
AEW Battle Of The Belts V (1/6/2023) Results: Orange Cassidy vs Kip Sabian, No Holds Barred Match.

Results for the 1/6/2022 edition of AEW Battle of The Belts V on TNT.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 1/6/2022 edition of AEW Battle of The Belts V on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show:


AEW Battle of The Belts V (1/6/2023).

AEW Tag Team Championship Match – No Holds Barred: The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) (c) (w/ “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn) vs. Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal (w/ Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh).

AEW TBS Championship Match: Jade Cargill (c) (w/ Leila Grey & Red Velvet) vs. Sky Blue.

AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match: Orange Cassidy (c) (w/ Danhausen) vs. Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford).

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Live Coverage.

– Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, Jim Ross & Chris Jericho welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match. 

AEW Tag Team Championship Match – No Holds Barred.

The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) (c) (w/ “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn) vs. Jeff Jarrett & Jay Lethal (w/ Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh).

Jarrett & Lethal attacked Caster & Bowens from behind to begin the match. Lethal locked Figure Four on Bowens on the ramp, but Bowens broke the hold by rolling himself & Lethal across the ramp. Back in the ring, Bowens & Jarrett exchanged strikes before Bowes hit a boot and a Blockbuster on Jarrett for a near fall. Lethal tagged in, but Bowens caught him with a thrust kick to the abdomen. Bowens fired away with strikes on Lethal before he & Caster hit a double suplex on Lethal for a near fall. Caster slid under the ring and decked Singh in the face before hitting a dropkick on Lethal back in the ring. Bowens tagged in and hit a forearm strike on Lethal & a lariat on Jarrett before Caster & Bowens went for Scissor Me Timbers. Still, Jarrett pushed Bowens out of the ring before Lethal hit a Tope Suicida on Bowens to the outside. Jarrett & Lethal strutted on the call to the anger of the crowd. Jarrett stomped Bowens before hitting a senton on Bowens onto the topes. Jarrett hit a gut kick on Bowens before Lethal hit a neck breaker on Bowens for a near fall. Lethal got a headlock on Bowens, but Bowens hit body shots to break the hold. Lethal & Bowens continued to exchange strikes before hitting a lariat on Lethal. Jarrett & Caster tagged in, but Caster hit lariats on Jarrett & Lethal before hitting a thrust kicks & an Angle Slam on Jarrett. Caster locked in the ankle lock on Jarrett, but Lethal broke the hold by hitting an elbow drop on the referee. Gunn clotheslined himself & Lethal out of the ring, but Singh attacked Catser by slamming him into the stairs. Caster hit a forearm strike and the Famouser on Jarrett, but there was no referee. Mike posey came to the ring for the pin, but Jarrett kicked out at two. Lethal tagged in, but Gunn slammed Lethal onto the barricade. Gunn got in the ring, but Jarrett hit a low blow on Gunn. Bowes got in the ring with a boombox as Gunn took the guitar off Jarrett. Gunn hit Singh with the Guitar, but Jarrett hit the stroke on Gunn. Caster hti a DVD on Jarrett, but Singh hit a double chokeslam on Caster & Bowens and spike the referee with a chokeslam of his own. Sonjay Dutt put on the referee t-shirt as Lethal hit the Lethal Injection. Sonjay went for the pin, but Aubrey Edwards pulled Dutt out of the ring. Edwards & Dutt exchanged words in the ring before she broke Dutt’s pencil and pushed him out of the ring. With this, Bowens hit the Arrival before Caster hit the Mic Drop elbow on lethal for the pinfall win & title retention. 

Winners & Still AEW Tag Team Champions: The Acclaimed (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens) (c) (w/ “Daddy Ass” Billy Gunn).

“Powerhouse” Will Hobbs cut a promo backstage talking about the Book of Hobbs and the contents of said book. Hobbs stated that everything that happened to him as detailed in the book would happen to “you”.

– Eddie Kingston & Ortiz were backstage talking about the House of Black’s promo on Eddie Kingston. Ortiz asked Kingston if he can trust him, to which Kingston answered that he would see when they face House of Black on next week’s AEW Rampage. 

AEW TBS Championship Match.

Jade Cargill (c) (w/ Leila Grey) vs. Sky Blue.

