
WWE Main Event Report For April 7: Titus O’Neil vs. Curtis Axel & Akira Tozawa In Action

This is the WWE Main Event report for April 7, your commentary team for the show consists of Tom Philipps and Byron Saxton.

Akira Tozawa vs. Drew Gulak

The match begins with Gulak nailing Tozawa with a knee strike to the midsection, Gulak uses a headlock to get Tozawa to the ground. Tozawa breaks free and Gulak drops him with a shoulder tackle, Gulak looks for a roll up and that allows Tozawa to kick him before nailing him with a senton bomb. Gulak rolls out of the ring and Tozawa briefly looked for a suicide dive, Tozawa goes outside the ring to attack Gulak with some chops. Tozawa then punches Gulak in the face before throwing Gulak back into the ring, Gulak then uses a rope assisted neck breaker to drop Tozawa before drop kicking him out of the ring.

Gulak brings Tozawa back into the ring to get a near fall, Gulak then catches Tozawa with a series of rope assisted stomps. Gulak then launches Tozawa into the air with a back body drop for a near fall, Gulak decides to slow things down by wrenching on the arm of Tozawa. Gulak releases the hold to nail Tozawa with a few forearm strikes, Tozawa recovers by knocking Gulak out of the ring with a hurricarana. Tozawa catches a dazed Gulak with a suicide dive on the arena floor, Tozawa tosses Gulak in the ring before catching him with a snap German suplex for a three count.

Winner: Akira Tozawa

The first Raw Flashback of the night is Vince McMahon naming Kurt Angle as the new Raw General Manager.

Another Raw Flashback is next, this time we see Paul Heyman and WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar being confronted by Braun Strowman.

Curtis Axel vs. Titus O’Neil

The match begins with O’Neil nailing Axel with a back elbow strike to the face, O’Neil then traps Axel in the corner before attacking him with chops. O’Neil keeps the pressure on Axel by dropping him with a clothesline, Axel fights back and he nails O’Neil with a series of strikes followed by a running drop kick. Axel follows that up by nailing O’Neil with a running shoulder charge and a clothesline that knocks him out of the ring as we go to commercial break. We return from the break to see O’Neil drop Axel with a boot to the face, O’Neil traps Axel in the corner before assaulting him with strikes.

O’Neil follows that up by nailing Axel with forearm strikes to the spine and a slam, Axel fights back and O’Neil hits him with a hard Irish whip into the turnbuckles for a near fall. O’Neil slows things down by holding Axel in the bear hug, O’Neil changes things up by nailing Axel with a back breaker before tossing him across the ring. O’Neil slows things down again by locking Axel in a modified camel clutch, Axel fights back again and O’Neil simply drops him with a suplex for a near fall. O’Neil picks up a hurt Axel and he holds him in the Adonis lock submission, Axel escapes and he nails O’Neil with a series of strikes.

O’Neil misses a charge into the corner and Axel catches him with a rolling neck breaker, Axel follows that up by hitting O’Neil with a running knee strike for a near fall. Axel goes for the Son Of Perfectplex and O’Neil escapes to hit him with a Clash Of The Titus for a three count.

Winner: Titus O’Neil

The final Raw Flashback shows Finn Balor & Seth Rollins defeating Samoa Joe & Kevin Owens in a tag team match.

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