
Nick Wayne Returns Home Safely After Bomb Scare Diverted Flight From London

Nick Wayne is home safely.

Following a report about Nick Wayne, the young independent wrestling Superstar who is currently signed to an apprenticeship contract with AEW, being one of over two hundred passengers to be on a flight back to Seattle, Washington that was diverted to Iceland due to a bomb threat, PROGRESS Wrestling, the promotion that Nick was wrestling for this weekend, has now announced that Nick has returned home safely.


PROGRESS Wrestling are delighted and relieved to hear that rising star, and recent UK and European debutant Nick Wayne, and his mother Shayna Edwards are safe and sound, and home in Seattle.

In an extraordinary and quite alarming incident, their return to the USA was interrupted by a bomb scare and an alleged hoaxer putting a note in the airplane bathroom to the effect that there was danger on board.

The Condor pilot quite correctly took immediate action and diverted the Seattle-bound plane to Keflavik in Iceland, with a then very stressful 24 hours for both Nick, Shayna and the other 264 passengers on board.

Lee McAteer, co-owner of PROGRESS said, “We are so pleased to hear that both Nick and his mother are safely home and can start to relax after what had been a triumphant first trip to the UK.”

Nick has been widely tipped for stardom, and after a remarkable start to his career with Defy Wrestling and GCW, had absolutely shone on his debut with PROGRESS at their 24/7 show in an exciting encounter with Robbie X. He and his mother had made many friends, and Nick is due to return in September for a joint show with TNT Extreme and GCW, with his finale at PROGRESS on their Handshakes and Cheeseburgers show on Sunday 18th September.

Shayna, who runs her late husband’s wrestling school, The Buddy Wayne Wrestling Academy had said to the PROGRESS owners Martyn Best and Lee McAteer, “After such a wonderful weekend, and such an exciting one for Nick at being on one of his dream promotions, we were then really shook up with what happened on the plane. It was so unreal, and we are just so grateful that everyone is safe. “We had a very scary six hours until the authorities were able to find out what was really happening, and then it was a long wait to finally board a plane back home.

“We really want to say such a big thank you to all our friends for your kind thoughts and concerns for us – and PROGRESS guys, don’t worry, we know this won’t happen every time that Nick comes over to be with you.”

Martyn Best added, “We had to change Nick’s original opponent due to a traditional flight issue delay, and the weekend had gone so well with Nick having had a terrific fight on his UK, European and PROGRESS debut. He had generated so much joy with everyone, and we were very proud that he and Shayna had chosen PROGRESS to make such a debut.

“Having bid them a fond adieu, it was really quite astonishing and distressing for us to then hear about the trauma that followed, and we are totally relived and happy that all ended well. We really look forward to Nick and Shayna returning to both Liverpool and London in September.”

Nick Wayne also tweeted he was home safe.

Learn more here about Nick Wayne signing with AEW.

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