
WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Results (10/22/2022): Breakker vs. Dragunov vs. McDonagh, Ladder Match & More

Results for The 2022 edition of NXT Halloween Havoc on Peacock.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for The 2022 edition of NXT Halloween Havoc on Peacock. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE


– NXT Championship Match: Bron Breakker (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov vs. JD McDonagh.

– NXT North American Championship – Ladder Match: Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Wes Lee vs. Oro Mensah vs. Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone) vs. Nathan Frazier.

– Spin The Wheel Make The Deal – Casket Match: Apollo Crews vs. Grayson Waller.

– NXT Women’s Championship: Mandy Rose (c) vs. Alba Fyre.

– Weapons Wild Match: Cora Jade vs. Roxanne Perez.

– Ambulance Match (If Julius Creed Loses, Brutus Creed Must Leave NXT): Julius Creed vs. Damon Kemp.

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NXT Halloween Havoc (10/22/2022) Live Coverage

– Chucky ran down the match card to begin the broadcast. After that, Shotzi & Quincy Elliott welcomed the audience to the broadcast before Vic Joseph & Booker T in the broadcast table transitioned to the opening match.

NXT North American Championship – Ladder Match.

Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Wes Lee vs. Oro Mensah vs. Von Wagner (w/ Mr. Stone) vs. Nathan Frazier.

The match began with Lee hitting a superkick on Hayes. Wagner attacked Mensah & Frazier in the ring, but Mensah and Frazier double-teamed at Wagner and hit a double superkick on Wagener. Frazier hit a running forearm strike on Mensah before hitting Wagner with a cross-body to the outside. Hayes, Mensah & Frazier tried to grab a ladder. Mensah & Frazier hit Hayes with the ladder before attacking Lee with the ladder and tossing it to Lee’s head. Mensah hit a sliding kick onto a ladder, pushing right on Wagner’s face. Hayes hit a boot on Mensah from out of nowhere, but Frazier greeted him with a punch before tossing him with a flatliner onto a leaning ladder on the corner. Frazier set up the ladder and started to climb, but Frzier pulled him off the ladder and hit an Exploder Suplex on Frazier. Mensah hit a scorpion kick on Lee, but Hayes attacked Mensah from behind. Mensah tossed Hayes onto a leaning ladder with a back drop, but Lee greeted him with a dropkick onto the ladder. Lee attacked Wagner with the ladder before placing the ladder on Wagner’s abdomen and kicking it. Wagner hit a vicious big boot on Lee after tossing the ladder. Wagner hit Frazier in the abdomen with the ladder. Frazier went for a Hurricanrana on Wagner, but Wagner powerbombed Frazier onto the ladder. Wagner punched Hayes, but Hayes hit La Mistica on Wagner. Hayes climbed the ladder, but Frazier took down Hayes with a shotgun dropkick, but Lee greeted Frazier with a nasty ladder-assisted double-stomp. Mensah hit a Lionsault on Lee while Lee was on the ladder, but Hayes caught Mensah with a superkick. Hayes hit a springboard leg drop on Mensah onto a ladder underneath before attacking Frazier with the ladder. Hayes went to the middle rope, but Frazier caught him and hit a Springboard reverse Spanish Fly onto a ladder. Wagner added insult to injury and hit a vicious chokeslam on Frazier. Lee hit two enziguri kicks & a running scorpion kick on Wagner before Hayes clotheslined himself and Lee out of the ring. Mensah climbed the ladder, but Williams pushed the ladder from underneath and launched Mensah onto the pile. For some reason, Stone & Williams for some reason climbed the ladder. Stone hit Williams with a damn shoe to take him off the ladder, but Williams by launching Mr. Stone onto the top rope right between his two stones. Mensah got back in the ring and climbed the ladder, but Wagner tossed Mensah onto the apron before hitting Mensah & Hayes with the ladder and launching the ladder onto Hayes & Frazier. Wagner got the biggest ladder possible from under the ring before laying out Hayes & Mensah. Lee caught Wagner with an Enziguri before Wagner hit a Frog Splash on Wagner onto a ladder, breaking the ladder in half. Lee hit a Frog Splash on Frazier, but Mensah caught him with a dropkick. Hayes hit a lariat off the barricade on Mensah but Lee caught him with a cannonball. Lee pulled a ladder from under the ring as Wagner set the ladder in the middle. Lee climbed the ladder, but Wagner pulled him from ladder and yeeted him onto the broadcast table on the outside. Wagner climbed the ladder, but Frazier climbed it and took Wagner off the ladder. Wagner got Frazier and went for a powerbomb, but Frazier launched himself and Wagner out of the ring before Mensah hit a leg lariat on Wagner. Frazier and Mensah sent Wagner over the barricade before viciously attacking him with a small ladder. Mensah & Frazier quickly climbed to the ladder before Mensah pushed Frazier off the ladder. Hayes hit Mensah with a ladder and launched Mensah’s face onto a ladder before climbing the ladder and trying to get the belt, but Lee hit Hayes on the back to take him off the ladder. Hayes & Lee exchanged strikes before Lee chopped down Hayes onto the horizontal-based ladder. Hayes & Lee exchanged punches on a ladder before Lee hit a Meteora on Hayes across the ladder. Lee climbed the ladder to successfully retrieve the title, becoming the new NXT North American Champion.

