
AEW Full Gear 2022 Zero Hour: Jun Akiyama vs. Eddie Kingston Result

Eddie Kingston reaches a milestone on his own personal King’s Road.

On the Zero Hour of AEW Full Gear, Eddie Kingston defeated Jun Akiyama in a very physical matchup and afterward, thanked the audience and the founding fathers of the King’s Road style of wrestling. 

Here’s how it all went down courtesy of our live coverage:

Eddie Kingston vs. Jun Akiyama.

The two locked up to begin the match before Kingston hit a chop on Jun, but Jun hit a knee before Kingston hit a shoulder tackle which shook Akiyama. Kingston and Akiyama got back up and the two exchanged holds before Kingston got Akiyama in a waist lock, which Akiyama reversed the hold with a wrist lock. Kingston reversed Akiyama’s hold with a Full Nelson, but Akiyama broke the hold by getting a rope break. Kingston hit a vicious chop on Akiyama. Akiyama and Kingston exchanged vicious blows before Kingston launched Akiyama with a hammer throw. Akiyama climbed to the middle rope, but Kingston punched Akiyama to the outside of the ring. Kingston and Akiyama got on the apron before Kingston went for a half-and-half suplex, but Akiyama hit a DDT on the apron on Kingston before hitting a leaping knee drop on Kingston’s neck on the apron. Back in the ring, Akiyama hit a Curb Stomp on Kingston before hitting a falling knee drop on the side of Kingston’s head. Akiyama hit a piledriver on Kingston for a near fall, which impressed Akiyama. Akiyama hit a running knee strike on Kingston before climbing to the top rope, but Kingston caught him with a palm strike before climbing to the middle rope. Kingston bit Akiyama in the ear before hitting Superplex on Akiyama. Kingston got Akiyama in the corner and hit the Machine Gun Chops on Akiyama. Akiyama shook it off and hit a series of forearm strikes. Kingston & Akiyama hit Exploder suplexes on each other before Akiyama hit a running knee strike on Kingston. Akiyama and Kingston got back up and Akiyama went for another Exploder Suplex, but Kingston spiked Akiyama with a DDT. Kingston hit the Backfist on Akiyama for a near fall, to which Kingston responded by going for another back fist but Akiyama responded with an Exploder Suplex before lowering his knee pad and hitting a running knee strike on Kingston for a near fall. Akiyama went for a Fisheran’s Suplex, but Kingston reversed it with a Northern Lights Bomb for a near fall. Kingston got Akiyama back up and hit a second and final Back fist on Akiyama for the decisive pinfall win. 

Winner: Eddie Kingston.

– After Kingston and Akiyama embraced, Ortiz came to the ring to hug Kingston after his win. Kingston said he hoped he made all his influences of King’s Road Wrestling before demanding the fans to watch the damn PPV. Kingston ran down the card before Ortiz told him he had to go, shouting “PEACE” before transitioning to the main show. 

Fans can find the full coverage of AEW Full Gear at this link and make sure to check out the review podcast after the show goes off the air on our YouTube channel.

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