
IMPACT Wrestling Results (8/4/2022): Derby City Street Fight, Deonna Purrazzo In Action + More

Results for the 8/4/2022 episode of IMPACT Wrestling.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 8/4/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & YouTube. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– Sami Callihan vs. Raj Singh.

– Deonna Purrazzo vs. Rosemary (w/ Taya Valkyrie & Jessika).

– Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. Violent By Design (Deaner & Joe Doering).

– Masha Slamovich vs. Giselle Shaw.

– IMPACT Digital Media Championship Match: Brian Myers (c) vs. Black Taurus (w/ Crazzy Steve)

– Derby City Street Fight: PCO vs. Doc Gallows.

Live Coverage.

– After a video package highlighting the confrontations between Scott D’Amore & Honor No More, Tom Hannifan & Matt Rehwoldt welcomed the audience to the broadcast before transitioning to the opening match. 

Deonna Purrazzo vs. Rosemary (w/ Taya Valkyrie & Jessika)

Purrazzo began the match throwing strikes on Rosemary, but Rosemary tried to bite Purazzo’s nose before Purrazzo stepped back. Purrazzo got Rosemary in a wrist lock, but Rosemary reversed it with a greko roman lock up. Rosemary hit a corner splash before hitting Purrazzo with a face-bit/bulldog combo on Purrazzo. Purrazzo kicked Rosemary’s left arm, focusing her offense on Rosemary’s arm. Purrazzo hit an uppercut on Rosemary’s arm before hitting a short-arm lariat for a near fall. Purrazzo stomped on Rosemary’s left shoulder, bending her arm before getting her in a lateral press for a near fall. Rosemary got Purrazzo in an Inside-Out Leg Scissors on Rosemary. Rosemary got to the top rope, but Purrazzo pulled Rosemary off the top with a cross-armed Toss. Purrazzo got Rosemary on the Fujiwara Amr Bar, but Rosemary broke the hold before the two laid each other out with stereo pump kicks. Rosemary hit two lariats, a sling blade, and a sliding forearm strike on Purrazzo for a near fall. Rosemary went for the spear, but Purrazzo reversed with the Fujiwara arm bar. Rosemary broke the hold with a crucifix pin for a near fall before Rosemary kicked Purrazzo out of the ring. Purrazzo exchanged words with Jessika outisde of the ring, which led to Jessika distracting the referee by losing her mind on the apron due to Purrazzo’s words. Rosemary hit a spear, but the referee was distracted trying to get a hold of Jessika. Purrazzo took advantage of the distraction and got Rosemary in a schoolboy roll-up for the pinfall win.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo.

– Honor No More discussed their match against Bullet Club, with Eddie Edwards pointing out that he has trust issues with PCO. Vincent told Edwards to not fault PCO, to which Edwards responded by telling him to prove to the world that he believes in the message of Honor No More in his Derby City Match against Doc Gallows later in the night. 

– Gia Miller interviewed Gisele Shaw, with Shaw saying that she took her time to scout Masha Slamovich ahead of her match. Miler asked Shaw if she needed her picture with the red “X” mark, but Shaw did not want it because of how her eye-brows looked. 

IMPACT Digital Media Championship Match.

Brian Myers (c) vs. Black Taurus (w/ Crazzy Steve)

Myers got a rope break immediately to not lock up with Black Taurus. The two locked up before Taurus tossed Myers to the ground. Myers got Black Taurus in a side headlock, but Black Taurus got a headlock of his own before driving Myers into the mat with a shoulder tackle out of the ring. Back in the ring, Myers stomped down Black Taurus before hitting a snap suplex on Black Taurus for a near fall. Myers hit two elbow drops on Black Taurus before stomping him down in the corner. Black Taurus hit a shoulder tackle, a lariat, and a shotgun dropkick before hitting a clothesline on Myers to send him out of the ring. Black Taurus hit a Tope Con Giro on Myers to the outside of the ring before the commercial break. Back from the commercial break, Myers got Black Taurus in a sleeper, but Black Taurus broke the hold with a jawbreaker. Myers hit a sliding trip on Black Taurus. Black Taurus pushed Myers, but Myers responded with a boot and a back suplex on Taurus for a near fall. Myers got Taurus in a chin lock before hitting a knee drop on Black Taurus’ abdomen. Taurus hit a low-shotgun dropkick, a 619, and a top-rope shotgun dropkick on Myers for a near fall. Myers got Taurus with a gut-kick/ DDT for a near fall. Myers went for the spear, but Black Taurus responded with a spear of his own for a near fall. Taurus went for the raging bull, but Myers gauged Black Taurus’ eyes before getting Black Taurus in a rope-assisted schoolboy roll up for a pinfall win. 

