
Dax Harwood: Bret Hart Is One Of The Greatest Human Beings I’ve Ever Met

Dax Harwood talks about his love and appreciation for Bret “Hitman” Hart.

In recent years, FTR’s Dax Harwood has not been shy about his love of Bret Hart’s work between the ropes. However, after being given the opportunity to work alongside Hart, Dax Harwood has also grown an appreciation and respect for the human being behind the “Excellence of Execution”

Speaking to Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp, Dax Harwood praised the man who once called himself “The Best There Is, The Best There Was, and The Best There Ever Will Be” as legitimately one of the best human beings he’s ever met.

“I’ll say this. Bret, he’s passionate and he has a reason to feel the way he feels. He is Bret Hart and he has given so much to this business. He has earned every bit of it and he’s allowed to have whatever opinion he has,” said Dax. “There are people that don’t like my work and don’t like working with me and that’s okay because that’s their opinion. I’ve said it before, if someone like Booker T. went on his podcast and said, ‘I’m not a fan of Dax Harwood,’ that’s okay, because that’s not me personally. If he said, ‘Dax Harwood is a shitty person and a shitty father,’ then we got a problem. But you have the right to your opinion and how you feel about my character and my work. If you think my work is not good, that’s okay. I don’t mind that. But Bret, I talked to him yesterday, overall he is a very positive person. He is one of the greatest human beings I’ve ever met before. I get a lot of flack online when I talk about him, but at one time it was the fan in me, but now it’s the human being in me, how much I love him and respect him, how much he’s done for me, dude.”

In tribute to Hart, Harwood has adopted the Sharpshooter as one of his signature maneuvers as he has wrestled more matches in a singles capacity. during the Owen Hart Foundation Memorial Cup Tournament, Dax wrestled his own tag team partner, Cash Wheeler in a match that had several callbacks to signature Bret Hart spots.

At one point in 2022, it was teased that Bret Hart might have come to AEW in some capacity but ultimately, Hart ended up signing a new deal with WWE. Read more about that here.

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