
WWE SmackDown Results (9/2/2022): Roman Reigns Celebration, Viking Rules Match, Karrion Kross & More

Results for the 9/2/2022 Edition of Friday Night SmackDown on FOX.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 9/2/2022 edition of SmackDown, live on FOX. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– Ronda Rousey’s Final Judgement

– Viking Rules Match: The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods).

– Roman Reigns Celebrates 2 Years as WWE Universal Champion.

– Butch (w/ Ridge Holland & Sheamus) vs. Ludwig kaiser (w/ Gunther).

– Karrion Kross makes his SmackDown In-Ring Debut.

– Maximum Male Models (ma.çé & mån.sôör) (w/ Max Dupri & Maxxine Dupri) vs. Hit Row (Ashante “Thee” Adonis & Top Dolla) (w/ B-Fab).

Live Coverage

– Michael Cole & Pat McAfee welcomed the audience to the broadcast before quickly transitioning into the show of ing the Viking-themed set for the opening match.

Viking Rules Match.

The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. New Day (Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods).

The Raiders tried to hit The New Day with their shields, but Woods and Kingston laid in the punches on both Raiders before hitting forearm strikes on both Raiders and a double dropkick on Ivar. Woods & Ivar stomped down Ivar & Erik in the corner before Kofi hit a corner dropkick on both Erik & Ivar. Kingston and Woods hit stereo Topes Con Giro on Erik & Ivar to the outside of the ring. Kingston and Woods slammed Ivar onto a set of shields before hitting double kicks on Erik. Kingston placed a shield on Erik’s face before Woods launched a dropkick on Erik’s face. Kingston hit a frog splash on Ivar from the barricade into the ground for a near fall before the commercial break. Back from the barricade, Erik launched Kofi over the barricade, but Woods tossed Erik over the barricade too. From the stands, Ivar hit a running cross body on Woods on the barricade for a near fall. Back in the ring, Erik got a kendo stick, but Kingston hit a kick in the midsection and started striking Erik with the kendo stick, but Erik hit him with a running Uranage for a near fall. Ivar got back in the ring and got the Kendo stick before he slammed it across Kingston’s back. Kingston evaded and hit a rope enziguri on Erik and a kick on Ivar on the outside. Kingston got a Pink Thor hammer and leaped from the top rope and slammed the hammer on Erik’s head for a near fall. Woods got back on ringsideside and he retrieved a table. Kofi got a table of his own, but Ivar attacked both members of the new day. Ivar launched Kofi onto the Viking Long Ship on the side of the ring and hit Kingston with a knee strike, but Woods caught him with a tornado DDT onto the long hip for a near fall. Woods went for. a slingshot DDT on Ivar, but Ivar blocked it. Woods hit a superkick on Ivar, but Ivar and Erik took down Woods. Ivar hit a super-power slam on Woods for a near fall, thanks to Kingston breaking the pin with a double stomp before the commercial break. Back from the commercial break, Woods hit a leaping enziguri on Erik, a dropkick to the outside on Ivar, a rolling forearm, a leg lariat, a leg trip, and a running senton on Erik before hyping up the crowd. Woods got a steel chair from underneath the ring and set it up, but Erik caught him with a vicious punch to the mouth. Kingston and Woods hit a forward Russian Leg Sweep on Erick into the chair and attempted a pin, but Ivar hit a standing splash to break the pin. Ivar hit a leg lariat on Kingston. Ivar went for a second super-power slam, but Kingston took himself down to the ground. Instead, Ivar went for a top rope moonsault, but Kingston evaded and hit a top-rope frog splash on Ivar’s back before Woods hit a walk-rope elbow drop on Ivar, but Erik broke the pin by kicking Woods in the head and tried to dump Kingston over the top rope, but Kingston sent him to the outside. Woods and Kingston leaped from the longship onto Erik & Ivar for a near fall. The four continued to brawl ringside before Woods & Erik got on top of the longship. Ivar hit Woods from behind with a shield before he launched said shield on Kingston’s face. Erik and Ivar hit a double powerbomb (called Ragnarok) on Woods from the longship onto a two-table stack for the pinfall win.

Winners: Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar).

