
AEW Rampage: Quake By The Lake Results (8/12/22): AAA Mixed Tag Title Match, Danielson Speaks + More

Results for AEW Rampage: Quake By The Lake, live on TNT.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 8/12/2022 edition of AEW Rampage live on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– AAA Mixed Tag Championship Match: Tay Melo & Sammy Guevara (c) vs. Skye Blue & Dante Martin.

– Swerve In Our Glory Speak.

– Gunn Clubb (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) (w/ Billy Gunn) vs. Eric Redbeard & Danhausen.

– Orange Cassidy vs. Ari Daivari (w/ Slim J & Parker Boudreaux).

– Bryan Danielson Returns & Speaks.

– Parker Boudreaux (w/ Slim J & Ari Daivari) vs. Sonny Kiss.

– Hook Speaks.

Live Coverage.

– Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to Bryan Danielson’s interview. 

– Bryan Danielson was interviewed in the ring by Tony Schiavone, with him saying that there is nothing that makes him more alive than being in the ring and that he will never stop wrestling voluntarily. Garcia interrupted and told Danielson that Bryan was his hero, but it sounded like his hero was coming up with excuses. He tells Bryan that he retires and comes back and it hurts him, which makes him want to hurt him. Garcia said that Danielson would have to call him the greatest technical sports entertainer on the planet, but Danielson furiously responded that he was tired of hearing about the Sports Entertainment Bullshit. Danielson said that he wanted to recruit Garcia after wrestling a 60-minute match with the best technique he’d ever seen before asking him if he wants to be the best technical sports entertainer or the “best techinal professional wrestler in the world?”, He then told him that he left the decision up to him.

AAA Mixed Tag Championship Match.

Tay Melo & Sammy Guevara (c) vs. Skye Blue & Dante Martin.

the four exchanged strikes in the ring before Melo and Blue got out of the ring. Martin laid in the strikes on Guevara after two double-eg takedowns. Guevara hit a chop on Martin before Martin hit a chop of his own. Melo caught Guevara and tagged in. Blue hit a cross body on Melo. Melo hit a hip-lock on Blue. Melo and Blue exchanged slaps before Melor rolled through and got Blue in a Leg Crank into a crucifix for a near fall. Blue hit a step-up knee on Melo hitting a round-enziguri kick on Melo. Guevara tripped Blue’s leg before melo caught Blue with a pump kick for a near fall. Melo choked Blue with the bottom rope before hitting two Judo Arm drags on Blue. Mel o hit a rolling forearm on Blue before smooching with Guevara. Melo got Blue in a cravat before hitting a pump kick on Blue in the corner. Blue got Melo in a roll-up for a near fall. Blue hit an enziguri kick on Melo before tagging in Martin. Martin hit a spine buster, two elbow strikes, and a dropkick on Guevrara to send him outside. Martin hit a tope Suicida on Guevara to the outside.Melo got Martin from the leg before Martiun launched himself off Melo’s back to hit a Canadian Destroyer on Guevara for a near fall. Guevara hit a leaping knee on Martin before Melo hit a Tornado DDT on Martin. Blue hit a Hurricanrana on Guevara, but Melo caught him with a thrust kick before connecting the TayKO for the pinfall win.

Winners & Still AAA Mixed Tag Team Champions: Tay Melo & Sammy Guevara (c)

– Lucha Bros cut a promo backstage, with Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo revealing that his issues with Andrade were not over. Lucha Bros revealed that PAC is coming back and that the Death Triangle was targeting the AEW Trios Tag Titles. 

Parker Boudreaux (w/ Slim J) vs. Sonny Kiss.

Parker pounced Kiss to begin the match before launching the strikes on Kiss. Kiss hit a forearm strike on and a cartwheel slap on Parker, but Parker responded with a chokeslam. Parker hit a back suplex lariat on Kiss for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Parker Boudreaux (w/ Slim J).

– Andrade El Idolo and Rush called Butcher & Blade and Private Party to tell them that they would be the AEW Trios Titles. Isaiah Kassidy challenged Andrade, but Andrade said he did not care as he has the focus on the titles. 

Gunn Clubb (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) (w/ Billy Gunn) vs. Beardhausen (Eric Redbeard & Danhausen).

