
AEW Rampage (1/6/2023) Results: TNT Championship Match, Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson Team Up & More.

Results for the 1/6/2023 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 1/6/2023 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show:


AEW Rampage (1/6/2023).

– Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson) vs. Top Flight (Darius Martin & Dante Martin).

– “Perro Peligroso” Preston Vance In Action. 

– The Killer & The Pillar (Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter) (w/ Rebel) vs. The Renegade Twins (Robyn & Charlette Renegade).

– We Hear From House of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews, Brody King & Julia Hart).

– AEW TNT Championship Match: Darby Allin (c) vs. Mike Bennett (w/ Matt Taven & Maria Kanellis-Bennett).

Live Coverage. 

– Excalibur, Chris Jericho & Jim Ross welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match. 

Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson) vs. Top Flight (Darius Martin & Dante Martin).

Dante hit a dive on Moxley outside of the ring. Danielson went for a Tope Suicida on the brothers, but The Martins slammed Danielson into the barricade. Darius & Moxley began the match by exchanging strikes before Darius hit a dropkick on Moxley. Dante & Darius hit stereo dropkicks on Moxley before Dante hit a springboard senton on Moxley for a near fall. Moxley tagged in Danielson after Dante did a Sunset flip on Moxley and started firing away with kicks & chops on Dante on the mat & the corner. Danielson hit a running single dropkick on Dante before getting himself & Dante on the top rope Danielson went for a Frankensteiner on Dante, but Dante landed on his feet and hit a dropkick on Danielson. Moxley tagged in and hit a dropkick on Moxley. The two teams did a stare-down before the four men fired away with strikes at one another. Moxley sent Dante to the outside before slamming him into the barricade while Danielson slammed Darius onto a chair on the barricade. While Darius was sitting down on a chair, Moxley & Danielson hit stereo dropkicks on Darius on the outside. Danielson locked in a front ankle lock on Dante before transitioning into the Romero Special, quickly transitioning into the Mercedes Martinez dragon sleeper before hitting a series of forearm strikes on Dante. Moxley tagged in and hit a chest kick on Dante before hitting a chop and hitting a superplex on Dante for a near fall, but Moxley transitioned into a Yuji Gatame before tagging in Danielson. Danielson continued to fire away at Dante with kicks before hitting the Anvil Elbow strikes and going for the LaBelle lock on Dante, but Dante got the bottom rope to break the hold. Moxley tagged in and hit a piledriver on Dante for a near fall, to which he quickly transitioned into a single-leg crab before going for the Fujiwara Arm Bar on Dante. Moxley broke the hold and stomped Dante before Danielson tagged in. Danielson & Moxley hit stereo Yes Kicks before Dante evaded and made Danielson & Moxlye collided. Darius tagged in and attacked Moxley & Danielson before hitting an enziguri kick on Moxley off Danielson’s back. Danielson got up and hit a pimp slap on Darius before hitting a series of kicks on Darius, but Darius powered off and hit a series of chops before hitting a running Spanish Fly on Danielson. Moxley tagged, but Darius greeted him with a Slingshot flatliner on Moxley before Dante tagged in and hit a senton off the top rope for a near fall. Dante leaped over Darius’ back before hitting a full nelson Uranage while Darius hit a Tornado DDT on Danielson. Dante hit a frog splash, but Moxley rolled over and hit the Anvil Elbows and went for a lariat, but Dante reversed it with a victory roll for a near fall. Moxley clubbed Dante with the King Kong lariat from out of nowhere for a near fall. Dante slapped Moxley and tossed him out of the ring. Dante hit a top Suicida on Moxley while Darius hit a knee strike on Danielson, but Danielson responded with the Running Knee on Darius for a near fall. Danielson dumped Dante out of the ring and hit a Buzzsaw kick before he kicked Darius’s freaking head in before locking in the Regal Stretch. Darius passed out, giving BCC the submission stoppage win. 

Winners: Blackpool Combat Club (Jon Moxley & Bryan Danielson).

– “Hangman” Adam Page was backstage and revealed that he was cleared to compete in the Los Angeles, California edition of AEW Dynamite on 1/11/2023. Page promised that he would beat up Moxley so badly that he & BCC would get turned on by the beatdown. 

The Killer & The Pillar (Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter) (w/ Rebel) vs. The Renegade (Robyn Renegade & Charlette Renegade).

