
ROH Death Before Dishonor Results (7/23/2022): Gresham vs Claudio, FTR vs. Briscoes + More

Results for ROH Death Before Dishonor, live on BR Live & Fite TV (Internationally).

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 7/23/2022 edition of Ring of Honor’s Death Before Honor. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

Zero Hour Match: Allysin Kay vs. Willow Nightingale. 

Zero Hour Match: Shinobi Shadow Squad (Cheesburger & Eli Isom) vs The Trustbusters (Slim J & Ari Daivari)

Zero Hour Match: Brian Cage, Toa Linoa & Kaun vs. Tony Deppen, Blake Christian & Alex Zayne.

Zero Hour Match: Colt Cabana vs. Anthony Henry (w/ JD Drake).

– ROH 6-Man Tag Team Championship Match: The Righteous (Vincent, Bateman & Dutch) (c) vs. Dalton Castle & The Boys (Boy #1 & Boy #2).

– ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Daniel Garcia.

– Rush vs. Dragon Lee.

– ROH Tag Team Championship 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match: FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) vs. The Briscoes (Mark Briscoe & Jay Briscoe).

– ROH Television Championship: Samoa Joe (c) vs. Jay Lethal.

– ROH Women’s World Championship: Mercedes Martinez (c) vs. Serena Deeb.

– ROH World Heavyweight Championship Match: Jonathan Gresham (c) (w/ Tully Blanchard, Toa Liona, Kaun & Brian Cage) vs. Claudio Castagnoli. 

Live Coverage.

Zero Hour

– Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman welcomed the audience to the Zero Hour before quickly transitioning to Bobby Cruise introducing the first match. 

Colt Cabana vs. Anthony Henry (w/ JD Drake).

Cabana and Henry adhere the code of honor before they locked up and exchange holds before standing off. Cabana hit a laying kick on Henry before the two locked up, with Cabana and Henry exchanging wrist locks. Henry tripped Cabana before Cabana got another wrist lock to transition to a lateral press for a near fall. Henry hit a chop, and a spinning kick on his abdomen, but Cabana responded with a body scissors pin for a near fall. Cabana went for a sunset flip, but Henry reversed it with a neck twist. Henry hit another neck twist for good measure before laying in strikes on Cabana’s head. Cabana got a flip near fall before Henry stomped Cabana’s arm. Henry lowered the hips to put Cabana in a bow-and-arrow hold. Henry hit a snap mare/ back kick combo on Cabana. Henry hit a series of kicks on Cabana before hitting him with a piledriver for a near fall, thanks to Cabana getting a rope break. Henry got Cabana with a cravat knee strike Henry went for a Cravat Headlock, but Cabana broke the hold with a spinning back suplex. Cabana hit three jabs, the bullseye elbow, a chop, a spinning chop, a forearm strike, an Irish Whip, a leaping elbow strike, and a lariat on Henry for a near fall. Outside of the ring, Cabana hit an elbow strike on JD Drake. JD Drake responded with an elbow strike of his own before Henry responded by hitting a leg lariat on Cabana into the barricade. Back in the ring, Henry hit a frog splash on Cabana for a near fall. Henry went for a dropkick, but Cabana moved out of the way. Henry tried to hit a German Suplex on Cabana, but he changed his mind and got Cabana in a guillotine choke. Cabana got Henry in Billy Goat’s Curse, but JD Drake distracted Cabana. Henry hit JD Drake with an elbow strike before Cabana hit a back facebuster and a top rope moonsault on Henry for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Colt Cabana.

– There was a video package promoting the 2/3 Falls Match between ROH Tag Champions FTR and The Briscoes, which was set for later in the night. 

Shinobi Shadow Squad (Cheesburger & Eli Isom) vs The Trustbusters (Slim J & Ari Daivari)

Daivari and Cheeseburger began the match with the two locking up, with Daivari laying in the punches on Cheeseburger. Slim J taunted Cheeseburger before hitting tijeras and lariats on Cheeseburger. Daivari hit a chop on Cheeseburger’s chest. Cheeseburger hti a forearm strike on Daivari before tagging in Eli Isom. Isom hit a sunset flip on Daivari for a near fall, hit a Mexican Arm drag, and a drop kick on Daivari for a near fall. Slim J hit a jab on Isom, but Isom hit a big boot. Isom and Cheeseburger hit an assisted Bulldog on Slim J. Cheeseburger got Slim J in La Escalera, but Slim J hit a wheelbarrow Flatliner on Cheeseburger. Daivari hit a back elbow on Cheeseburger for a near fall. Cheeseburger hit a jawbreaker on Davivari and evaded a lariat before tagging in Isom. Isom hit an enziguri kick on Slim J before hitting a knee drop and a deep 6 on Daivari for a near fall. Slim J hit a Butterfly Suplex on Cheeseburger. Isom laid in strikes on Slim J, but Slim J hit a spinning cutter on Isom. Slim J hit a cross body on Isom. Daivari hit a frog splash on Isom for the pinfall win. 

