
WWE NXT Results (10/25/2022): NXT Tag Title & Women’s Tag Title Matches, Shotzi Competes & More.

Results for the 10/25/2022 edition of NXT on USA Network.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 10/25/2022 edition of NXT on the USA Network. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE


NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Edris Enofe & Malik Blade vs. Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) (c).

– NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Katana Chance & Kayden Carter (c) vs. Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark.

– Shotzi vs. Lash Legend.

– Joe Gacy & The Dyad reveal a new member of The Schism

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WWE NXT (10/25/2022) Live Coverage.

– After a video package highlighting the proceedings of NXT Halloween Havoc (results for the show here), Vic Joseph & Booker T welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning to the opening match. 

NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Match.

Katana Chance & Kayden Carter (c) vs. Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark.

Carter & Lyons locked up before Carter smacked Lyons’ bunda. Carter got a wrist lock on Lyons, but Lyons broke the hold by doing a split. Stark tagged in and hit a clothesline on Carter for a near fall before locking a headlock. Stark got Carter in a snap-mare, but Carter hit an up-kick on Stark. Chance & Carter hit a double dropkick/ senton on Stark for a near fall. Chance went for the Tijeras on Stark, but Stark landed on her feet. Chance hit a shotgun dropkick before she and Carter hit the silly string on Stark. Lyons tagged in and hit a lariat on Chance for a near fall. Lyons got Chance in a hold but Chance evaded and tagged in Carter. Carter hit a series of kicks on Lyons, but Lyons got Carter in a front ankle lock. Carter hit a leapfrog over Lyons before Chance got Lyons in a Victory Roll for a near fall. Stark & Lyons were tossed to the outside before Chance & Carter went for a double cross-body, but. Lyons & Stark caught them and hit stereo body slams on the outside floor. Back in the ring, Stark hit a body slam on Carter for a near fall. Stark got a headlock on Carter before firing away with chops at Carter. Lyons hit a lariat on Carter for a near fall before locking in a chin lock on Carter. Lyons broke the hold and made Carter run the ropes, but Carter got her in an upside-down Octopus Hold. Lyons powered through Carter’s submission hold before Carter broke the hold. Chance tagged in and went for a cross-body on Lyons, but Lyons hit a uranage on Chance for a near fall. Carter slammed Lyons’ face to the mat before she hit a forearm strike on Lyons & Stark and a running thrust kick on Lyons. Carter hit a Victory Roll Thrust kick on Lyons before she and Chance hit a Wheelbarrow moonsault on Lyons for a near fall. Stark tagged in and slammed Chance into the top turnbuckle before hitting a half-and-half suplex on Chance for a near fall. Carter tagged in, but the referee did not see the tag. Stark clotheslined Carter out of the apron before getting Chance in a roll-up for the pinfall win. Another referee came to the ring to correct the decision, restarting the match. The two teams brawled in the ring before Chance launched Lyons into the corner. Chance & Carter placed Stark on the top rope. Chance hit a splash on Lyons to the outside as Chance hit a leaping Spanish Fly on Stark from the top rope for a near fall. Stark hit a German Suplex on Carter before Lyons tagged and hit a Spinning Heel Kick & a Split Leg Drop on Carter for a near fall. Chance hit a Hurricanrana to send Stark out of the ring before Carter hit vicious superkicks on Lyons. Chance & Carter hit a neck-breaker/ 450 Splash combo for the pinfall win, retaining the titles on the second try.

Winners & Still NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions: Katana Chance & Kayden Carter.

– Ilja Dragunov cut a promo after losing his match against NXT Champion Bron Breakker thanks to JD McDonagh’s interference. Dragunov called McDonagh a cancer to NXT & emphasized that he will focus to eliminate JD McDonagh once and for all. McDonagh & Dragunov will have a match later in the night. 

– After the break, there was another video vignette of a mask being burned, teasing the return to NXT of Dominik Dijakovic (currently known as T-Barr on Monday Night Raw).

– NXT North American Champion Wes Lee came to the ring to cut a promo to a standing ovation from the Capitol Wrestling Center crowd. Lee said that he did not think he would be in WWE, let alone a champion or as a singles wrestler, but thanked the audience for being with him despite losing it all and making him feel loved. Grayson Waller interrupted Lee and said that Lee did not deserve any of this, but Lee responded that Waller should not be talking because he lost. Of all people, Raw’s R-Truth came to the ring to interrupt the two before erroneously welcoming the crowd to Halloween Havoc. He then erroneously confused Waller’s Australian accent with a British Accent before doing a British accent of his own. Lee confirmed to R-Truth that Halloween Havoc already happened and that he won the title, which R-Truth was excited about, but then learned that Waller lost a casket match against Apollo Crews. Waller challenged R-Truth to a much for next week. R-Truth & Lee double-teamed Waller before tossing him over the top rope. 

