
NXT Worlds Collide 2022: NXT North American Title Match – Carmelo Hayes (c) vs. Ricochet Result

Carmelo Hayes is still the A-Champion.

Following a very competitive match with Ricochet that kicked off NXT Worlds Collide 2022, Carmelo Hayes, with Trick Williams by his side, was able to defeat the former WWE Intercontinental Champion and further his own legacy as NXT North American Champion.

Here’s how it all went down, courtesy of our live coverage:

NXT North American Championship Match.

Carmelo Hayes (c) (w/ Trick Williams) vs. Ricochet. 

The two locked up to begin the match before Ricochet tossed him across the ring. After evading each other’s offense and exchanging side headlock takedowns, the two stared at each other in a standoff as the crowd chanted “NXT”. Hayes evaded an attempt of a hurricanrana, but Ricochet caught him with a dropkick to the face. Ricochet hit a snap-mare kick on Hayes for a near fall. Ricochet sent Hayes to run the ropes, but Hayes instead rolled out of the ring. Back in the ring, Ricochet locked Hayes in a headlock before Ricochet slid out of the ring and confronted Williams. Ricochet and Hayes brawled on the outside and hit him with a chop on the barricade. While Ricochet got back in the ring, Hayes caught him with a kick to the head for a kickout. Hayes hit a chop on Ricochet’s chest before hitting a body slam on Ricochet. Hayes attempted a snap-mare, but Ricochet landed on his feet, but Hayes responded by slamming him to the mat. Ricochet got back up with a kip up, but Hayes caught him with a superkick for a near fall. Ricochet went for a flipping attack, but Hayes caught him with a spring rope lariat for a near fall. Hayes went for an atomic drop, but Ricochet reversed it and hit a victory roll/ double stomp on Hayes. The two exchanged lariats before hitting each other with springboard crossbody splashes on each other. Ricochet hit an uppercut and a series of chest kicks before connecting an inside-out enziguri kick to the head. Ricochet went for the GTS, but Hayes caught his leg. The two evaded each others’ offense before Ricochet connected a superkick on Hayes. Hayes went again for the diving lariat, but Ricochet evaded and connected the Recoil for a near fall, thanks to Williams pulling Hayes’ leg into the bottom rope. Ricochet reacted by hitting a sliding dropkick on Williams to the outside. As Ricochet made his way to the ring, Hayes hit La Mistica before connecting a cutter on Ricochet for a near fall. Hayes climbed to the top rope, but Ricochet climbed with him and connected a Superplex on Hayes. Hayes and Ricochet exchanged strikes and kicks before Ricochet connected a suplex before hitting a GTS/ Pele kick on Hayes, but Hayes responded with a code breaker for a near fall. Hayes was in awe, but Ricochet quickly responded with a crucifix pin for a near fall. Hayes and Ricochet exchanged moves on each other before Ricochet hit a Spinning Heel Kick & Poison Rana on Hayes. Williams climbed to the apron, but Ricochet took him off and hit him with a dropkick. Ricochet climbed to the top rope and went for a 450 Splash, but Hayes evaded and got Ricochet in an inside cradle for the pinfall win.

Winner & Still NXT North American Champion: Carmelo Hayes (w/ Trick Williams).

Fans can keep up with our live coverage of Worlds Collide at this link and check out a post-show podcast following the event.

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