
Trey Miguel: Mike Bailey Is The Biggest Addition To The X-Division Since I Signed With IMPACT

Trey Miguel has high praise for ‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey.

The X-Division has always been a highlight for fans of IMPACT Wrestling, and that is no different in 2022 has the division boasts a loaded roster of Ace Austin, Trey Miguel, Laredo Kid, and more. In the past, the X-Division title has been held by all-time greats like AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Christopher Daniels.

In 2022 alone, the division has brought in many new faces like ‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey, Alan Angels, Kenny King, Rey Horus, and more. 

In a new exclusive interview with Fightful, Trey Miguel discussed his strategy for dealing with new competition, while also heaping praise on Mike Bailey.

“I don’t do anything differently, I just continue to adapt and assess myself depending on who I’m out there with. The more new faces we have, the better because that means I have to become more creative which means the matches are more fun to do. The game plan doesn’t change, the routine doesn’t change. I give it a hundred every time. The X-Division has gotten big this year… I think Mike Bailey is one of the biggest additions to the X-Division over the course, or probably since I’ve signed on to IMPACT Wrestling.”

Since joining the company late last year, Bailey has already notched a 100+ day reign with the IMPACT X-Division Title. Bailey lost the title to AEW’s Frankie Kazarian at the Bound For Glory pay-per-view on October 7, 2022.

Elsewhere in the interview, Miguel discussing becoming a booker in the pro wrestling scene. Click here to learn more.

Fightful also had an interview with Bailey that aired last week. To check that out, click here.

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