Redbeard and Colten began the match locking up, with Redbeard tossing Colten to the mat. Austin tagged in, but got hit with a shoulder tackle by Redbeard. Austin got back in the ring before Danhausen tagged in and cursed Austin. Colten tagged in and hit an Irish Whip on Danhausen. Danhausen got Colten in the Tarantula on the ropes and went for a top rope move, but Austin attacked him from behind, which led to Colten hitting a dropkick on Danhausen. Colten slammed Danhausen into the ring corner before stomping him down. Austin tagged back in and smacked Danhausen before also laying down the strikes on Danhausen. Colten got Danhausen in a guillotine in the bottom rope. Back from the break, Danhausen tagged in Redbeard and he hit lariat s on both Gunns. a big boot on Austin, a dropkick on Colten, and tossed Austin and Colten to the outside before going outside and hitting a running crossbody on both. Redbeard hit a spring rope senton and a Black Mass on Austin for a near fall. Colten hammered Redbeard in the back before Redbeard hit a double suplex on Colten and Austin. Danhausen tagged back in and tried to hit a lariat/ leg sweep on Austin, but Billy Gunn lowered the rope to send Redbeard to the outside. Austin hit the Fame-asser on Danhausen for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Gunn Clubb (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) (w/ Billy Gunn)

– Billy Gun said that no wonder why they called them the ass boys because they need to toughen up. Gunn revealed that they will be wrestling on Dynamite. Stokely Hathaway tried to give them a business card, but they brushed him off. 

– AEW Tag Team Champions Swerve In Our Glory (Keith Lee & Shane “Swerve” Strickland) was interviewed backstage, with Lee saying that he mopped the floor with Kassidy. Swerve said that he was not all bout numbers unless it was about counting all this money. Swerve did say that if they wanted the match, they have it for Dynamite. 

– FTW Champion Hook was interviewed in the ring by Tony Schiavone. Hook confirmed that the title was an open challenge belt. Of all people, Zack Clayton came to the ramp and Challenged Hook to a match for the FTW Title on the 8/19 edition of Rampage.

– Mark Henry interviewed Ari Daivari and Orange Cassidy, with Daivari calling Cassidy one of the best in the world. Daivari said that if Casidy was not going to join the Trustbuster, beating his ass was the next best thing. Cassidy tried to steal Mark Henry’s line.

Orange Cassidy (w/ Trent Berretta & Chuck Taylor) vs. Ari Daivari (w/ Slim J & Parker Boudreaux).

– Cassidy and Daivari began the match with Daivari getting a microphone and giving Cassidy one last chance to join the Trustbusters. All he had to do was lay down and take the pin to leave the shitty town of Minneapolis. Cassidy laid down, but he immediately rolled out of the ring. Cassidy rolled back in the ring before rolling out of the ring and getting hugged by Trent and Taylor. Back in the ring, Daivari hit a waist lock takedown on Cassidy, but Cassidy broke the lock by putting his hand on his pockets, evading Daivari’s offense and hitting a shotgun dropkick. Daivari hit a neck breaker on Cassidy into the middle rope. Daivari slammed Cassidy into the corner with an Irish Whip before hitting a chop on Cassidy. Daivari hit another Irish Whip into another corner on Cassidy before placing Cassidy in the middle rope and placing his leg on Cassidy’s neck. Daivari locked in an inverse Cravat on Cassidy, but Cassidy broke the hold and tried to get backslide on Daivari. Daivari tossed Cassidy to the outside of the ring. Parker & Slim J confronted Trent and Chuck outside of the ring before Daivari slammed Cassidy into the barricade. Daivari an S-Grip Chinlock on Cassidy before transitioning into a rear naked choke. Cassidy placed his pockets before slamming Daivari into the corner before the two hit each other with clothelines. Cassidy slammed Daivari’s face in the corner and climbed up, but Diavari caught him with. achop. Cassidy took him down and hit a cross body on Daivari. Daviari hit a kick on Cassidy’s abdomen before hitting a flipping neck breaker. Daivariwent for a suplex, but Cassidy reversed with Stundog Millionare. Cassidy hit a superkick on Daivari and attempted an orange punch, but Daivari caught him with a Uranage for a near fall. Cassidy hit a Tornado DDT and a Diving DDT on Daivari for a near fall. Slim J got on the apron, but Chuck Taylor took him down. Parker tried to choke Chuck, but Cassidy caught him with a Tope Suicida. Daivari got Cassidy with a Kano Classic for a near fall. Daivari went for multiple attempts of lariats, but Cassidy caught him with an Orange Punch for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Orange Cassidy.

– Slim J attacked Cassidy from behind, Taylor and Berretta tossed Slim J out of the ring, but Parker hit a double lariat on Best Friends. Cassidy confronted Parker before Sonny Kiss joined the ring and seemed like Kiss would help Cassidy. Instead, Kiss kicked Cassidy right in the oranges before Parker hit the Back Suplex Lariat on Cassidy. With Sonny Kiss joining the ranks, The Trustbusters stood tall to end the show. 

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