
Samoa Joe Returns At AEW All Out 2022; The Pinnacle Defeat Jay Lethal And Motor City Machine Guns

Samoa Joe is back, and he went straight for Satnam Singh.

After The Pinnacle defeated Jay Lethal and the Motor City Machine Guns at AEW All Out, Satnam Singh hit the ring and when everybody thought the Pinnacle was outnumbered, Samoa Joe came to even the odds. 

From Fightful’s live coverage:

Jay Lethal & Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) & Wardlow.

Wardlow and Lethal began the match. lethal spat on Wardlow’s chest before evading Wardlow’s moves. Lethal went for a jack-knife, but Wardlow rolled into a powerbomb, but the Motor City Machine Guns came to stop Wardlow. Sabin and Dax locked up before Sabin hit a step-over arm drag on Dax. Dax slapped Sabin before Shelley and Cash came to the ring. Dax hit a shoulder tackle on Sabin before laying in punches on both Sabin & Shelley. Dax hit a short-hand lariat on Sabin and started chasing Sonjay Dutt across the ring & ringside. Thanks to a distraction from Shelley, Sabin hit a cutter on Dax. Shelley tagged in but was greeted with a chop to the chest and a back suplex. Dax launched Cash into a leg drop on Shelley for a near fall. Cash hit an uppercut on Shelley. Wardlow tagged back in and was greeted with a chop from Shelley. The Guns hit back elbows on Wardlow and tried to hit a double suplex on Wardlow but Wardlow hit a double suplex on them. Dax locked in a Sharpshooter on Shelley, but Dutt distracted the referee long enough to allow Sabin and Lethal to attack Dax. Shelley got a roll-up on Dax for a near fall. Shelley and Sabin hit an Atomic Drop, shotgun dropkick to the leg, Last Chancery, and a low dropkick combination on Dax for a near fall. Lethal tagged in and exchanged chops with Dax before placing him in the corner. Sabin and Shelley leaned their boots on Dax’s face. Sabin hit a Helluva Kick on Shelley in the corner before tagging in Cash. Cash hit an uppercut, a knee lift, a back elbow, and a short-hand lariat on Shelley. Shelley hit a forearm strike on Cash, but Cash hit a Gory Bomb on Shelley for a near fall. Shelley hit a dropkick on Cash’s leg. Lethal slammed Cash’s leg into the ring post multiple times. Sabin hit a dragon screw on Cash’s injured leg before Shelley and Sabin hit stereo dropkicks on Cash’s legs. Lethal tagged in and locked in a Figure Four on Cash, but Cash got the rope break. Shelley stomped Cash’s leg and locked in a bear trap on Cash, but Cash broke the hold and hit an uppercut on Shelley. Chas hit a backbreaker on Sabin before tagging in Wardlow. Wardlow punched all three opponents before hitting Lethal Sabin & Shelley with one-hand spinebusters on them. Wardlow hit the F-10 on Lethal for a near fall. Shelley & Sabin hit superkicks on FTR before Satnam punched Wardlow on the ropes. Sabin hit a tope Suicida on FTR before Lethal, Shelley & Sabin hit dropkicks on Wardlow head. Lethal hit the Elbow Drop on Wardlow for a near fall. Shelley & Sabin hit a series of kicks on Wardlow, but Dax came in and hit a slingshot bomb on Sabin. Cash & Dax hit the Big Rig on Shelley. Lethal hit a double Lethal Injection on Cash & Dax, but Wardlow caught him with a sling lariat. Wardlow four powerbomb on Lethal for the pinfall win.

Winners: FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) & Wardlow.

– After the match, ROH Television Champion Samoa Joe made his AEW return and attacked Satnam Singh. Joe threw Sonjay Dutt into the ring before Finley Hardwood, Dax’s daughter came to the ring and broke Sonjay Dutt’s pencil. Dax punched Finley in the mouth for Finley to get the visual pin on Dutt. Joe was busted open during his brawl with Singh.

Samoa Joe had previously been filming for Netflix’s Twisted Metal series. Joe plays Sweet Tooth in the series. Joe is also currently the Ring of Honor Television Champion,

Fans can find Fightful’s coverage of AEW All Out by clicking here. Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of all the action by clicking here. 

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