
AEW All Out 2022 – Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho Match Result

The Lionheart and the American Dragon wrestled in Chicago and on this night, the Dragon was outsmarted.

Chris Jericho and Bryan Danielson had only their third match in history and although this match was meant to be an exhibition of great wrestling, Chris Jericho needed to utilize a low blow in order to get the victory. Looking on from the backstage area, Daniel Garcia was not pleased.

From Fightful’s live coverage:

Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Jericho.

Jericho began the match hitting a takedown on Danielson. Danielson hit a takedown on Jericho and started to stomp Jericho’s face before Jericho rolled out of the ring and threw a chair across ringside. Jericho slapped Danielson, but he was unphazed. Danielson hit a waist lock takedown on Jericho before placing him in the corner. Jericho hit a chop on Danielson, but Danielson shook it off. Danielson hit a takedown on Jericho before the two stared off. Danielson got Jericho in a nose-focused lock before stomping Jericho’s legs. Danielson got Jericho in an inverted Figure Four before laying in strikes on Jericho. Bryan got an arm bar on Jericho, but Jericho broke the hold and hit a Russian leg sweep in a submission hold, but Danielson transitioned out of the hold and shook his hips for the entertainment of the crowd and got a deathlock on Jericho. Jericho and Danielson exchanged chops before Jericho connected a back breaker and a back suplex for a near fall. Jericho threw a series of slaps on Danielson, but Danielson popped back up and hit three uppercuts before Jericho hit a running tackle and hitting a spring rope dropkick on Danielson to send him to the outside. Jericho went for a spring rope cross body on Danielson to the outside, but Danielson caught him with a kick before running off the apron into a running knee on Jericho. Back in the ring, Danielson hit a shotgun dropkick on Jericho laying in the YES Kicks on Jericho’s chest, but Jericho caught him in a roll-up into an attempt of a code breaker but Danielson got out of it. Danielson hit three kicks on Jericho’s chest before placing him in the top rope. Danielson went for a Frankensteiner, but Jericho quickly reversed it with the Walls of Jericho, but Danielson reversed with an inside cradle for a near fall. Jericho hit himself in the ring post before Danielson hit a Tope Suicida on Jericho for a near fall. Danielson climbed to the top rope, but Jericho caught him on the top rope and exchanged strikes. Danielson dropped Jericho on the mat and went for a diving headbutt, but Jericho evaded. Jericho went for a Lionsault, but Bryan lifted his knees and went for the LeBelle Lock. Jericho reversed it and went for a catapult on Bryan, but Bryan held on to the ropes. Jericho hit a Tombstone Piledriver on Danielson for a near fall. Jericho hit a running punt and went for the Judas Effect, but Danielson caught him with two kicks and informed the crowd that he would kick his fucking head in. Danielson proceeded to hit the Yes Stomps before locking in the LeBelle Lock in the middle of the ring. Jericho broke the hold by laying in elbow strikes on Danielson before quickly locking in the Walls of Jericho, but Danielson kicked Jericho’s head and locked in a Triangle Choke on Jericho, but Jericho got a rope break and lifted Danielson’s neck in the bottom rope. The two exchanged before Danielson evaded Jericho, but Jericho caught him with the Code Breaker for a near fall. Jericho locked in the Liontamer on Danielson, but Danielson got a rope break to stop the hold. Jericho laid in the punches on Danielson before hitting a release German Suplex on Danielson. Jericho went for a second, but Danielson landed on his feet and hit the Psycho Knee on Jericho for a near fall before locking in the Cattle Mutilation, rolling Jericho to hit the Anvil Elbows and locking the Cattle Mutilation again, but Jericho got a rope break. Danielson kicked Jericho on his back and chest. Jericho got a roll-up on Danielson for a near fall, but Danielson hit a rolling elbow before hitting more anvil elbows. Jericho leaned Danielson into the corner before hitting a low blow on Danielson from behind. Jericho hit the Judas Effect on Danielson for the pinfall win. Mat Menard, Tay Melo, Angelo Parker, Jake Hager, and Sammy Guevara came to the ramp to celebrate.

Winner: Chris Jericho.

Fans can find Fightful’s coverage of AEW All Out by clicking here. Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of all the action by clicking here. 

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