Winner & Still IMPACT Digital Media Champion: Brian Myers.

– Crazzy Steve, Black Taurus & Bhupinder Gujjar triple-teamed on Myers after the match, with Bhupinder Gujjar hitting a middle rope spear on Myers.

– IMPACT Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace was interviewed backstage by Gia Miller and called Mia Yim one of the best in the world. Grace did say that she had a lot of respect for Yim but emphasized that she will see Yim as an obstacle when they face each other on Emergence. 

– There was a recap of the IMPACT World Championship Match between champion Josh Alexander and Jacob Fatu, which ended in a disqualification after Matt Cardona, Brian Myers & Mark Sterling attacked the two of them on Ric Flair’s Last Match (you can see the results of the show here).

Masha Slamovich vs. Giselle Shaw.

The match began with Shaw getting an immediate rope break to prevent Slamovich from getting near her. Masha got Shaw in a waist lock takedown before laying in elbow strikes on Shaw. Slamovich hit a back fist on Shaw. Shaw hit a forearm strike and evaded Slamovich’s kick attempt before hitting a running knee on Slamovich for a near fall. Slamovich rained in kicks on Shaw’s chest. Shaw went for a cross body, but Slamovich moved out of the way before hitting a German Suplex for a near fall. Slamovich hit a forearm strike to knockdown Shaw before finally hitting the Snow Plow for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Masha Slamovich.

– Mia Yim was interviewed backstage by Gia Miller, where she said that she is the final boss fight in IMPACT before being interrupted by Madison Rayne. Gail Kim joined the two and reminisced about their Triple Threat Match match from 2016. Kim revealed that Rayne would face Yim on the 8/11/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling. 

– IMPACT Knockouts Champions Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary discussed Jessika’s involvement, with Rosemary saying what was the point of the number games if they were not going to take advantage. Jessika said that she was just trying to help, saying that she will make sure Taya & Rosemary will remain as IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Champions on Emergence. 

Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) vs. Violent By Design (Deaner & Joe Doering).

Shelley and Deaner began the match, but Doering blasted Shelley from behind. Doering and Deaner stomped down Shelley. Sabin hit a dropkick on Doering, sending him out of the ring. Sabin hit a cutter on Deaner.Sheely hti a corner lariat on Deaner before Sabin and Shelley hit a Flat liner/ Dropkick combo on Deaner for a near fall. Shelley went to the middle rope, but Doering hit a running forearm strike. Deaner hit a modified GTS and a lariat on Shelley for a near fall. Doering hit the Double-barrel Thunder on Shelley for a near fall.  Deaner hit Shelley with a shotgun dropkick on Shelley bum into the middle turnbuckle before hitting a neck breaker for a near fall. Deaner hit a Russia Leg Sweep before Doering hit an elbow drop on Shelley for a near fall. Deaner tossed Shelley in the top turnbuckle before hitting a running knee into his abdomen. Deaner went for a Diving headbutt, but Shelley rolled out of harm’s way before tagging in Sabin. Sabin hit a foreaem strike, a spinning abdomen kick, a boot, and an enziguri kick on Deaner. Shelley and Sabin hit stereo forearm strikes before hitting a Magic Killer for a near fall. Shelley laid in strikes on Doering, but Doering responded with a shoulder tackle. The Guns hit. double super kicks on Doering, but Doering responded with a double lariat on Doering. Sabin hit an enziguri kick on Doering. Sabin hit a tope Suicida on Doering to the outside. Shelley went for a spring rope splash on Deaner, but Deaner lifted his knees. Shelley hit a crucifix bomb on Deaner, setting up Sabin to get a jack knife pin on Deaner for the punfall win.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin).

