
IMPACT Wrestling On POP! 5/11 Results Moose VS Marshe Rockett For The IMPACT Grand Championship

This is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of IMPACT Wrestling on POP! Tonight Moose defends his IMPACT Grand Championship against Marshe Rockett, Alberto El Patron takes on Magnus and much more so be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of the action!

Andrew Everett vs Matt Sydal vs Caleb Connelly vs Desmond Xavier

They take turns doing huricanrranas and roll ups before Sydal takes out the other three with kicks, then Xavier catches him on the top rope before Caleb drops Matt onto Xavier before hitting a basement dropkick to both of them. Caleb hits a twist moonsault for a quick two count that Andrew breaks up, then Xavier and Sydal exchange kicks before they hit each other with a roundhouse kick. Everett hits a missile dropkick that sends both of them out of the ring, then does a flipping senton out of the ring and takes out everyone at ringside. Xavier gets in and hits a cart wheel phoenix splash out of the ring before Sydal hits Everett with a meteora for a near fall. Everyone hits a move for a quick two count, ending with Xavier hitting a frog splash for a near fall, then Sydal hits a huricanrrana, but Xavier lands on his feet before Andrew hits a Frankendriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Andrew Everett via pinfall

-EC3 comes out dressed like a cowboy and tells James Storm that the company isn't big enough for the both of them before he starts singing only for Storm to come out and attack him from behind.EC3 hits Storm with a literal boot, then handcuffs him to the ropes before he takes his belt off and whips him with it.

Hakim Zane & Idris Abraham vs Garza Jr. & Laredo Kid

Kid and Zane start it off with Zane showing off his kicking ability before Kid shows off his athleticism and speed. Garza tags in and they hit a missile dropkick electric drop combination, then a wheel barrow into a lateral press for a quick two count. Zane hits Garza with a jumping knee, then Idris drops him with a shoulder block before tagging Zane back in. Zane takes out Kid on the apron, then they hit Garza with a jumping forearm before Garza powerbombs Idris onto Zane. Kid gets tagged back in and hits a 450 splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Garza Jr. & Laredo Kid via pinfall

Ava Storie vs Laurel Van Ness

Ava rolls her up immediately for a near fall, then Laurel spears Ava before mounting and beating on her before screaming and playing to the crowd. Laurel mocks Ava and insults her before hitting a bull dog as Kongo Kong looks on at ringside. They exchange forearms until Ava knocks Laurel over, then Laurel drops her with a boot before she hits a curb stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Laurel Van Ness via pinfall

-Next we get a video package where LAX perform some kind of funeral for Decay involving a low rider. They come out to the ring dressed in death paint and holding candles and urns as gun shots and piano plays. Konnan then cuts a promo in English and Spanish about their defeating Decay. They then attack a fan who has an American flag in the crowd before V.O.W. come out to the ring. V.O.W. then clear the ring as we go to commercial.

Moose vs Marshe Rockett IMPACT Grand Championship Match

Round 1

Moose is in control early until Marshe catches him coming in, then Moose dropkicks him off of the top rope and to the floor. Marshe gets back in at the count of eight, then Moose drops him with a stiff chop, then a headbutt as the round ends.

Round 2

Moose hits a pop-up powerbomb before he hits the Game Changer for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose via pinfall

-Tyrus comes out to the ring after the match, only for Eli to attack him from behind and Chris Adonis comes out and puts him in a full nelson. Drake hits Moose with a chair repeatedly, then 

 Angelina Love vs Alisha Edwards

They brawl before the match starts and they brawl around the ring before Alisha takes control when they're in the ring, hitting a future shock DDT before Davey gets on the apron and distracts the referee. Angelina then hits Alisha with a chain from behind for the disqualification.

Winner: Alisha via disqualification

Magnus vs Alberto El Patron GFW World Championship Match

They start off with strikes until Alberto puts Magnus in an armbar in the ropes before the referee makes him break it, then hits him with a series of right hands in the corner before finishing up with a snapmare and a dropkick to the back of the neck of Magnus for a quick two count. Magnus hits a brainbuster and a back suplex for a series of quick one counts before putting Alberto in a headlock that he is quick to get out of. Alberto counters with a back suplex that sends Magnus out of the ring, then he attacks him from behind before Alberto drops Magnus with a right hand off of the top rope for a quick two count. Magnus counters a headlock by Alberto with a jawbreaker, then Alberto catches him on the top rope before they both fall out of the ring as we go to commercial.

They exchange strikes once we come back from commercial until Magnus rakes Alberto's eyes. Alberto recovers with a series of clotheslines and an enzuigiri for a quick two count before Magnus dodges a superkick with a Michinoku driver and an elbow drop for a near fall. They brawl around ringside when Alberto gets out to recover, only for Magnus to hit a back suplex on the ramp. Alberto gets back in at the count of nine and Magnus is all over him before Alberto catches him coming in with an elbow, following up with a backstabber and locks in a cross armbar. Magnus gets to the ropes right before tapping and rolls to the outside before Alberto follows him and smashes his arm into the railing repeatedly.

Magnus catches Alberto coming off of the top rope, then locks in a Texas cloverleaf, but Alberto gets to the ropes right before tapping at the last second. Alberto comes back with a superkick for a near fall, then Magnus drops Alberto with a chop block from behind before stomping on his elbow. Alberto grabs the tarp on the apron, then rolls out of the ring before Magnus sets him on the top rope, but Alberto fights him off and misses a double foot stomp. Magnus clotheslines Alberto before hitting a boot, then hits a powerbomb before Alberto counters into an armbar for the tap and the win.

Winner: Alberto El Patron via submission

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