
Total Divas Recap 4/19 Group-Sext

Brie is frustrated that she has been unable to get pregnant. She can’t figure out why it hasn’t happened yet.  Nikki thinks it is because she is on a vegetarian diet. The Bellas go to an acupuncturist to relieve some stress. Brie tells her problems and the acupuncturist agrees that maybe due to her diet she is not getting enough iron and recommends she eats more spinach. Nikki does a demonstration to show that it would take 10 plates of spinach salad to equal the iron from one of Nikki’s steaks. Brie says that she’ll just have an iron deficiency then because she does not want to compromise her beliefs of not eating meat.  Brie ends up contacting Rosa Mendes, former WWE Diva, to see how she coped because she was also a vegetarian and just had her baby not too long ago. Rosa said that she ended up stopping being a vegetarian for her body during pregnancy and has not gone back to being a vegetarian since. Rosa said that your body needs too many extra vitamins and nutrients during pregnancy. Brie is stressed because not eating meat is something she firmly believes in. Nikki and Brie go to their cryotherapy treatment and Brie explains her fertility situation to them and they say that she could, of course, have trouble conceiving while going for treatment.  The process shocks your body and that can absolutely make it very difficult to conceive. He recommends for her to stop doing the treatments right away so that she has a better chance of conception. Brie wishes she would’ve realized it earlier but is glad that she has something that makes sense to her as to why she hasn’t gotten pregnant yet.

Paige gets word from Mark Carrano that she has been suspended for 30 days for violating the WWE wellness policy. She explains that she did NOT do drugs to get the suspension, the reason she got suspended was that she did not do the test in the allotted time and got suspended even though she passed the drug test. Paige is visibly upset and crying and we see her on the phone in the parking lot after she got the news just saying “It isn’t fair”.  Paige says that she is tough and will move on from this somehow.

Eva Marie has finally gotten a storyline! She is so excited to finally be on TV in her very first storyline but the more she finds out about it the more discouraged she gets. Eva went to NXT to improve her in ring skills and is bummed that she cannot show them off quite yet. The storyline she is involved in has her getting out of actual matches by traffic, fake injuries and wardrobe malfunctions. Eva just doesn’t want her progress in NXT to be for nothing. Nattie reminds her that they just have to be grateful for whatever they get and being in storylines is a big deal. Nattie tells Eva that she was in a storyline once where her gimmick was farting.  Eva realizes it could be worse and is appreciative of the opportunity.

Lana is told that she will be needed in Anguilla for charity work and tells Rusev that he should come along.  Renee and Trinity also go for the charity trip but do not bring significant others. This causes friction between Lana and Renee because Renee feels like a third wheel until Trinity shows up. Renee sort of punishes Lana and doesn’t want to hang out and party with her. Rusev and Lana turn in while Renee and Trinity keep drinking. When the girls get back to their guesthouse, Rusev and Lana are asleep and Renee and Trinity (more so Renee) are very loud and keep waking up Lana.  Lana and Renee yell at each other because Lana is frustrated that she got woken up and Renee is mad that Lana is yelling at her. In the morning, Renee and Lana do not talk to each other and Lana tells Rusev that they aren’t friends anymore. Rusev says that they need to make up. They go and do the charity event with kids and when they get back to the house Lana apologizes to Renee and Trinity and they all make up.

Maryse is apparently blind. Miz goes through the whole episode trying to get Maryse to read cards and letters, she can’t read them, she can’t see how many fingers Neville holds up from a distance, admits that she cannot drive at night due to her vision, and she even accidentally sends a nude picture in a group text that included Zack Ryder and Dolph Ziggler instead of just to her husband. She says that she doesn’t like glasses and doesn’t like the way contacts feel so she has just gone without.  Miz takes her to a lasik surgery center and she agrees to have lasik done. She is very nervous but is happy with the procedure being quick and she is happy with the result. Miz gives her a card at the end of the episode and she can finally read what it says.

Next week we get more on Nikki Bella and her decision between wrestling and Dancing with the Stars.

Total Divas airs Wednesday nights on the E! Channel.

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