
WWE NXT Results 4/26 Tyler Bate vs Jack Gallagher For The WWE United Kingdom Championship & More!

Those is the Fightful.com live coverage for tonight's episode of WWE NXT! Tonight we have an action packed show as in our main event Tyler Bate defends his WWE United Kingdom Championship against Jack Gallagher, Andrade Almas takes on Drew McIntyre and Aleister Black is back in action! Be sure to come back here at 8PM EST for all of these matches and more from Full Sail University!

-Nikki Cross comes out from under the ring to start the show and calls out Ruby Riot who meets her in the ring before they brawl until the referees break it up. We then get a recap of how Hideo Itami came back and staked his claim of the NXT World Championship before we cut to Roode being interviewed about it. Roode says that Itami is a coward and that he's going to have to earn a title shot if he wants to face him.

Andrade Almas vs Drew McIntyre

Almas mocks Drew and tried his best to frustrate him before Drew tosses him out of the ring and smashes him into the barricade along ringside. They get back in the ring after Almas smashes Drew's face in the stairs, then slaps him across the face after running at him in the corner. Drew hits Almas with a series of right hands, then drops him with a high knee before they exchange chops. Drew catches Almas into a powerslam, then turns him inside out with a Claymore for the pin and the win.

Winner: Drew McIntyre via pinfall

-William Regal then announces Ruby Riot will face Nikki Cross later tonight as we go to commercial.

-Next we get a video package for Roderick Strong as we come back from commercial where he talks about the journey to the WWE and NXT and how he's the most precise, aggressive and intense wrestler in the industry. Strong then says he's going to show that he's a champion, talking about his life and the sacrifices he made to get to NXT. Strong talks about his parents and their toxic relationship, talking about his dad being a musician and how his mom shot his father in the chest one night. Strong visits his childhood home and his father's grave before going in the house as we see him and his mother together. Next we see Strong talking about how he went to wrestling practice with his father and how he owes a lot to Jim Neidhart. 

Aleister Black vs Kona Reeves

Kona goes right after Black, but is soon backed off with a series of strikes before the referee breaks them up. Black hits Kona with a series of spinning strikes and kicks before dropping him with a roundhouse kick. Black then sits down and meditates momentarily before lifting Kona up by a knee under the chin before hitting the Black Mass for the pin and the win.

Winner: Aleister Black via pinfall

-We then get an interview segment with Ruby Riot before her match with Nikki Cross tonight, talking about SANITY and how she won't let them push her around. Ruby says that she's going to push Nikki out of her way onto the way to an NXT Women's Championship match as we go to commercial.

Nikki Cross vs Ruby Riot

-Nikki attacks her from behind before the match even starts, then Ruby suplexes her onto the ramp before they right below the stage. They then brawl until security breaks them up, then Ruby hits a diving cross body off of the stage before she's drug to the back. 

Winner: Match never started

-William Regal meets with Asuka backstage and says that there will be a battle royal to determine who will challenge Asuka at NXT TakeOver: Chicago.

Tyler Bate vs Jack Gallagher WWE United Kingdom Championship Match

They start the match by trying to manipulate each others wrists, then lock up before Jack puts Tyler in a full nelson before he slips out of it. Jack takes Tyler down, then goes back to focusing on his wrist before wrapping his arms up and reclining on him like a chair for a quick two count when his shoulders touch the mat. Jack then counters a roll up before they stand and square off as we go to commercial.

We come back to Jack bending and twisting the wrist of Tyler before stomping on it. They exchange straight armbars, then Jack takes Tyler back down before Tyler tries to flip him, but Jack won't let go. Jack then goes Tyler up with a series of submissions before covering him for a near fall. They take turns trying to pin the others shoulders down and flipping each other before Tyler drops Jack with a right hand and hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall. Jack goes for a double wrist lock, but Tyler powers out of it with a suplex for a near fall of his own.

Jack rolls out onto the apron and tries to recover, but Tyler sends him to the floor with a right hand. Tyler goes to dice through the ropes, but Jack headbutts him right before he does, then gets back in the ring before dropping Tyler with another headbutt, collapsing on him for a near fall. Tyler then hits the Tyler Driver 97 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tyler Bate via pinfall

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