
Solo Sikoa Debuts At WWE Clash At The Castle, Helps Roman Reigns Retain Undisputed WWE Universal Title

Solo Sikoa has officially debuted on the WWE main roster. 

At WWE Clash At The Castle, Solo Sikoa helped Roman Reigns retain the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship by pulling out referee Charles Robinson out of the ring when he was about to count the three count for McIntyre’s claymore on Reigns. Shortly after, Reigns hit McIntyre with another spear to pick up the victory.

From Fightful’s coverage:

The match began with loud chants for Drew McIntyre, which left Reigns bamboozled by the reaction. The two locked up in the middle of the ring before McIntyre leaned Reigns in the ring corner for a rope break. Reigns and McIntyre locked up again, with Reigns getting McIntyre in a side headlock. McIntyre broke the hold by launching Reigns into the ropes before the two bumped each other with shoulder tackles, which left Reigns hooked and the crowd hyped. Reigns hit a back elbow on McIntyre, but McIntyre responded with a back elbow to the face, with Reigns rolling out of the ring to rethink his strategy. Reigns got back in the ring and hit a slap on McIntyre before laying in the strikes on McIntyre. Reigns laid in the punches on McIntyre from the middle rope, but McIntyre dropped him off the turnbuckle and laid strikes on Reigns before hitting a clothesline on Reigns to dump him over the top rope. McIntyre slammed Reigns’ face into the barricade before launching him into the stairs. Karrion Kross tossed a water bottle onto McIntyre, which allowed Reigns to slap Drew in the face. McIntyre got back in the ring at the count of nine, which allowed Reigns by hitting two running stomps and laying in punches on McIntyre for a near fall. Reigns tossed McIntyre out of the ring. McIntyre got on the apron and hit Reigns with a guillotine on the top rope, but Reigns caught him with a Diving lariat for a kick out at one. Reigns got McIntyre in a Cravat, but McIntyre got out of the hold and hit a chop on Reigns, but Reigns responded by hitting a big boot on McIntyre for a kick out at one. McIntyre hit a series of chops on Reigns, but Reigns responded by launching McIntyre into the corner with an Irish Whip. Reigns laid in punches on McIntyre before attempting a suplex but McIntyre blocked it multiple times. Reigns then proceeded to hit a series of punches and stomps on McIntyre before asking for a microphone. Reigns then asked Cardiff to acknowledge him, but the crowd did oblige and McIntyre responded by hitting a Glasgow’s Kiss on Reigns. McIntyre & Reigns exchanged strikes before McIntyre hit two lariats, two belly-to-belly throws, and a neck breaker before McIntyre skipped up. McIntyre placed Reigns on the top rope and attempted a superplex, but Reigns dropped McIntyre on the top turnbuckle. McIntyre was left hanging in the corner, but McIntyre tossed Reigns across the ring with a throw from the top rope. Reigns rolled out of the ring to evade a claymore. Back in the ring, McIntyre went for a Future Shock DDT, but Reigns caught him with a slap. McIntyre hit a Spinebuster on Reigns before locking in a jack-knife cover for a near fall. Reigns hit a Uranage on McIntyre for a near fall. Drew hit a Future Shock DDT and went for a Claymore, but Reigns reversed it with a Superman Punch for a near fall. Reigns went for the Spear but Drew caught him with a kick in the face. Drew ran the ropes, but Reigns connected the spear on McIntyre for a near fall. Reigns got McIntyre in the Guillotine Choke, but McIntyre ran Reigns in the corner. Reigns locked in the Guillotine Choke again, but McIntyre slammed him in the corner again before tossing him into the ring post. Outside of the ring, McIntyre speared Reigns into the barricade. Back in the ring, McIntyre went for the Claymore kick, but Reigns caught him with a second spear for a near fall. Reigns complained to the referee, but McIntyre hit a Claymore on Reigns, taking down the referee. Austin Theory came to the ring to cash-in his Money In The Bank briefcase, but Tyson Fury knocked him out with a jab. Drew hit the Claymore on reigns for a near fall. The two exchanged strikes before McIntyre hit a spear on Reigns. McIntyre hit a second Claymore kick and was about to win the match, but a mysterious person pulled the referee out of the ring. It was none other than Solo Sikoa, who pulled McIntyre’s neck into the top rope, which led to Reigns hitting a third and final spear for the pinfall win.

After the bout, Tyson Fury came to the ring to confront Reigns. Instead, the two shook hands in the middle of the ring. Solo Sikoa & Roman Reigns stood tall before leaving through the ramp. Fury told him that all the people came to see him and he made the United Kingdom proud. Fury told him to chin up and started singing for McIntyre. Fury & McIntyre sang “American Pie” in the ring before McIntyre thanked the island for showing him what they were made of. McIntyre & Fury continued to sing before the end of the broadcast.

Winner: Roman Reigns retains the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship

Fans can find Fightful’s coverage of WWE Clash At The Castle by clicking here. Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of all the action by clicking here.

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