Details Behind WWE’s Recent Talent Meetings
Triple H held a talent meeting at Smackdown on January 13 that helped calm the nerves of some talent..
Since Vince McMahon forced himself back into the company, there have been numerous talent concerned about their creative futures. Triple H said that he’s been assured that Vince McMahon’s return is to see if the company should sell, and help lead the charge and figure out who they might sell the company to if they do. He made an attempt to squash the story of a sale being a “done deal,” and said even if it happened, it would take a lot longer.
What calmed many talent’s concerns, was Triple H stating that none of what is going on with Vince McMahon will change the creative process he has in place, or the team that helps put it together. Triple H did keep it open and say that anything could change, but right now Vince McMahon defers final creative to Triple H. Triple H also said that while he and Vince McMahon may have discussions, he makes the final call. WWE was adamant in an official sense to us this week that Triple H was still running creative.
Triple H also thanked the talent for all they do and said he understood that there was some concern.
We’ve also discovered that Kevin Dunn spoke at the talent meeting. He said that he’d worked for Vince McMahon for 40 years and since coming back Vince hasn’t said a peep to him about making changes. We had heard that Vince had made suggestions regarding other departments, but that it wasn’t implemented.
Dunn largely reiterated Triple H’s points. It was said by many that this was a “calm down” meeting. A very similar one with Dan Ventrelle helping speak was also conducted before the January 16 WWE Raw.
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