– Deaner and Doering attacked Motor City Machine Guns after the match before Kushida ran in to make the save. Eric Young joined proceedings and hit a piledriver on Kushida, leaving Violent by Design standing tall. 

– Sabin and Kushida challenged Violent By Design to a match on Emergence before IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander interrupted Shelley to remind him that he has a date with him on Emergence. Eddie Edwards overheard Alexander and tried to sweet talk Alexander and told him to open his eyes and see what is going on. Alexander questioned Edwards’ intentions, with Edwards responding that he was trying to help a man like him. 

Sami Callihan vs. Raj Singh.

Callihan and Singh began the match exchanging strikes before Singh hit two knee strikes, an enziguri kick, and a single leg dropkick on Callihan for a near fall. Callihan hit a series of chops, a corner lariat, and a lariat on Singh. Callihan hit a pile driver on Singh before getting Singh in a cross face Chicken Wing for the submission win. 

Winner: Sami Callihan.

– After the match, Sami Callihan called out Steve Maclin and Moose to come to the ring. Maclin showed up on the ramp to Moose’s music, which led to Moose trying to Spear Callihan from behind. Callihan fought off both wrestlers before Maclin hit a low blow on Callihan. Moose laid Callihan out with a Spear. Maclin hit a Double Underhook DDT on Callihan after Moose walked out on Maclin.  

– There was a video vignette highlighting Killer Kelly’s return to IMPACT Wrestling, with Kelly saying she had no regrets for her action. Kelly is set to make her debut on the 8/11/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling. 

– Bullet Club cut a promo backstage, with Karl Anderson saying Bullet Club are Box Office. Gallows said that he was going to send PCO to the create, maybe straight to hell. Gallows also said that Bullet Club was going to run off Honor No More. Chris Bey revealed that Hikuleo would join them in their match on Emergence, and Ace Austin emphasized that Honor No More would be no more. 

Derby City Street Fight.

PCO vs. Doc Gallows

Gallows poked PCO’s eyes to send him out of the ring. The two brawled outside the ring, with Gallows slamming PCO onto the steel ramp. PCO slammed Gallows’ face into the ring post before slamming his face into the stairs. PCO hit a suplex on Gallows into the ramp. PCO got two steel chairs and placed them outside. PCO got on the apron, but Gallows met him with a running boot on PCO’s face, with PCO falling back first into the two chairs he set up. Back from the break, PCO tosses a custodian sign onto Gallows’ face. Back in a chair-filled ring, PCO tossed a chair on the back of Gallows before Gallows yeeted a chair on PCO’s face. Gallows slammed chair on PCO’s back before setting up three chairs leg-side upward. PCO hit a chair shot on Gallows’ head before rearranging the chairs to stand. PCO placed Gallows on the chairs before hitting him with a chair shot to his back while having his abdomen on the chair recliners. PCO went to the top rope, but Gallows tossed him into the chair recliners for a near fall. Outside of the ring Gallows tossed another chair on PCO. Gallows prepared a table, but PCO hit a chokeslam on Gallows into the table. PCO got scissors and dismantled the ring before hitting multiple shots with a trash can on Gallows’ head. PCO continued dismantelling the ring before Gallows slammed PCO into the exposed mat for a near fall. Back outside of the ring, PCO tossed Gallows into a random drum. PCO placed Gallows in the apron. PCO got to the top rope, but Gallows caught his neck before tossing PCO into the exposed mat, obliterating the wooden canvas and falling through the ring. The referee started counting, but PCO got back up at nine. PCO and Gallows exchanged strikes before PCO hit a Scorpion DDT on Gallows. PCO got a plastic glove of Thumbtacks and filled a glove with them. PCO’s then put on the thumbtack-filled glove and hit a top rope five knuckle shuffle on Gallows, who fell to the hole in the ring. PCO stomped on Gallows for the pinfall win. PCO is alive and he stood tall to end the show.

Winner: PCO.

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