for a Chokeslam, but Rollins flipped over before Priest hit a Killswitch on Rollins. Theory taunted on Rollins, but Priest chokeslammed Theory onto the Chamber Floor before hitting a Cannonball on Theory. Rollins dropped Priest with a forearm, but Gargano caught him with an Enziguri kick before Theory hit a rolling dropkick on Gargano, but Priest hit the Tornado Kick on Theory. Priest climbed to the top rope, but Rollins met him & hit a Superplex into a Falcon Arrow on Priest for a near fall. 

Reed came in and laid out everyone before he got Gargano & Rollins & hit a Bloody Sunday/ Uranage combo on Gargano & Rollins. Reed got Gargano & Rollins in a double-Fiireman’s Carry before hitting a double Samoan Drop on Gargano & Rollins for a near fall. The two Super-heavyweights (Reed & Priest) brawled on the outside of the chamber before Reed hit a German Suplex onto the cage. Reed hit a Pod Splash on Priest before hitting a diving Tackle on theory & slamming him into the pod. 

Ford joined the match & immediately hit an enziguri kick on Reed before getting in the ring & hitting a back elbow, a leaping enziguri kick & a Spinebuster on Theory before going for the People’s Elbow, but Reed hit a Splash on Ford. Theory got Reed in a Fireman’s Carry, but Reed slipped out & hit a Powerslam on Theory. Gargano hit a series of kicks on Reed. Reed got Gargano in an Electric Chair, but Rollins clotheslined Gargano to hit Reed with a Poison Rana, to which Ford tried to take advantage by getting a pin, but Reed kicked out. Ford dove onto Priest on the outside, but Priest caught him & hit a lariat on the outside. Priest went for a High Cross Bomb on Ford, but Ford climbed to the top cage of the Chamber, specifically the roof, before hitting a splash on everyone but Reed. Back in the ring, Ford, Rollins & Gargano hit a series of thrust kicks before Gargano hit a Slingshot DDT into Rollins hitting a Curb Stomp on Reed before Ford hit a Frog Splash on Reed to eliminate the Top Dog from the match. 

Priest came to the ring & immediately attacked Rollins, Gargano & Ford before Theory joined in and attacked Rollins. Theory went for a Catapault on Rollins, but Rollins climbed the chamber before Theory climbed too. Gargano & Rollins got on the top before the two brawled on the top of the pod. Rollins got Gargano & went for a Powerbomb, but Gargano reversed it with a Hurricanrana off the top of the Pod onto Ford, Theory & Priest. Gargano & Priest brawled on the outside before Gargano hit a Tornado DDT on Priest on the floor, a Thrust kick on Theory & a thrust kick on Ford. Gargano hit a Slingshot DDT on Theory before going for it on Priest, but Priest caught him with a jab before hitting a Razor’s Edge on Gargano to eliminate him from the match. 

Priest laid in the kicks on Theory, Rollins & Ford before Priest hit a roundhouse kick on Rollins. Ford climbed to the top rope, but Ford caught him with a Jab before going for a top rope choke on Ford, but Rollins got Priest in a Powerbomb before Ford hit a Blockbuster/ Powerbomb combination on Priest to eliminate him from the match. After eliminating Priest, Ford & Rollins had a stare-down before the two exchanged punches. Rollins caught him with a forearm strike, but Ford hit a series of kicks before flipping over Rollins & hitting & enziguri kick on Rollins. Ford hit a series of Topes Con Giro on Theory & Rollins before hitting a Uranage on Theory. Ford went for a Frog Splash, but Theory lifted his knees before Rollins hit the Curb Stomp on Ford into the floor, leading Theory to get the pin & eliminate Ford from the match. 

In the last portion, Rollins hit the Liger Bomb on Theory for a near fall. As Ford was walked to the back by multiple officials due to an injury on the Chamber cage, Rollins went for the Stomp, but Theory evaded. Theory went for A-Town Down, but Rollins evaded & hit the Pedigree. Rollins went for the Curb Stomp, but Logan Paul, of all people, came in & hit the Buckshot Lariat & a Curb Stomp on Rollins. Theory saw this & hit the A-Town Down on Rollins for the pinfall win & title retention. 

Winner: Austin Theory (AND STILL WWE United States Champion).

Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Match.

Roman Reigns (c) (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Sami Zayn.

The main event of the evening began with a rabid Montreal crowd as Zayn & Reigns stared daggers at one another. The former 3-time Intercontinental Champion & current Universal Champion stalled due to Reigns being bamboozled by the crowd reaction to Zayn in his home county as the crowd chanted “Fuck You Roman” & “Roman Sucks” at the current Undisputed Universal Champion, similar to John Cena vs RVD from the 2006 One Night Stand event in ECW Arena. The two finally locked up before Reigns got a headlock on Zayn before he hit a shoulder tackle on Zayn. Zayn got back up & got Reigns in a side headlock, but Reigns pushed him to the ropes before hitting a back elbow strike on Zayn as the crowd erupted in boos to Reigns & more “Fuck you Roman” chants. 

