
WWE SmackDown (12/2/2022) Results: Santos Escobar vs Ricochet in World Cup Final, Survivor Series Fallout.

Results for the 12/2/2022 edition of SmackDown on FS1.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage of the 12/2/2022 edition of Friday Night SmackDown on FS1. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Here’s what’s set for the show:


WWE SmackDown (12/2/2022).

– SmackDown World Cup Final: Santos Escobar (Mexico) (w/ Zelina Vega, Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro) vs. Ricochet (United States). 

– Sami Zayn (w/ Solo Sikoa, Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) vs. Sheamus (w/ Butch & Ridge Holland).

– Survivor Series: War Games Fallout.

Refresh the site for the latest updates as the show happens. 

Live Coverage.

Michael Cole & Wade Barrett welcomed the audience to the broadcast on FOX before transitioning to the opening segment.

– The Bloodline (Solo Sikoa, Sami Zayn & Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions Jimmy & Jey Uso) were in the ring to cut a promo. Zayn put over The Usos for getting the pin on Kevin Owens in their War games Match, but Jimmy interrupted him to put him over for standing with the Bloodline. Jey Uso admitted that he doubted Zayn for a long time, but then said that they won the Men’s War Games Match because of Zayn. Jimmy asked Zayn how he was feeling, to which Zayn responded by saying he felt pretty Ucey. The Usos & Zayn did their handshake as Sikoa stood by the side, but were interrupted by The Brawling Brutes (Sheamus, Ridge Holland & Butch). Sheamus said it was enough talking and headed for his match against Zayn.

Sami Zayn (w/ Solo Sikoa, Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) vs. Sheamus (w/ Butch & Ridge Holland).

Zayn leaned in the corner before Sheamus hit a shoulder tackle on Zayn to begin the match. Sheamus launched Zayn to the corner with an Irish Whip before hitting an uppercut. Sheamus went for a hip toss, but Zayn went for one of his own before Sheamus hit a lariat on Zayn. Sheamus tossed Zayn out of the ring before slamming him into the barricade before the commercial break. Back from the break, Sheamus got back in the ring before Zayn caught him and hit a DDT on Sheamus for a near fall. Zayn hit Sheamus with the cross face strikes before choking Sheamus with his knees onto the middle rope. Sheamus hit the body shots at Zayn, but Zayn leaped to hit an enziguri kick at Sheamus. Zayn got a sleeper hold on Sheamus, but Sheamus carried him and slammed him into the corner. Zayn got to the middle rope and hit a Tornado DDT on Sheamus for a near fall. Zayn got Sheamus in the apron and went for 10 beats of the battering, but Sheamus caught Zayn’s arm and hit a series of back elbows, forearm strikes, a corner lariat, and a tilt-to-world power slam on Zayn. Zayn got on the apron, but Sheamus caught him before Zayn hit a stunner on Sheamus onto the top rope. Zayn went for a Diving cross body on Sheamus, but Sheamus caught him and hit the Irish Curse backbreaker before transitioning to the cloverleaf leg lock, but Zayn got a rope break to break the hold. Zayn lowered the rope to send Zayn to the outside before hitting a Tope Con Giro on Sheamus to the outside before the commercial break. Back from the break, Sheamus went for an Avalanche White Noise, but Zayn reversed it with a Sunset flip off the top rope on Sheamus for a near fall.  Zayn set things up to hit the Helluva Kick, but Sheamus caught him with the White Noise for a near fall. Sheamus got back up and set things up to hit the Brogue Kick, but Zayn rolled out of the ring, to which Sheamus responded by hitting 20 beats of the Battering on Zayn’s chest. From out of nowhere, Jimmy hit a Thrust kick on Sheamus, allowing Zayn to hit the Blue Thunder Bomb on Sheamus for a near fall before a brawl between The Brawling Brutes & The Bloodline broke out at ringside. Sikoa slammed Butch into the barricade with a Uranage & hit a Thrust Kick on Holland. Zayn went for the Helluva Kick on Sheamus, but Sheamus caught him with a knee strike and went for the White Noise on Zayn, but Jey caught Sheamus with a Superkick as the referee was distracted to allow Zayn to get a Sunset Flip on Sheamus for the pinfall win. 