Winner & New NXT North American Champion: Wes Lee.

– There were two video vignettes to show Alba Fyre inviting NXT Women’s Champion Mandy Rose into a Haunted house. Toxic Attraction. Rose, Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne pulled up to the haunted house despite Jayne’s hesitation. There was a damn zombie welcoming Jayne to the house. Toxic Attraction got into the house and Rose suggested them to split up, which Jayne was irate about before being scared by a stone nun. Jayne was terrified by everything around her, including skeletons and a video playing before she was grabbed by the face by Alba Fyre. Dolin hung out with all the monters and Chucky before Fyre attacked Dolin. Dolin slammed Fyre into the fridge before a cannibal-looking person appeared from out of nowhere. Fyre locked Dolin in the fridge with the cannibal, which may lead to some legal repercussions. Rose hit a druid in the marbles before playing the piano. Music started playing from out of nowhere before Fyre confronted Rose face to face. Rose hit a V-Trigger on a monster, but Fyre continued to attack Rose with a bat. A pInhead-looking monster scared Rose before Fyre knocked her out. Fyre saw Jayne crawling before laying her and Dolin out. 

Spin The Wheel Make The Deal – Casket Match.

Apollo Crews vs. Grayson Waller.

Crews hit. series of punches on Waller before hitting a dropkick and a double-leg takedown on Waller. Crews hit a chop on Waller before flipping over Waller, but Waller caught Crews with a leg lariat. Waller hit a springboard elbow drop on Crews. Crews & Waller did the Undertaker’s taunt before Crews launched Waller out of the ring. Crews hit a moonsault on Waller off the apron. Waller and Crews brawled on the ramp before Waller hit the Cravat knee strikes on Crews. Crews hit an overhead suplex on Waller onto the ring floor. Waller caught Crews with two spinning kicks before stomping down Crews. Crews tossed Waller out of the ring. Crews hit a shotgun dropkick on Waller onto the broadcast table. Waller poked Crews with a pen before tossing Crews into the barricade. Waller slammed Crews into the ring post. Waller went for a Death Valley Driver on Crews onto the apron, but Crews broke out of the carry and placed Waller onto the top turnbuckle. Waller pushed Crews onto the casket but the match was not finished because Crews went through the casket, not inside the casket. The lights went out and went back on before The Druids brought another casket to the ring due to technical difficulties. Crews slammed Waller’s face into the stairs before hitting a Fall-Away Samoan Drop on Waller. Crews and Waller got back in the ring, with Crews catching Waller in the corner with four corner lariats and a series of stomps on Waller’s head. Crews hit a Gutbuster on Waller. Crews pushed Waller onto the casket, but Waller prevented getting into the casket. Waller slammed the casket on Crews’ head before putting him in the casket. Waller and Crews brawled inside the casket before the two sat down. Waller tried to get back in the ring, but Crews instead tossed Waller onto the ring floor and hit a Frog Splash on Waller off the casket. Crews hit an Enziguri kIck on Waller, but Waller responded with the Rolling Stunner on Crews. Waller went for the Tombstone Piledriver, but Crews rolled over and hit a Tombstone Gutbuster on Waller. Waller got out of the casket and tried to chokeslam Crews on the casket, but Crews hit a vicious One-Hand Spinebuster on Waller onto the casket before closing the casket and getting the win. 

Winner: Apollo Crews.