– Edris Enofe & Malik Blade talked strategy backstage. Enofe quoted the lyrics of Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” to hype up Blade.

– Apollo Crews was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell before making a statement of intent on targeting Bron Breakker’s NXT Championship.

Shotzi vs. Lash Legend

Quincy Elliott welcomed to the ring for her match against Lash Legend. Shotzi and Legend locked up before Legend hit abdomen knee strikes on Shotzi and a face slam. Legend tossed Shotzi on the apron, but Shotzi got back in the ring and hit a shotgun dropkick on Legend’s leg. Legend went for a body slam, but SHotzi rolled out of it and locked in the Widow’s Peak on the ropes. Shotzi tried to get back in the ring, but Legend launched her to the ringside floor with a pump kick. Elliott backed it up on Legend before Shotzi attacked Legend from behind. Back in the ring, Legend hit a body slam on Shotzi. Legend wrapped Shotzi’s leg on the bottom rope before stomping the leg down for a near fall. Legend locked in the Brock Lock on Shotzi, but Shotzi got a rope break before slamming Legend’s head on the ropes. Legend slammed Shotzi into the corner and placed her on the top rope, but Shotzi hit a forearm strike on Legend. Shotzi hit a Hammerlock DDT on Legend for the pinfall win.

Winner: Shotzi.

– Julius Creed & Brutus Creed came to the ring to cut a promo. Julius said that his match against Damon Kemp had consequences, but then said that Brutus Creed will now have an opportunity to lay out Kemp. Brutus called out Kemp for a 5-minute match. Kemp cut a promo on the titantron to reveal that he was not cleared, but Brutus emphasized that Kemp’s upcoming ass-whooping would get worst. Sanga & Veer Mahan came on Julius & Brutus Creed before laying them out in the ring, teasing an upcoming feud for the future. Ivy Nile came to the aid of The Creeds before shouting at Veer & Sanga.

– NXT Tag Team Champions Pretty Deadly were backstage ahead of their match against Edis Enofe & Malik Blade. Pretty Deadly complained that there were too many athletic guys in the roster before saying that Blade & Enofe could not lace their boots.

– Gigi Dolin, Jacy Jayne & NXT Women’s Champion were in a video call to brag about their actions on Alba Fyre. Rose revealed that they will celebrate the one-year celebration of Rose as NXT Women’s Champion next week.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match.

Edris Enofe & Malik Blade vs. Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) (c).

Blade hit a dropkick on Wilson before hitting a blockbuster on Wilson. Enofe hit an elbow drop on Wilson for a near fall. Blade & Enofe hit a boot/ lariat combo on Wilson sending him out of the ring. Prince tagged in and hit a lariat on Blade. Prince hit a running back elbow on Blade. Prince & Wilson hit an assisted Victory Roll on Blade for a near fall. Enofe hit a double axe handle on Wilson. Enofe hit a sunset roll-up on Wilson for a near fall. Prince tagged in, but Enofe got a wrist lock on Prince before Blade hit an axe-handle on Prince. Prince hit a side slam on Blade for a near fall. Enofe hit a twisting senton on Prince & Wilson before he and Blade hit a double dropkick and sending them to the outside before the picture-in-picture break. While on the break, Wilson got Enofe in the corner and hit a wicked chop on his chest, which Enofe shook off before hitting a chop of his own on Wilson. Prince tagged in and hit a neck breaker on Enofe. Prince hit a suplex on Enofe before locking in a chin lock on Enofe. Enofe broke the hold by laying in the strikes on Prince, but Prince viciously slammed Enofe to the mat with a body slam. ENofe rolled out of the ring and hit a suplex on Wilson on the outside. Enofe tried to tag in Blade, but Prince hit a lariat on Enofe before hitting a forearm strike on Blade. Prince stomped away on Enofe’s head, but Enofe responded with a chin breaker on Prince. Enofe went for a sunset flip on Wilson before rolling out and tagging in Blade. Blade hit a double forearm strike, a lariat, a dropkick, and a Tope Con Giro on Pretty Deadly to the outside over the ring post. Blade hit a cross body on Prince for a near fall. Prince got an O’Connor Roll on Blade before he and Wilson hit an assisted Gut Buster on Blade for a near fall. Blade & Wilson exchanged slaps before Blade laid in the punches on Wilson. Enofe & Blade hit a flatliner/ cutter combo on Wilson for a near fall. Enofe hit a knee strike on Wilson as Blade hit a diving shoulder tackle on Prince. Wilson slammed Blade on the ring post, but Blade got Prince in a Victory Roll for a near fall. Wilson laid out Enofe before Prince hit an uppercut on Blade. Pretty Deadly hit Spilled Milk on Blade for the pinfall win and title retention.