Reigns got another headlock on Zayn, but Zayn broke the hold & tossed Reigns to the outside before hitting a Tope Con Giro on Reigns as the crowd roared in excitement. Back in the ring, Zayn slammed Reigns in the corner before hitting a series of right-hand punches at Reigns. Zayn got to the middle rope & hit a diving elbow strike on Reigns’s head for a one-count near fall. Zayn slammed Reigns to the corner again & went for another diving elbow strike, but Reigns caught him mid-air with an uppercut before tossing him to the outside. Reigns slammed Zayn on the apron before hitting a leaping shotgun dropkick on Zayn’s head. Back in the ring, Zayn hit a chop on Reigns but Reigns was not impressed & hit a forearm strike on Zayn before talking trash to the Montreal Crowd for not chanting enough against him, to which the crowd responded by changing against Reigns. Zayn got back up & hit more chops on Reigns, but Reigns caught him with another uppercut as Heyman had a maniacal laugh before the crowd chanted “YOU’RE SHIT ROMAN”. Reigns talked trash to Zayn’s spouse at the ringside area before the crowd started to boo Reigns again, to which Reigns responded by tossing Zayn to the outside onto his spouse. Reigns continued to attack Zayn at ringside as a random old man told Reigns that Zayn was going to kick his teeth out.

Back in the ring, Zayn finally got back up & hit two forearm strikes, but Reigns responded with a gut kick before tossing Zayn to the ropes, but Zayn leaped over Reigns before catching him with a lariat. Zayn hit another lariat on Reigns before clotheslining him out of the ring. Zayn went outside & laid in a series of strikes on Reigns before stealing a kiss from his wife. Zayn got back in the ring by climbing to the top rope, but Reigns caught him with an uppercut before climbing to the top rope himself. Reigns went for a Suerplex, but Zayn laid in a series of strikes before hitting a Sunset Powerbomb on Reigns for a near fall. Zayn went for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Reigns hit a series of elbow strikes before hitting a Uranage on Zayn for a near fall. 

Reigns set up for the Superman Punch, but Zayn caught him & hit an Exploder Suplex into the corner. Zayn went for the Helluva Kick, but Reigns caught him with the Superman Punch for a near fall. Reigns continued to talk trash to the crowd before going for a Spear, but Zayn did a leapfrog & got a Schoolboy on Reigns for a near fall, to which Zayn followed up with an Exploder Suplex into a Superman Punch into a Helluva Kick on Reigns for a near fall, to the crowd’s shock. Zayn got back up & went for another Helluva kick, but Reigns rolled out of the ring. Zayn went for the DDT through the ropes, but Reigns caught him mid-air with an uppercut. Reigns went for a Spear on Zayn into the barricade, but Zayn did a sidestep & sent Reigns back in the ring before hitting the Blue Thunder Bomb on Reigns for a near fall. Zayn powered back up and went for another Blue Thuner Bomb, but Reigns dropped his weight & slammed Zayn into the corner with the referee. Zayn hit another Helluva kick on Reigns, but the referee was out. 

Jimmy Uso came to the ring & hit a series of thrust kicks on Zayn before hitting him with a Frog Splash as he pulled Reigns into Zayn for a pin as a new referee came in, but Zayn kicked out at two to the delight of the crowd. Reigns & Zayn got back up and exchanged strikes before Reigns hit a headbutt on Zayn, but Reigns responded with a punch before laying a series of punches on Reigns before stomping him to the outside & booting Jimmy off the apron, but Reigns got back in and hit a spear on Zayn, but Zayn kicked out at two. Reigns continued to shout at Zayn. for betraying him before slapping him repeatedly in the face, but Zayn got back up & hit a Shibata Slap, but Reigns hit a Superman Punch on the referee before the two laid each other out with Superman Punches. Paul Heyman gave Reigns a chair to use on Zayn, but Jey Uso came in to stop Reigns. Jey confronted Reigns in the ring. Reigns gave the chair to Jey to use on Sami. While everyone thought he would attack Reings, Jey was waiting until Zayn got up, but Reigns took the chair off Jey & slapped him, but Zayn hit. a spear on Jey before Reigns hit a series of chair shots on Zayn. Reigns hit a second spear on Zayn to end proceedings for the pinfall win & title retention. 

Winner: Roman Reigns (AND STILL Undisputed WWE Universal Champion).

– Jimmy Uso & Roman Reigns continued to attack Zayn after the match, but Kevin Owens made his return to WWE after being laid out by The Bloodline. Owens hit stunners on Jimmy & Reigns before he hit a Pop-Up Powerbomb on Jimmy Uso through the table. Owens tried to attack Reigns with a chair, but Paul Heyman punched down weakly at Owens before Owens hit a Stunner on Heyman. Owens stared daggers at Reigns but noticed Zayn getting back on his feet & allowing him to hit the Helluva Kick on Reigns. Owens walked out of the ring staring at Zayn before looking directly at the WrestleMania sign. Zayn was serenaded by the Montreal crowd to end the broadcast. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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