– Andre Chase ran down on people who did not know where Halloween Havoc 1995 took place, calling them the drizzling shits. Chase revealed that Duke Hudson became a transfer student to Chase University. Bohdi Hayward was irrate before he went up and told Chase that he did not trust Hudson. 

– NXT Tag Team Champions Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) were interviewed backstage before calling themselves the best tag team in NXT. NXT Women’s Tag Champions Kayden Carter & Katana Chance confronted Pretty Deadly to argue that their statements were not correct.

Weapons Wild Match.

Cora Jade vs. Roxanne Perez.

Perez tossed Jade’s bat out of the wing with a tiny skateboard before Perez started chasing down Jade on ringside with the board. Perez hit Jade with the skateboard. Perez hit a drop toe-hold on Jade onto the skateboard before Perez tossed Jade to the outside by rolling her onto the skateboard. Perez hit a tope suicida on Jade to the outside. Perez placed a table on the barricade. Perez pulled Jade from under the ring, but Jade sprayed Perez with Anti-Bacterial spray in the face before tossing her into the barricade. Jade brought lots of chairs and a trash can into the ring. Jade hit Perez with the trash can before she placed the trash can on Perez and hit a double-stomp on Perez on the trash can. Jade hit Perez with a bull rope before trying to choke her out with the rope on a camel clutch. Jade got a chain and tried to hit Perez with the chain, but Perez evaded and started hitting Jade with the rope before launching Jade face-first into the stairs. Perez hit a Thesz Press on Jade off the stairs before catching her with an uppercut. Perez attacked Jade with Jade’s stick before hitting a stick-assisted Russian Leg Sweep on Jade for a near fall. Perez hit two corner uppercuts and went for the Code Red, but Jade evaded and launched Perez into the corner before hitting the Elevated Knee on Perez for a near fall. Jade got to the top rope, but Perez met her there and hit a Frankensteiner on Jade for a near fall. Jade got out of the ring and got onto the Raven’s Nest. Jade & Perez brawled on the nest before Jade hit Perez with a body slam on Perez onto the Raven’s Nest. Jade took off one of the Nest’s fences and tried to launch Perez off the Raven’s Nest. Perez hesitated on punching Jade off the Raven’s Nest, which allowed Jade to hit a Leg Sweep off the Raven’s Nest onto a table on the ringside floor. Jade continued to attack Perez after the bump before getting back in the ring. Jade went for a Double Underhook DDT on Perez, but Perez hit a back body-drop on Jade onto a stack of chairs. Perez then hit the Pop Rox on Jade onto the stack of chairs for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Roxanne Perez.

– There was a vignette of a man tossing a mask into the fire, teasing an upcoming debut.

– Shotzi came to the ring to recap of what had happened on the show so far but was weirded out by the absence of his co-host. Quincy Elliott made his way to the ring dressed as a sexy banana, with Shotzi calling Elliot the sweetest banana he had seen. Lash Legend confronted the two in the ring, but Quincy told Legend to take her shoes and walk her ass back to the locker room. Legend said that she was mad at Shotzi hosting the show, but Quincy told Legend that her talking made everyone’s experience worst. Shotzi hit a DDT on Legend as Elliott shouted “Worldstar!!”. Shotzi & Elliott danced in the ring. 

– Joe Gacy & The Dyad cut a promo backstage with a mysterious red-hooded figure. Gacy revealed that the Red-hooded figure would reveal itself on the 10/25/2022 edition of NXT before promising that what they do now is everyone’s fault.

Ambulance Match (If Julius Creed Loses, Brutus Creed Must Leave NXT).

Julius Creed vs. Damon Kemp.