Blue hit a series of forearm strikes to begin the match before attempting a crossbody, but Cargill caught her before Blue hit a Crucifix bomb for a near fall. Blue got a sunset flip on Cargill for a near fall before Cargill rolled out of the ring. Blue got Cargill on the corner, but Cargill placed Blue on the apron with a Bandera before hitting a forearm strike to send her to the outside. Cargill hit a Uranage on Blue onto the ramp. Red Velvet came to the ramp to stare daggers at Cargill as Blue got back in the ring at the count of nine. Cargill slammed Blue’s face onto the three turnbuckles on the corner before slamming her with an Irish Whip and hitting a corner elbow strike on Blue. Leila Grey attacked Blue while the referee was distracted before Cargill hit a suplex on Blue for a near fall. Cargill hit a body slam on Blue and started saying it was too easy for her. Cargill slammed Blue onto the turnbuckle before laying her boot on Blue’s face in the corner. Cargill hit a veal on Blue across the ring before doing five push-ups in the middle of the ring. Cargill got Blue up, but Blue hit a double-Tijeras, a rising knee, a basement enziguri kick, and ran the ropes before Cargill hit a vicious Pump kick on Blue to send her to the outside. Red Velvet got Blue back in the ring before blasting Grey with a forearm strike. Cargill attempted the Jaded, but Blue reversed it with a Victory Roll for a near fall before hitting the Code Blue on Cargill for another near fall. Blue hit a PK kick on grey on the outside and went for a Hurricanrana on Cargill, but Cargill caught her in the powerbomb position and turned it into the Jaded for the pinfall win & title retention. 

Winner & Still AEW TBS Champion: Jade Cargill (c) (w/ Leila Grey).

– Stokely Hathaway, Big Bill & Lee Moriarty were interviewed backstage by Lexy Nair. Hathaway explained to Hook & “Jungle Boy” Jack Perry, saying that their match would only be in The Forum because that is where stars go to die. Hathaway told Perry & Hook that they would see them in LA. 

– There was a vignette of the teams of Tay Melo & Anna Jay AS and the team of Willow Nightingale & Ruby Soho setting up a street fight between them for the 1/13/2023 edition of AEW Rampage. 

AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match.

Orange Cassidy (c) (w/ Danhausen) vs. Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford).

After an Orange Punch attempt from Cassidy, Sabian got a headlock before slamming Cassidy onto the mat. Cassidy hit a shoulder tackle on Sabian before hitting a wheelbarrow arm drag on Sabian, followed by firing away with punches on Sabian before Sabian walked out of the ring and sat on a chair to take a breather. Sabian got back in the ring and slid back out The Bunny, of all people, joined the ringside area. Sabian hit a gut-kick on Cassidy on the outside before the two got back in the ring. Sabian slammed Cassidy with an Irish Whip before sending him to the outside and hitting a springboard Moonsault on Cassidy to the outside. Bunny & Ford hugged Sabian before Danhausen cursed Sabian, allowing Cassidy to hit a Tope Suicida on Sabian. Back in the ring, Cassidy hit a Diving crossbody and a Tornado DDT to send Sabian to the outside. Cassidy went to another Tope Suicida on Sabian, but Sabian caught him and hit a neck breaker on Cassidy on the ringside floor. Sabian tossed Cassidy out of the ring while he spoke with the referee, allowing The Bunny to stomp Cassidy on the outside. Sabian got Cassidy back in the ring and locked in a double nerve hold on Cassidy before punching his neck and stomping his face. Sabian got Cassidy and hit a Fisherman’s Suplex on Cassidy for a near fall. Sabian hit a back elbow on Cassidy for a near fall before quickly transitioning into a Grounder Octopus into a Crucifix pin for a near fall.  Sabian slammed Cassidy with two consecutive Irish Whips before hitting a third, making Cassidy fall on the mat. Sabian hit a corner Senton on Cassidy and aimed for another one, but Cassidy evaded and made Sabian fall onto the bottom turnbuckle. Cassidy got himself & Sabian to the top rope, but Sabian hammered Cassidy’s spine before going for a Powerbomb, but instead, he hit a headbutt to attempt a neck breaker, but Cassidy countered it and hit a superplex on Sabian off the top rope. The bunny pulled Cassidy’s leg, but Danhausen snitched to the referee, making the referee kick The Bunny out of the arena. In her place, The Butcher & The Blade attacked Danhausen to join the ringside area and pull chairs and sit on the ringside. Cassidy & Sabian exchanged forearm strikes before Sabian did the signature taunt chops on Cassidy but Cassidy responded with a forearm strike. Sabian hit the taunt strikes again, but Cassidy fired away with more forearm strikes, but Sbian responded with a headbutt, a pop-up knee strike & two rising knee strikes for a near fall. Sabian hit a PK Kick and Suplex Driver on Cassidy for a near fall. Sabian tossed Cassidy onto Butcher & Blade, but Chuck Taylor & Trent Berretta came to make the save. Cassidy got back in the ring, but Sabian hit the corkscrew neck breaker on Cassidy for a near fall. Sabian hit an Orange Punch on Cassidy, but Cassidy fired up and hit a Tornado DDT, the Shibata PK Kick, and the Beach Break on Sabian for a near fall. Cassidy stomped away at Sabian in the corner before pushing the referee. Sabian got an O’Connor Roll on Cassidy for a near fall, but Cassidy got off and hit an Orange Punch on Sabian. For the killing blow, Cassidy hit a second & final Orange Punch for the pinfall win & title retention. Cassidy remained seated as Sabian & Ford stared daggers at Cassidy in the ring to end the broadcast. 

Winner & Still AEW All-Atlantic Champion: Orange Cassidy (w/ Danhausen). 

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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