Hayter & Baker attacked the Renegades to begin the match before Hayter hit a running back elbow on Robyn. Robyn hit a shotgun dropkick on Hayter onto the corner before hitting a leaping dropkick on Hayter for a near fall. The Renegades hit double chops on Hayter, but Hyater fought them off before Charlette hit a lariat on Hayter. Robyn tagged in and the two twin sisters attempted a double suplex on Hayter, but Hayter suplexed the two before stomping away at Robyn before tagging in Baker. Baker hit a series of punches at Robyn, but Robyn responded with a series of punches of her own before Baker hit a sling blade on Robyn for a near fall. Baker laid in the punches on Robyn before hitting a butterfly suplex on Robyn for a near fall. Hayter tagged back in and hit a lariat on Robyn for a near fall. Hayter hit a snap suplex on Robyn for a near fall. Hayter & Baker cornered Robyn before booting her out of the ring and hitting a forearm strike on Charlette. Robyn got back in the ring at the count of nine, but Hayter tagged in and kicked Robyn out of the ring. Back in the ring, Hayter laid in the elbow strikes on Robyn in the corner onto the jaw before flicking off Charlette. Robyn hit a boot kick and an enziguri kick on Hayter, but Baker & Charlette tagged in. Charlette hit a lariat on Baker, a flapjack on Hayter, and a Spinebuster on Baker before hitting Baker with a Fisherman’s Suplex on Baker for a near fall. Baker hit a gut kick and a double under-hook slam on Charlette, but Robyn broke the pin. Hayter hit a vicious Uranage backbreaker on Robyn before Hayter & Baker hit stereo forearm strikes. Hayter hit a sliding lariat before Baker hit a curb stomp on Charlette for the pinfall win. 

Winners: The Killer & The Pillar (Dr. Britt Baker DMD & Jamie Hayter) (w/ Rebel).

– House of Black (Malaki Black, Buddy Matthews, Brodie King & Julia Hart) cut a promo backstage. Black revealed that he knew a man that carried a gun in his pocket because he did not trust the world. Black indicated that the man in questing was Eddie Kingston, saying this was not the man he once knew. The House of Black told Eddie Kingston that they were there to help him.

“Perro Peligroso” Preston Vance (w/ Jose The Assistant) vs. Sonico.

Sonico laid in a series of chops on Vance to begin the match, but Vance spiked him with a spinebuster before locking in a Full Nelson into a Discus Lariat on Sonico for the pinfall win. Vance tore Sonico’s mask after the match and dragged him across the ramp. 

Winner: “Perro Peligroso” Preston Vance (w/ Jose the Assistant). 

– There was a video vignette of Mike Bennett confronting TNT Champion Darby Allin after he won the title from Samoa Joe after the 1/4/2023 edition of AEW Dynamite. Bennett challenged Allin for the title, and Allin accepted. 

– Mark Henry interviewed AEW TNT Champion Darby Allin & Mike Bennett (w/ Matt Taven & Maria Kanellis-Bennett) ahead of their match in the main event of Rampage. Bennett said everyone thought Allin was Mr. Daredevil, but Allin was just a cosplayer. Bennett told Allin that he would sho the real Mike Bennett, but Allin stated that all that mattered was the TNT Championship.

AEW TNT Championship Match.

Darby Allin (c) vs. Mike Bennett (w/ Matt Taven & Maria Kanellis-Bennett).

As the two stared at each other, Bennett began the match by pushing Allin before Allin locked in a headlock on Bennett. Thw two exchanged wrist locks before Bennett got Allin to the corner, but Allin responded by locking in a headlock on Bennett. Bennett broke the hold and placed Allin on the top rope, but Allin fired away with punches on Bennett before Bennett hit a thrust kick on Allin to send him to the outside. Bennett slammed Allin into the barricade before hitting a Helluva kick on Allin to the barricade. Allin hit a forearm strike and tried to bring Bennett back to the ring, but Bennett bounced off the apron and hit a forearm strike Bennett tried to come back to the ring, but Allin hit a dropkick to send him to the outside before hitting Taven with a Tope Suicida. Allin got to the apron, but Bennett caught him and hit a Russian Leg Sweep off the apron onto the ringside area. Back in the ring, Bennett got a near fall before hitting a hammerlock slam on Allin, targeting the right shoulder of Allin. Bennett slammed Allin onto the top rope before going for a suplex, but Allin hit a Reverse DDT on Bennett in response. Bennett got Allin’s leg and hit a Dragon Screw on Allin as the crowd chanted “You still suck” at Bennett. Bennett went for another Dragon Screw, but Allin hit a series of strikes on Bennett before Bennett hit a chop on Allin. The two exchanged strikes before Bennett hit a forearm strike and a Death Valley Driver on Allin for a near fall. Bennett hit a sunset flip into a Kimura Lock on Allin, but Allin rolled over and got a rope break to break the hod. Allin pulled Bennett off the apron onto the outside and slammed him into the barricade. Taven confronted Allin, but Allin threatened him with a chair. Allin placed Bennett in a chair and climbed to the top rope before hitting a shotgun dropkick off the top rope on Bennett. Back in the ring, Allin went for the Coffin Drop, but Maria got over Bennett to block Allin, but Allin still claimed to the top rope. Maria distracted the referee, allowing Taven to drop Allin with an enziguri before Bennett hit a piledriver on Allin for a near fall. Bennett placed Allin on the top rope and went for an Avalnche Piledriver, but Allin slammed Bennett’s face onto the top turnbuckle before hitting an avalanche Code Red into the Coffin Drop on Bennett for the pinfall win & title retention. 

Winner & Still TNT Champion: Darby Allin. 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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