Credd hti a springboard shotgun dropkick on Kemp onto a chair to begin the match before hitting a T-Bone Match. Kemp got up and retrieved a chair, but Julius caught him and hit a deadlift German Suplex. The two brawled on the outside before Creed slammed Kemp onto the barricade and hit a guillotine suplex on Kemp. Kemp & Creed brawled backstage. Julis tried to get Kemp into the ambulance, but Kemp booked the doot with a crutch before throwing everything from inside the ambulance onto Creed. Kemp fired away at Creed with the crutch before attacking him with a fire extinguisher, but Creed took the extinguisher off Kemp and sprayed Kemp with it. Kemp hit a back suplex on Creed before slamming his face onto the broadcast table and stairs and meeting a pumpkin on Creed. Kemp hit Creed with the stairs. Kemp carried Creed to the backstage area, but Kemp got off the carried and started laying the punches on Kemp. Kemp kicked Creed’s knee before slamming Creed’s face onto the ambulance stair and slamming the ambulance door on Creed’s shoulder. Kemp got Creed into the ambulance and tried to slam the door, but Creed kicked the door onto Kemp’s face before ramming him down into the ring post. Creed got Kemp back in the ring, but Kemp hit a sliding kick on Cred to the outside. Kemp brought the stairs back in the ring and hit a Uranage on Creed onto the stairs. Kemp got out of the ring and slammed Creed’s face onto the stairs but Creed rammed Kemp onto the barricade. Creed got Kemp on a wheelchair and attached a crutch on the chair before ramming Kemp onto the stairs. Creed then hit strikes on Kemp’s chest before slamming Kemp off the wheelchair onto the ring floor. Kemp sprayed Creed with a fire extinguisher, but that did not stop Creed from hitting a double stomp on Kemp off the apron. Kemp got a chair and tried to attack Creed, but Creed launched the ring bell and threw the timekeeper’s table on Kemp. Kemp got Creed in a blue cart before launching Creed from the cart onto the ambulance. Kemp tried to close the ambulance door, but Creed put his fingers to stop the door from closing. Creed fired out of the ambulance and speared Kemp on a stack of chairs before placing him on a snack table and hitting an elbow drop. Cred launched two chairs at Kemp before hitting a chair shot at Kemp’s back. Creed started firing away with the chair shots at Kemp before slamming Kemp onto a stretcher with a powerbomb. Kemp was knocked out, but Creed still hit the unnecessary clothesline on Kemp with a steel chair before tossing Kemp onto the ambulance for the win. 

Winner: Julius Creed.

Alba Fyre arrived at the building with a damaged Mandy Rose ahead of their match for the NXT Women’s Championship. 

NXT Women’s Championship.

Mandy Rose (c) vs. Alba Fyre.

Fyre fired away at Rose, but Rose started firing away at Fyre. Fyre hit a Tornado DDT on Rose for a near fall. Fyre stomped down Rose before climbing to the top rope, but Rose pushed Fyre outside of the ring. Rose slammed Fyre’s head into the broadcast table before hitting an apron spear on Fyre. Back in the ring, Rose hit two corner spears on Fyre before hitting a Fall-Away Slam on Fyre for a near fall. Rose hit a snap-mare kick on Fyre before locking in a sleeper hold and slamming Fyre onto the mat. Rose stomped down Fyre in the corner before laying her knee on Fyre onto the bottom rope. Fyre hit a back elbow on Rose before the two laid each other out with double clotheslines. Fyre & Rose exchanged strikes before Fyre hit a ripcord Superkick, face buster, and chest Kicks on Fyre. Rose evaded Fyre’s offense before hitting Spinebuster on Fyre for a near fall. Rose went for the Bitter End, but Fyre reversed it with a Modified Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Fyre got up immediately and hit a Swanton Bomb on Rose, but Jayne & Dolin pulled the referee out of the ring. Fyre punched Jayne off the apron, with Jayne landing on the referee. Fyre hit the Gory Bomb on Rose, but the referee was laid out on the outside. Fyre got the referee back in the ring, allowing Jayne & Dolin to hit the High/Low on Fyre. Jayne got Fyre back in the ring before Rose hit the V-Trigger on Fyre for the pinfall win and title retention.

Winner & Still NXT Women’s Champion: Mandy Rose.

– McKenzie Mitchell interviewed Zoey Stark & Nikkita Lyons backstage ahead of their match against Katana Chance & Kayden Carter for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships. Edris Enofe & Malik Blade interrupted them and hyped them up as Blade said that the two teams were going to shock the world. 

NXT Championship Match.

Bron Breakker (c) vs. Ilja Dragunov vs. JD McDonagh.