– There was a video vignette highlighting WWE Undisputed Champion Roman Reigns’ 2nd Anniversary as WWE Universal Champion. It detailed his win of the title against Bray Wyatt & Brawn Strowman, his feud against Jey Uso, and his victories against Brock Lesnar, John Cena & Goldberg. The vignette was narrated by Special Counsel, Paul Heyman.

– There was a video package highlighting The Bloodline & Sami Zayn attacking Drew McIntyre in the ring.

– Sami Zayn & WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso were backstage talking about Roman Reigns’ celebration before later. Zayn had photos of Reigns’ biggest defense which Jey Uso responded by saying that Paul Heyman should be here. Jey told him that it looked like he had the party on lock before walking out of the locker room. 

– Kayla Braxton interviewed Shayna Baszler backstage. Baszler said that she would rip Morgan’s arm off, but SmackDown Women’s Champion instead confronted Baszler and told her that she would tear her arm off instead. 

– Karrion Kross & Scarlett cut a promo backstage, where he said that Mcintyre had a moment to reflect on the beating he received the previous week. Kross said that his opponent for his SmackDown Debut match, Drew Gulak, would have a moment that would haunt him for the rest of his life. 

– There was a video package highlighting Roman Reigns’ run as WWE  Undisputed Champion, defeating multiple legends and top-class wrestlers to maintain his reign as WWE Universal Champion.

Karrion Kross (w/ Scarlett) vs. Drew Gulak.

The match began with Kross kicking Gulak’s leg before cornering him by the throat. Gulak threw a series of punches and two chops on Kross, but Kross absorbed the strikes and hit a big boot on Gulak. Kross hit three back elbows and a Saito Suplex on Gulak. Gulak evaded a lariat attempt from Kross, but Kross caught him with the Kross Jacket Sleeper for the submission win. Kross held on to the sleeper until Gulak passed out before wrapping Gulak’s arms into the ropes. 

Winner: Karrion Kross (w/ Scarlett).

– There was a third video package highlighting Roman Reigns’ reign as WWE Universal Champion, showing that he has had dominance in all of his seven Championship defenses on SmackDown. 

– Ronda Rousey came to the ring to cut a promo. Rousey revealed that she had an official statement of her WWE Suspension before calling out WWE Official Adam Pearce. Pearce came to the ring to let her know that suspension is nothing personal, telling her that he was only doing his job. Rousey asked Pearce to read the letter. Pearce read the letter out loud to reveal that her suspension was lifted and would be allowed to compete in the ring effective immediately. Pearce called it a farce due to Rousey’s dangerous activities, with Pearce telling her that she would be fired if it was up to him. Rousey told him to kiss his ass, but Pearce was bamboozled. Pearce said that he had been working as an official for 52 weeks and expressed his frustrations with his role and told Rousey that all he got from the locker room and people backstage telling him what to do. Pearce told Rousey that he had a problem with her due to her attitude before calling her the single biggest bitch he’d ever met. Rousey retaliated and got Pearce in an arm bar. Pearce leaned in the corner in agony while Rousey rejoiced. 

– Backstage, Sami Zayn was given black roses while preparing for the 2nd Anniversary of Reigns as Universal Champion. The flowers came with a note that read “Tick Tock”, alluding that Karrion Kross would be targeting Roman Reigns sooner rather than later. 

Maximum Male Models (Ma.çé & Mån.sôör) (w/ Max Dupri & Maxxine Dupri) vs. Hit Row (Ashante “Thee” Adonis & Top Dolla) (w/ B-Fab).

Mån.sôör and Adonis began the match locking up before Mån.sôör tossed Adonis across the ring. Adonis hit a dropkick on Mån.sôör, but Mace Ma.çé responded with a dropkick on Adonis. Ma.çé & Mån.sôör got out of the ring before Angel & Humberto distracted Hit Row long enough to allow MMM to attack Adonis from behind. Mån.sôör & Ma.ce HIT a drop toe-hold/ Stomp on Adonis before Mån.sôör hit a running uppercut on Adonis for a near fall. Adonis tagged Top Dolla in, who decked Mån.sôör with a punch before hitting a running knee. Top Dolla hit a running splash on Mån.sôör before he and Adonis hit the Heavy Hitter for the quick pinfall win. 

Winners: Hit Row (Top Dolla & Ashante “Thee” Adonis) (w/ B-Fab).

– Los Lotharios & Maximum Male Models attacked Hit Row from behind, but the Street Profits came to the aid of Hit Row and sent Lotharios & Maximum Male models out of the ring.

