
WWE Clash At The Castle 2022 – Matt Riddle vs. Seth Rollins Result

Seth Rollins stands tall. 

Seth Rollins bested his rival Matt Riddle at WWE Clash at the Castle, picking up a clean victory in their grudge match. 

The finish saw Rollins hit Riddle with a stomp from the second rope. 

From Fightful’s coverage:

Matt Riddle vs. Seth Rollins.

The match began with the two exchanging strikes all over the ring before Riddle laid in kicks on Rollins. The two brawled out of the ring before getting back in. Riddle hit two gut-wrench suplexes on Rollins, but Rollins caught him with a slap and a lariat on Riddle. Riddle hit a running kick/ double senton combination on Riddle for a near fall. Rollins tossed Riddle on the top rope. Riddle tried to lock in a Triangle Choke on Rollins, but Rollins instead dumped Riddle on the apron. Outside of the ring, Rollins hit a Barricade Bomb on Riddle before getting back in the ring and hitting a Tope Suicida on Riddle to the outside back in the ring. With the two back in the ring, Rollins hit a lariat on Riddle before taunting the crowd. Rollins hit a back elbow on Riddle for a near fall. Riddle hit a chop and series of kicks on Rollins, but Rollins reversed it with a roll-up superkick for a near fall before connecting a Falcon Arrow on Riddle for another near fall. Rollins placed Riddle on the top rope before attempting an inverse suplex, but Riddle drop him to the mat. Rollins hit an enziguri before hitting a top rope double stomp on Riddle for a near fall. Rollins placed Riddle on the top rope again and hit a Superplex. Rollins rolled through and attempted a Falcon Arrow, but Riddle reversed it with a Fisherman’s Buster. Riddle hit a flash knee on Rollins before connecting two forearm strikes on Rollins in the corner. Rollins went for a discus lariat, but Riddle reversed it with an exploder suplex. Riddle hit a Floating Bro on Rollins to the outside. Back in the ring, Riddle reversed a Pedigree into a Bro To Sleep, which he followed with a Liger Bomb and a V-Trigger knee strike for a near fall. Riddle climbed to the top rope and went for a floating bro, but Rollins lifted his knees. Rollins tried to hit Riddle with a German Suplex, but Riddle landed on his feet and locked in a Triangle Choke on Riddle. Rollins broke the hold by hitting Riddle with his finisher, the Bro-Derek, for a near fall. Rollins and Riddle exchanged kicks before Rollins connected a rolling elbow on Riddle, but Riddle caught him with a knee strike. Rollins hit an enziguri kick on Riddle, but Riddle caught him with a German Suplex. Riddle went for a powerbomb, but Rollins reversed it with a Pedigree for a near fall. Riddle launched a series of slaps on Rollins in fury before Rollins kicked him in the chest. Rollins hit a Drapping DDT on Riddle. Rollins went for an RKO, but Riddle caught him with a sleeper hold before launching a series of kicks and strikes before the two got out of the ring and Riddle slammed his face into the broadcast table. Riddle swinged a chair at Rollins but Rollins evaded and got back in the ring. Riddle slid back in, but Rollins caught him with a Curb Stomp from out of nowhere. Rollins hit a middle-rope Curb Stomp to end the match with a pinfall win.

Winner: Seth Rollins.

Fans can find Fightful’s coverage of WWE Clash At The Castle by clicking here. Check out the post-show podcast for a full review of all the action by clicking here. 

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