Dragunov hit a vicious boot on JD to begin the match. Dragunov & Breakker took turns striking JD in the corner before the two butted heads, but McDonagh attacked them from behind and hit a running leg drop on Breakker followed by a snap suplex on Breakker for a near fall. JD got hit with a chop form Dragunov, but JD launched Dragunov onto Breakker before hitting a bridging Northern Lights Suplex on Dragunov for a near fall. JD and Dragunov exchanged strikes before JD hit a forearm strike on Dragunov. Dragunov hit knee strikes on JD, but JD responded with a Uranage and a Standing Moonsault on Dragunov for a near fall. JD launched Dragunov onto the corner with an Irish Whip before hitting a chop. JD hit an enziguri kick on Dragunov and lowered the rope to send Breakker out of the ring. JD tripped Dragunov before hitting a springboard corkscrew on Dragunov. JD went for the Devlin Inside, but Breakker hit a double lariat on Dragunov and JD before Breakker hit an overhead toss on JD. Dragunov went for. rebound lariat on Breakker, but Breakker hit an exploder suplex on Dragunov. Breakker hit a shoulder tackle on Dragunov, but JD got Breakker in a roll-up for a near fall before getting out of the ring. Breakker hti a pop-up slam on Dragunov for a near fall, with JD breaking the pin. Breakker went for a suplex, but Dragunov lowered his weight. Dragunov flipped over Vreakker and got Breakker in a sleeper before laying in the elbow strikes on Breakker. Dragunov got JD and laid in the Anvil Elbow strikes on JD’s neck. Dragunov hit a running boot on Breakker before hitting a running knee and a knee-drop on Breakker. JD attacked Dragunov and tried to hit the Devil Inside Sulex, but Dragunov got JD and hit a Death Valley Driver on JD onto Breakker before hitting the Coast-To-Coast dropkick on JD & Breakker. Breakker and Dragunov exchanged strikes as JD stared clapped along. Dragunov and Breakker noticed the clapping and Dragunov chased down McDonagh before Breakker hit a Back body-drop on JD. Breakker and Dragunov took turns to lay the strikes on McDonagh before they tossed McDonagh out of the ring before they stared daggers at each other. Dragunov hit the Anvil elbows on Breakker. Dragunov hit two lairats on Breakker, but Breakker responded with. a lariat of his own before attempting the Gorilla Press, but JD hit a vicious headbutt on Breakker with his huge Irish head. JD climbed to the top rope, but Breakker punched him down. Breakker climbed to the top rope with JD before launching JD with a Frankensteiner but Dragunov caught JD mid-air and hit a powerbomb on JD. The three exchanged strikes in the ring but Dragunov fired away with chops and hit a senton on JD. Breakker speared Dragunov out of the ring, which JD took advantage and hit a sliding kick on Breakker and a PK kick on Dragunov. JD hit a springboard moonsault on Dragunov and Breakker to the outside. JD climbed to the top rope, but Breakker fired away with the punches and went for another Frankensteiner, but Dragunov hit the stiffest chops on Breakker’s knees before hitting a powerbomb for a near fall, to which Dragunov quickly responded with a falling elbow strike on Breakker for a near fall. JD hit a 450 on Dragunov for a near fall. JD pinned Dragunov & Breakker unsuccessfully before hitting a Brainbuster on Breakker for a near fall. Dragunov and JD exchanged strikes in the ring JD went for the Devil Inside, but Dragunov held his weight and hit two German Suplexes on JD, but Breakker hit a double-German Suplex on Dragunov & JD. Breakker hit the bulldog on Dragunov before hitting the Gorilla Press Powerslam for a near fall. JD pulled Breakker out of the ring and went for the pin on Dragunov, but only got a near fall. Breakker got back up and laid out the punches on Breakker before throwing JD out of the ring. Dragunov hit a vicious knee strike on Breakker before climbing to the top rope and hitting. atop rope senton & connecting the Torpedo Moskaw on Breakker, but JD intercepted the referee’s hand before the third palm. Dragunov and JD viciously exchanged strikes in the ring before Dragunov hit a knee strike on JD. JD hit a Spanish Fly on Dragunov on the outside floor. JD stomped Dragunov’s ankle on the stairs and got a chair to break Dragunov’s ankle. Dragunov evaded and hit a headbutt on JD off the stairs, but was dizzy afterwards. Dragunov and Breakker were back in the ring and exchanged strikes before Dragunov hit a lariat, forearm strikes, a chop, a leaping enziguri, a German Suplex, and a discus lariat on Breakker. Dragunov went for another Torpedo Moskaw on Breakker, but Breakker caught him with a spear for the pinfall win and the title retention. After a hard-fought battle, Breakker stood tall to end the broadcast. 

Winner & Still NXT Champion: Bron Breakker.

– Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of the show on Fightful’s YouTube channel.

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