– Happy Corbin was interviewed backstage by Kayla Braxton, with him saying he was in a string of bad luck. Corbin said that he would double down and issue an open challenge to face him.

– There was a video package highlighting the multiple stipulations Reigns has defended his WWE Universal Championship with sheer dominance. 

Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Happy Corbin.

Corbin began the match stomping down Nakamura in the corner and attempting a short-hand lariat, but Nakamura responded with an elbow strike, knee strikes, a kick to the back of Corbin’s neck, and multiple kicks before laying his boot on Corbin’s face in the corner. Corbin hit a jab on Nakamura before attempting a suplex, but Nakamura broke the grip and hit a twisting kick on Corbin. Nakamura went for the Kinshasa, but Corbin caught him with the Deep Six for a near fall. Corbin went for End of Days, but Nakamura slid through to evade the offense. Corbin slid out of the ring and came back in, but Nakamura caught him with a Kinshasa for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura.

– Happy Corbin was backstage before he was confronted by none other than John Bradshaw Layfield on his limo. H shouted to Corbin to get into the car before leaving the arena.

Butch (w/ Ridge Holland & Sheamus) vs. Ludwig Kaiser (w/ Gunther).

Butch got Kaiser in a Kimura lock before hitting a headbutt and laying in the punches on Kaiser. Kaiser dropped Butch to the ground before stomping on Butch’s hair. Butch hit a lariat before getting Kaiser in a hammerlock before stomping Kaiser’s arm. Kaiser hit a suplex on Butch and climbed to the top rope, but Butch caught him with a forearm strike. Outside of the ring, Butch went for a dive off the apron, but Kaiser caught him with an uppercut before the commercial break. After the commercial break, Butch and Kaiser exchanged strikes before Butch hit a double knee drop on Kaiser’s arm. Butch hit a Garman suplex, a double stomp on Kaiser’s hands, and a kick to Kaiser’s head for a near fall. Butch hit a series of strikes on the back of Kaiser before he climbed to the top rope, but Kaiser launched him into the middle turnbuckle. Kaiser placed Butch upside down on the ropes and hit a running dropkick. Kaiser hit a back-suplex flat liner on Butch for a near fall. Butch hit a step0up enziguri on Butch. Butch evaded a back suplex before hitting a kick on Kaiser’s head. Kaiser hit a face slam on Butch for a near fall. Butch got both of Kaiser’s fingers and kicked Kaiser in the arm. Kaiser went for a DDT, but Butch broke the hold by snapping Kaiser’s finger before connecting the Bitter End for the pinfall win. Intercontinental Champion Gunther & Sheamus exchanged words after the match ahead of their match on Clash At The Castle. 

Winner: Butch (w/ Ridge Holland & Sheamus).

– The last video package ahead of Roman Reigns’ Celebration detailed how Reigns was the longest reigning champion of the modern era before highlighting the feud between Reigns & McIntyre. The video was also narrated by Paul Heyman.

– Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso & Sami Zayn discuss how they would get to the celebration, with Jimmy saying that all of them would go out there and introduce the tribal Chief Roman Reigns to celebrate. Jey Uso was visibly crossed about Zayn saying he was a part of The Bloodline. 

– There was a video vignette revealing that Boxing World Heavyweight Champion Tyson Fury would be at ringside for Clash At The Castle.

– Sami Zayn, Jey Uso & Jimmy Uso came to the ring to celebrate Roman Reigns’ two-year anniversary as WWE Universal Champion. Zayn said that he did not want anyone to accuse him for getting too comfortable, before staring directly at Jey. Zayn was doing adlibs for every line Jey was saying before Jey introduced Reigns to the ring. Reigns came to the arena in a black car before making his way to the ring but was greeted with a boot from a mysterious figure. That mysterious figure was none other than Drew McIntyre who stormed to the ring. McIntyre hit a headbutt on Zayn but was greeted with stomps by Jimmy & Jey Uso. McIntyre hit a Tope Con Giro on Zayn & The Usos before shattering the celebration set. McIntyre powerbombed Jey on the broadcast table and speared Jimmy on the barricade. McIntyre said he would never ever stop and that he would walk out from Clash At The Castle with the WWE Undisputed Champion  & with Reigns head off his shoulders. McIntyre stood tall to end the broadcast. 

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