Winner:  Sami Zayn (w/ Solo Sikoa, Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso).

– There was backstage segment of Legado Del Fantasma ahead of Santos Escobar’s match against Ricochet in the SmackDown World Cup Finals for later in the night. 

– Kofi Kingston was interviewed backstage, to which he took advantage to announce that he will be entering the 2023 Men’s Royal Rumble match. IMPERIUM (Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci) interrupted Kingston and Kingston challenged any member of IMPERIUM to face him. Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER came to the scene and accepted Kingston’s challenge, setting up a match for later in the night. 

– Bray Wyatt cut a promo backstage addressing the accusations made against him by LA Knight and reflected on how Technology has influenced society. Wyatt said that he did not attack him because if he did, there would be nothing left of Knight.

– Madcap Moss gave Emma a pep talk backstage ahead of her match against Shayna Baszler. Moss told Emma she belonged there and told her that she had this. 

Shayna Baszler (w/ Ronda Rousey) vs. Emma

Baszler worked viciously on Emma’s arm at the beginning of the match, but Emma fired back up and hit a Sit-down neck breaker on Baszler for only a near fall. Emma locked Baszler in a Tarantula on the ropes. After breaking the hold, Emma went for a dive off the top rope, but Baszler caught her with a knee strike before slamming Emma onto her injured shoulder. Baszler quickly locked in the Quirafuda Clutch on Emma for the decisive submission win. 

Winner: Shayna Baszler (w/ Ronda Rousey).

– Baszler attacked Shotzi & Emma after the match before Raquel Rodriguez came to the ring and confronted Baszler. Baszler stepped out of the ring. 

– There was a video vignette of Lacey Evans, te

GUNTHER (w/ Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci) vs. Kofi Kingston.

Kingston landed a dropkick on GUNTHER to begin the match, but GUNTHER responded with a backbreaker on Kingston. Kingston laid in the kicks on GUNTHER, but GUNTHER responded with a vicious chop on Kingston. GUNTHER continued to attack Kingston, but Kingston dropped and kicked GUNTHER out of the ring. Kaiser & Vinci distracted Kingston to allow GUNTHER to attack Kingston and set him up for a powerbomb in the ring, but Braun Strowman interrupted and chased down Vinci & Kaiser out of the ringside area.  Kingston launched the strikes and hit a basement dropkick on GUNTHER’s leg before hitting a dropkick. Kingston evaded GUNTHER and hit a Diving Lariat and a Boom Drop on GUNTHER. Kingston evaded GUNTHER’s s German Suplex and hit a Splash to GUNTHER’s back for a near fall. Kingston climbed to the top rope, but GUNTHER caught him mid-air and hit a vicious chop on Kingston before hitting a German Suplex on Kingston for a near fall. GUNTHER locked in the Boston Crab on Kingston before quickly transitioning into a Crossface on Kingston, but Kingston kicked GUNTHER’s hamstrings to break the hold. Kingston went for an SOS, but GUNTHER got him in a Gut Wrench, but Kingston escaped. Kingston hit a Thrust kick on GUNTHER, but GUNTHER responded with a vicious Shotgun Dropkick and a Powerbomb on Kingston for a near fall. Kingston and GUNTHER exchanged chops before GUNTHER got Kingston on his shoulders and hit The Last Symphony for the pinfall win. 

Winner: GUNTHER (w/ Ludwig Kaiser & Giovanni Vinci).

– The Usos were backstage after Solo Sikoa & Sami Zayn went to get some food. The Usos talked about Zayn lying to Jey’s face but were attacked from out of nowhere by Sheamus with a shillelagh. Sheamus said that he and McIntyre would call their shot on The Usos.

– Damage CTRL (Bayley & WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Dakota Kai and Iyo Sky) cut a promo in the ring to the dismay of Michale Cole on the broadcast table. Bayley bragged about their performance on the Women’s War Games match and ran down Becky Lynch & the SmackDown roster for not stepping up to Damage CTRL for War Games, which disappointed her. Liv Morgan interrupted Bayley and stated that 1 vs 3 seemed fair. Morgan attacked Kai & Sky at ringside before hitting a double-leg takedown on Bayley. Kai & Sky came back to the ring and attacked Morgan before, from out of nowhere, a returning Tegan Nox made her return to WWE (AS FIRST REPORTED ON FIGHTFUL SELECT) Morgan hit Sky & Kia with the kendo stick before Nox hit a Shinning Wizard on Bayley. 

