
Vince McMahon Sent The Young Bucks A Message Prior To Their Pre-Mania Match With The Hardys

Matt and Jeff Hardy had a fun little run in Ring of Honor during the month of March.

They showed up at Manhattan Mayhem, defeated the Young Bucks for the Tag Titles, defended the belts successfully at ROH's 15th Anniversary Show, then dropped them back to the Young Bucks in an insane Ladder Match at Supercard of Honor on the night before WrestleMania.

All this while knowing they would be returning to WWE at the show of shows in Orlando, Florida.

A lot of things could happen in that month at ROH, or even, specifically, at that last night in ROH–the Ladder Match at Supercard of Honor.

To hear Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks tell it (on the Edge & Christian Pod Of Awesomeness), they knew that they needed to keep the Hardys healthy.

Because Vince McMahon made sure they knew.

Apparently, on the morning of that Ladder Match (again, the day before WrestleMania) Matt Hardy came up to the Bucks, relaying a message from the most powerful man in sports entertainment: "Don't screw this up."

"(Matt Hardy) comes up to the ring and he's like, 'Vince McMahon called me this morning and said, 'hey I know these Young Buck kids are good, but could you please tell them to take care of you guys?" Matt Jackson said.

"We felt a lot of responsibility there, too" Jackson said. "We knew what they were doing the next night. We were two of the few guys in the world that knew about it.

"Nobody else in Ring Of Honor that night knew about it except us. So we were like, 'we can't hurt these guys.' What would that look like on us? We were like 'we got to take care of these guys.' They've got a big night tomorrow."

After that warning from Vince, I'm honestly surprised the match didn't wind up being less "super-nutso-crazy spot fest," and more "rest-holds and roll-ups."

You know. Just to be safe. 

"It came full circle being able to wrestle those guys," Nick Jackson said. "We were wrestling fans in the beginning… but the TLC era made us think 'maybe we can do this, too,'" Matt Jackson added.

The two also discussed the love their children share for the television show, Peppa Pig. 

Also on the podcast, Edge and Christian spoke to Headlocked comic creator Mike Kingston.


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