
WWE Main Event Report For April 21: Tony Nese/Ariya Daivari vs. Gran Metalik/Lince Dorado & Titus O’Neil In Action

This is the WWE Main Event report for April 21, your commentary team for the show consists of Tom Philipps and Corey Graves.

Curtis Axel vs. Titus O’Neil

The match begins with O’Neil tossing Axel across the ring and into the turnbuckles, O’Neil follows that up by dropping Axel with a shoulder tackle. Axel fights back and he assaults O’Neil with a series of strikes in the corner, Axel then hits O’Neil with a series of running shoulder smashes in the corner. Axel then drops a charging O’Neil with a boot to the face, Axel decides to attack O’Neil with more strikes in the corner. O’Neil recovers and he drops Axel with a forearm strike before whipping him into the turnbuckles, O’Neil attacks Axel with strikes in the corner.

O’Neil slows things down a little bit by holding Axel in a modified chin lock, Axel fights back and he drops O’Neil with a running drop kick. Axel then cracks O’Neil with a pair of running neck breakers and a running knee strike for a near fall, Axel goes to the top rope and O’Neil takes him off with a Clash Of The Titus for the three count.

Winner: Titus O’Neil

The first Raw Flashback shows Dean Ambrose appearing on Miz TV, attacking The Miz after the talk bcame to much between the two.

Another Raw Flashback is next and this time we see Alexa Bliss winning a Fatal 4 Way Match to become top contender to the WWE Raw Women’s Title.

Gran Metalik & Lince Dorado vs. Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari

The match begins with Daivari dropping Dorado with a shoulder tackle for a near fall, Daivari tags in Nese and Dorado trips him up before tagging Metalik in. Metalik then hits Nese with a hurricarana and a bulldog, Metalik goes to the top rope before nailing Nese with an elbow drop for a near fall. Daivari distracts Metalik and that allows Nese to throw him out of the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Nese get a near fall on Metalik. Daivari tags in and he assaults Metalik with stomps in the corner, Daivari follows that up by catching Metalik with a hard Irish whip into the turnbuckles.

Nese tags in and he locks Metalik in the kravat, Metalik tries fighting back and Nese drops him with a series of kicks for a near fall. Dorado distracts Nese and that allows Metalik to nail him with a tornado DDT, Dorado and Daivari get the tags from their respective partners. Dorado drops Daivari with a few hip tosses and a hurricarana, Dorado catches Daivari with a middle rope moonsault for a near fall. Nese interferes and Dorado knocks him to the arena floor, Daivari catches Dorado with a spine buster for a near fall. Dorado recovers to hit Daivari with a handspring ace crusher that knocks him out of the ring, Metalik and Dorado nail their opponents with suicide dives. Dorado tosses Daivari into the ring before going to the top rope, Nese distracts Dorado and Daivari knocks him off the top rope and into the barricade.

Daivari hits Dorado with his version of The Rainmaker to get the three count.

Winners: Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari

The final Raw Flashback shows the ring collapsing during the match between Braun Strowman and Big Show.

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