– Karrion Kross & Scarlett were backstage in a vignette playing with cards. Kross said that it was time to take someone else in the eye of the storm. Scarlett revealed a card of Rey Mysterio, teasing a new feud for the former NXT Champion. 

– There was a promo for Uncle Howdie. Howdie said that he knew what Bray Wyatt thinks & feels, calling it all fiction. Howdie told the crowd to trust him before saying “Rebel in What you are”.

SmackDown World Cup Tournament Final.

Santos Escobar (Mexico) (w/ Zelina Vega, Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro) vs. Ricochet (United States).

The two locked up before Ricochet got a wrist lock on Escobar, but Escobar got a wrist lock of his won before Ricochet flipped over to break the hold. Del Toro distracted Ricochet before Escobar attacked Ricochet from behind and tossed him out of the ring. Ricochet got on the apron and hit a springboard shotgun dropkick on Escobar before hitting a Tope Suicida on Ricochet on the outside. Back in the ring, Ricochet hit a dropkick on Escobar and went for a springboard move, but Del Toro pushed Ricochet into the mat. The referee saw this and decided to kick every member of LDF to the back before the commercial break. Back from the break, Ricochet hit a series of forearm strikes on Escobar before leaping over him twice and hitting the Tijeras and a Scissor Kick on Escobar in the corner. Ricochet hit a corner spear and went for a springboard move, but Escobar pushed Ricochet out of the ring and hit a vicious Tope Suicida on Ricochet. Escobar got Ricochet back in the ring and got Ricochet in a lateral press for a near fall. Escobar got Ricochet in a Liontamer before hitting him at the back and locking in the Romero Special on Ricochet, but Ricochet turned it into a double pin for a near fall. Escobar went for. Death Valley Driver, but Ricochet held on to the ropes. Ricochet tried to suplex Escobar out of the ring, but Escobar landed on the apron. Ricochet hit a thrust kick on Escobar before hitting a Shooting Star Press off the apron on Escobar while he was standing to the outside before the commercial break. Back from the break, The two were on the top rope before Ricochet hit a Superplex on Escobar for a near fall. Escobar and Ricochet exchanged strikes in the ring before the two collided with stereo headbutts on one another. Escobar rolled out of the ring to recuperate, but Ricochet rolled out of the ring too. Ricochet leaped off the stairs onto the barricade, but Escobar leaped to the barricade and hit a vicious Hurricanrana on Ricochet onto the ringside floor. Back in the ring, Escobar quickly got Ricochet in a lateral press for a near fall, to which Escobar responded by getting a single-leg hook on Escobar for a near fall. Escobar hit an Elbow Drop on Ricochet’s back for a near fall. Escobar placed Ricochet in the corner and placed him on the top rope, but Ricochet pushed Escobar to the mat. Escobar got back on the top rope before Escobar went for a Frankensteiner on Ricochet, but Ricochet landed on his feet. Ricochet hit a knee strike, a Northern Lights Suplex, a Vertical Suplex, and a Lionsault on Escobar for a near fall. Ricochet hit a dropkick on Escobar into the corner before climbing to the top rope and going for a Shooting Star Press, but Escobar lifted his knees and got a Single Leg Hook on Ricochet for a near fall. Escobar went for the Phantom Driver, but Ricochet reversed it with a victory roll for a near fall. Ricochet got back up, but Escobar caught him with a Poison Rana for a near fall. Escobar laid in the strikes on Ricochet and placed him on the top rope, but Ricochet hit an Avalanche Poison Rana, a Thrust kick, and a Spinning Heel Kick. With nowhere to go, Ricochet hit the 630 Splash on Escobar for the pinfall win, becoming the winner of the first-ever SmackDown World Cup. Ricochet lifted the World Cup trophy and stood tall before being confronted by the Intercontinental Champion GUNTHER on the ramp. The two stared daggers at each other to end the broadcast. 

Winner: Ricochet.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube & Twitch channels. You can check Fightful’s Results Section here.

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