
AEW Rampage: New Year’s Smash (12/30/2022) Results: Swerve vs. Yuta, Best Friends Explode & More.

Results for the 12/30/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 12/30/2022 edition of AEW Rampage on TNT.  We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what is set for the show:


AEW Rampage: New Year’s Smash (12/30/2022). 

AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match: Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Trent Beretta (w/ Chuck Taylor).

AEW TBS Championship Match: Jade Cargill (c) (w/ Leila Grey & Red Velvet) vs. Kiera Hogan.

– Shane “Swerve” Strickland (w/ Parker Boudreaux & Granden Goetzman of Mogul Affiliates) vs. Wheeler Yuta.

– Jon Moxley Speaks.

– AEW Women’s Champion Jamie Hayter Speaks. 

– Sting & Darby Allin Sit Down with Tony Schiavone.

– Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh Speak.

Live Coverage. 

Excalibur, Paul Wight, Kip Sabian & Tony Schiavone welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match. 

AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match.

Orange Cassidy (c) (w/ Danhausen) vs. Trent Beretta (w/ Chuck Taylor).

Trent & Cassidy shook hands for an extensive amount of time to begin the match. Trent & Cassidy exchanged arm drags before Cassidy evaded the third attempt from Barretta. The two exchanged holds and evaded each other’s offense before the two exchanged shoulder tackles, but both stood their ground. Trent ran the ropes and blocked Cassidy’s arm drag before he tossed Cassidy out of the ring. The two got back in the ring as Cassidy sent Trent to the outside with a push. Trent got back in the ring and tossed Cassidy with a Bandera Toss. Danhausen went for some kicks on Cassidy before Trent went for a Tope Suicida on Cassidy, but Cassidy did a sidestep to allow Trent to land in a hug from Taylor on the outside. Cassidy hit a springboard crossbody on Trent on the outside before the two got back in the ring & Cassidy hit a diving crossbody on Trent. Trent hit a shoulder tackle on Cassidy to send him to the outside. Trent hit a siding dropkick through the ropes on Cassidy to send him right to the barricade. Cassidy & Trent exchanged forearm strikes before Trent slammed Cassidy into the barricade. Trent went for a spear to the barricade, but Cassidy evaded and hit a shotgun dropkick on Trent onto the barricade. Back in the ring, Cassidy climbed to the top rope, but Trent hit a jab on Cassidy and hit a Stalling Superplex on Cassidy onto the mat. The two got up as Trent hit a vicious chop on Trent, but Cassidy hit a series of taunt chops before Cassidy hit a vicious chop of his own. The two exchanged forearm strikes before Cassidy hit a thrust kick on Trent, but Trent responded with a lariat and a half-and-half suplex on Cassidy, but Cassidy got back up and hit a Michinoku Driver on Trent for a near fall. The two exchanged pins before Trent hit a back elbow on Cassidy into the corner. Cassidy ran the ropes & hit a Tornado DDT before hitting a Diving DDT on Trent for a near fall. Cassidy went for the Orange Punch, but Trent intercepted it before Cassidy reversed the catch with a crucifix for a near fall on Trent. Cassidy went for the Tijeras on Trent, but Trent caught him and hit a twisting Tombstone on Cassidy for a near fall. Cassidy hit an upkick on Trent, but Trent got Cassidy’s leg and hit the Close Your Eyes & Count to F**k Piledriver for a near fall. Of all people, Penelope Ford came to the ring and confronted Trent before Cassidy hit the Beach Break on Trent for a near fall. In response to this, Cassidy hit the Orange Punch on Trent for the pinfall win & title retention. Trent walked out of the ring as Kip Sabian walked down the ramp for his match. 

Winner & Still AEW All-Atlantic Champion: Orange Cassidy (w/ Danhausen).

– Darby Allin & Sting were interviewed backstage by Tony Schiavone ahead of Allin’s match against TNT Champion Samoa Joe on the 1/4/2022 edition. Allin did not know if his hometown or if Sting believed in Allin to regain the title, but Sting told Allin that if he responded he would lose the chip on his shoulder which is a bad idea because Samoa Joe is a killer. Sting told Allin that it does not matter what everyone else thinks, only what Allin thinks. Sting demanded Allin shut his mouth & get his title match. 

Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford) vs Unnamed Talent 

Sabian taunted Cassidy before hitting a corner enziguri kick, a cannonball to the corner, and a double-stomp off the top rope on the talent. Sabian put Orange Cassidy’s elbow drop and mocked Cassidy before hitting an Orange Punch on the enhancement talent for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford).

– Preston Vance was interviewed backstage with Lexy Nair, revealing that he would now be nicknamed “Perro Peligroso (Dangerous Dog)”. Vance said that he did not know who he would face, but he did not care as he would do anything to be in the spotlight. 

– Tony Schiavone interviewed Jon Moxley in the ring. Moxley stated that he slept like a baby after he gave “Hangman” Adam Page a concussion with a King Kong Lariat to prove that there was only one true ace in the company because the Blackpool Combat Club puts in the work to get to sleep like babies because they do not care about the health of their opponents. Moxley told Page to speak to his doctors because he would be waiting for him, challenging him to a match for the 1/11/2022 edition of AEW Dynamite in Los Angeles, California. 

– Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh cut a promo backstage, with Lethal saying that he was sick of The Acclaimed’s diss tracks. Jarrett said that he had more shower time than Max Caster had ring time and assured Caster would regret that rap because they would be ending The Acclaimed’s reign on the 1/4/2022 edition of AEW Dynamite. 

AEW TBS Championship Match.