Winners & Still NXT Tag Team Champions: Pretty Deadly (Kit Wilson & Elton Prince).

– JD McDonagh was in a video vignette detailing that he adores inflicting physical and psychological pain on Dragunov and that he could not wait for his match later in the night. 

– Zoey Stark was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell, with Stark emphasizing that Chance & Carter were the luckiest wrestlers around for how the match ended. 

– Joe Gacy & The Dyad came to the ring to cut a promo & reveal the newest member of The Schism. Noticeably, Gacy was not in his usual suit and instead was wearing a flannel and a yellow mask, very similar to his character in CZW. Gacy said to take off the mask and join the Schism or be torn. The newest member of The Schism was revealed to be none other than Ava Raine, the daughter of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Raine said that The Schism completes her. 

– Sol Ruca was interviewed backstage by McKenzie Mitchell but was interrupted by Indi Hartwell ahead of their match after the commercial break.

– There was a mysterious voicemail venting about darkness. The voicemail came from SCRYPTS, saying he could tear all of NXT apart.

Indi Hartwell vs. Sol Ruca.

Hartwell hit two body slams on Ruca. Ruca did a kip-up before hitting two body slams on Hartwell for a near fall. Hartwell ran the ropes before stopping her steps and hitting three short-hand lariats on Ruca for a near fall. Hartwell ended proceedings immediately with a Hidden Blade on Ruca for the pinfall win.

Winner: Indi Hartwell.

– Elektra Lopez attacked Ruca & Hartwell after the match, hitting a pump-handle Bomb and a punt on Ruca.

– There was a backstage segment showing the students of Chase University and the newest student, Duke Hudson. Bohdi Hayward was nowhere to be seen. Chase started cursing on Hail, but Hudson simmered things down. Hudson gifted his pencil to Thea Hail, but Hudson then took the pen of another student.

– There was a timer that went down to reveal the announcement of NXT Deadline, coming soon on Peacock.

– Roxanne Perez cut a promo backstage recalling her Weapons Wild Match against Cora Jade from Halloween Havoc, saying that she did not the person she became during the match. 

– Blade & Enofe walked out of the arena before being confronted by a returning Odyssey Jones. Jones invited Enofe & Blade to party with other NXT Female Recruits to ease the loss against Pretty Deadly, which they accepted. 

Ilja Dragunov vs. JD McDonagh.

Dragunov launched JD off the top rope before hitting three German Suplexes on JD for a near fall. Dragunov hit a wicked chop on JD’s chest before slamming JD’s big head onto the other ring post. JD responded with three chops on Dragunov, but Dragunov hit a running knee and a pump kick on McDonagh. Dragunov hit a forearm strike to the side of JD’s head before locking in a waist lock on McDonagh. McDonagh punched Dragunov’s injured ribs before hitting a knee strike on Dragunov’s abdomen. Dragunov hit a vicious body slam on McDonagh before rocking him with a chop. Dragunov and attempted to suplex JD off the apron, but JD broke the suplex position and hit a running shoulder tackle on Dragunov, with Dragunov landing on the broadcast table on his ribs. The referee asked for medical personnel to check in on Dragunov and they checked on him before the commercial break. Back from the break, McDonagh hit a release suplex on Dragunov before hitting a back breaker on Dragunov for a near fall. McDonagh got Dragunov in a waist lock for an extensive amount of time. Dragunov broke the hold and started firing away the strikes on JD before hitting a series of back fists and a leaping enziguri kick on JD McDonagh. Dragunov hittinga leaping knee strike and a middle rope knee drop on McDonaghbefore climbing to the top rope. Dragunov went for a senton, but McDonagh lifted his knees and stomped Dragunov’s abdomen. McDonagh climbed to the top rope, but Dragunov hit a chop on McDonagh before climbing to the top rope and hitting Superplex followed by a Falling Forearm on McDonagh. Dragunov set up for the Torpedo, but McDonagh laughed at him. Dragunov went for the Torpedo, but McDonagh caught him with body scissors headlock on Dragunov. With blood on Dragunov’s nose and mouth, the referee awarded McDonagh the win via submission stoppage. Finally putting away his most detested foe of over two years, McDonagh stood tall to end the broadcast.

Winner: JD McDonagh.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel.

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