Jade Cargill (c) (w/ Leila Grey & Red Velvet) vs. Kiera Hogan.

The two locked up to begin the match before Hogan leaned Cargill into the corner. Cargill hit a hip toss and a gut kick on Hogan before attempting a stalling suplex, but Hogan reversed it with a small package for a near fall. After missing the pump kick, Cargill hit a forearm strike and a Chokeslam on Hogan to send her to the outside. Cargill slammed Hogan onto the barricade as she argued with Red Velvet on the ringside. Hogan threw some body shots at Cargill, but Cargill responded by slamming Hogan onto the barricade with an Irish Whip before hitting a snap suplex on Hogan on the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Cargill kicked Hogan in the ribs before laying her boot on Hogan’s face in the corner before the commercial break. Back from the break, Hogan went for a diving cross-body, but Cargill caught her. Hogan rolled under and pushed Cargill, but Cargill was bamboozled by this and hit a pump kick on Hogan, but Cargill got a near fall on Hogan. As Grey had Hogan, Red velvet blocked Cargill’s attempt at a slap. Hogan hit a boot on Cargill to regain some offense, but Cargill caught Hogan with a thrust kick. Cargill went for Jaded, but Hogan hit a Bulldog, a rope-assisted hip attack, three thrust kicks, a sliding single-leg dropkick, and a diving cross body on Cargill for a near fall. Hogan went for a Saito Suplex on Cargill, but Cargill reversed it and hit the Jaded on Hogan for the pinfall win. Red Velvet & Cargill stared daggers at each other from across the ramp after the match. 

Winner & Still AEW TBS Champions: Jade Cargill (c) (w/ Leila Grey & Red Velvet).

– AEW Women’s Champion Jamie Hayter cut a promo backstage bragging about how she & Shida beat the piss out of each other in their title match. Hayter said that she did not care who Saraya chose as her partner, but emphasized that Hayter hits hard. 

– Lexy Nair interviewed Mark Sterling & the varsity Athletes (Tony Nese & Josh Woods). Sterling called out Bryan Danielson before revealing that Nese would face Danielson on the 1/4/2022 edition of AEW Dynamite. 

– Mark Henry interviewed Shane “Swerve” Strickland (with Parker Boudreaux & Granden Goetzman of Mogul Affiliates) & Wheeler Yuta (w/ ROH Champion Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley) ahead of their match in the Main Event of AEW Rampage. Moxley said that Yuta only cared about destroying and putting over Swerve before saying Killshot was his favorite wrestler in years. Swerve said that he wanted to prove he is violent, but Yuta responded that he did not need two tattoo rejects. 

Shane “Swerve” Strickland (w/ Parker Boudreaux & Granden Goetzman of Mogul Affiliates) vs. Wheeler Yuta.

The two began the match locking up before Yuta locked in a front-ANkle Lock on Swerve, but Swerve pulled Yuta’s hair to break the hold before the two did a staredown. The two locked up again before Yuta got a wrist lock on Swerve, but Swerve escaped the hold before attempting a SIngle Leg Crab, but Yuta hit an upkick before hitting a bodyslam and a senton on Swerve for a near fall. Yuta got a waist lock on Swerve, but Swerve transitioned and went for a suplex, but Yuta evaded and got a modified Single Leg Crab on Swerve before transitioning to a Bow & Arrow hold before Swerve reversed the hold with a Lateral Press for a near fall. Swerve went for a slingshot dropkick on Yuta, but Yuta hit a shotgun dropkick of his own on Swerve to the outside. Yuta hit a Tope Suicida on Swerve on the outside and sent him back in the ring before exchanging words with Goetzman & Boudreaux at the ringside area,w which allowed Swerve to attack Yuta and hit a dropkick on Yuta’s knee off the apron. Back in the ring, Swerve targetted Yuta’s injured left knee, but Yuta got out of the hold. Swerve a corkscrew ankle driver on Yuta’s left leg. Yuta got up and hit a chop on Swerve, but Swerve hit three consecutive backbreakers on Yuta for a near fall. Swerve locked in a modified version of the Brock Lock on Yuta, specifically targetting Yuta’s ankle. before transitioning into a front-Ankle Lock on Yuta, but Yuta twisted Swerve before hitting two back drops. Yuta went for a third, but Swerve reversed it with a small package before Yuta rolled over and got a pin for a near fall. Yuta got to the top rope and hit a Top Rope elbow strike, did a kip-up afterward & hit a German Suplex on Swerve for a near fall. Swerve kicked Yuta’s knee-cap and hit the Latigo before hitting a Stalling Brainbuster on Yuta for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes before Swerve went for a driver, but Yuta reversed it with a Victory Roll before Swerve rolled over and got a pin for a near fall on Yuta. Swerve attacked Yuta, but Yuta pulled himself back in the ring and hit the Backpack Slam on Swerve for a near fall. Yuta’sknee gave out, which allowed Swerve to hit a series of body shots before hitting a shotgun dropkick on Yuta’s injured knee. Swerve got on the top rope, but Yuta hit an enziguri kick. Yuta climbed to the top rope and raked Swerve’s back before hitting a Superplex on Swerve. Yuta hit the Anvil elbow strikes before going for the Seatbelt Pin for a near fall, but Swerve hit the back kick on Yuta for a near fall. Swerve & Yuta got the referee turning to the corner by accident, which allowed Swerve to hit the low blow while the referee was distracted before hitting the JML Driver for the pinfall win. Swerve & Mogul Affiliates stood tall over Yuta to end the broadcast. 

Winner: Shane “Swerve” Strickland (w/ Parker Boudreaux & Granden Goetzman of Mogul Affiliates).

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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