Winners: The Trustbusters (Slim J & Ari Daivari).

– Lexi Nair interviewed Prince Nana backstage. Prince Nana revealed he purchased Tully Blanchard Enteprises, saying that he will accompany Jonathan Gresham in the Main Event. 

Brian Cage, Toa Linoa & Kaun (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Tony Deppen, Blake Christian & Alex Zayne.

Cage and Deppen began the match, with Deppen slapping Cage square in the mouth. Deppen hit a pump kick on Cage, but Cage got him with a guerrilla press power slam on Deppen. Cage slammed Deppen in the corner with two Irish Whips. Deppen went for a code breaker, but Cage hit an uppercut, an enziguri kick, and a German Suplex on Deppen. Kaun hit a spring rope senton on Deppen. Deppen hit a double-stomp on Kaun’s back before tagging in Zayne. Zayne cleaned house and hit two forearm strikes and a guillotine flipping leg drop on Kaun. Zayne hit a Tijeras on Kaun off Linoa’s back. Kaun spit on Zayne’s face before flicking him off. Linoa hit a lighting-fast back elbow on Zayne. Linoa hit a Uranage on Deppen. Kaun and Linoa slammed Zayne into the turnbuckle for a near fall. Kaun stomped down Zayne and hit him with a chop before Linoa tagged back in and hit a delayed vertical suplex for a near fall. Kaun hit a back-heel kick on  Zayne’s head. Kaun hit a side suplex on Zayne into the top turnbuckle. Linoa hit a running senton on Zyane into the apron. Cage hit a deadlift suplex on Zayne for a near fall. Zayne hti a forearm strike on Cage. Cage hit a wheelbarrow German Suplex on Zayne. Ztyne tagged Christian in, who hit a forearm strike on Cage, a stunner on Linoa into the top rope, a Tornado DDT. He went for a Tope Suicida on Kaun and Linoa, but the two caught him. Deppen took everyone down with a cannonball. Zayne hit a moonsault on Cage to the outside. Christian hit a 450 Splash on Cage before  Deppen hit a running knee for a near fall. Christian hit a Pele kick on Kaun, but Linoa hit a shoulder tackle on Christian Cage. Cage hit discus clotheslines on Zayne and Deppen. Zayne and Christian hit a double enziguri on Cage. Linao hit a Samoan Drop on Christian while Kuan hit a slam on Zayne. Deppen chopped Kaun and Linoa, but Cage hit a pop-up powerbomb. Kaun hit a Gut Buster before Cage and Linao hti a running kick/slam on Deppen for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Brian Cage, Toa Linoa & Kaun (w/ Prince Nana).

– There was a video package promoting the ROH Pure Championship Match between Daniel Garcia and champion Wheeler Yuta for later in the night. 

Allysin Kay vs. Willow Nightingale. 

The two locked up to begin the match before Nightingale broke the hold. Kay went for the Kimura Lock, but Nightingale broke the hold with a body slam and a running low-cross body for a near fall. Nightingale hit a cartwheel enziguri kick on Kay. Kay hit a neck breaker on Willow into the middle rope before hitting a running kick on Willow’s head for a near fall. Kay hit a nasty chop on Willow. Willow responded with three chops but Kay responded with a big boot and a lariat for a near fall. Kay rolled Willow to lock in a varied version of the STF but Willow broke the hold by kicking her head. Willow hit Kay with a wrist lock/chop combo on Kay before hitting a small bulldog on Kay. Kay hit a high kick on Willow, but Willow responded with a lariat. Willow hit two clotheslines, a chop, an elbow strike, and a middle rope shotgun dropkick on Kay for a near fall. Willow went for the Babe Breaker, but Kay reversed it with a Kimura Lock. Willow turned the Babe breaker with a lateral press for a near fall before hitting the babe breaker for another near fall. Kay went for a Triangle Choke and an Arm-bar, but Willow responded with a flat liner. Kay hit the Strong Zero on Willow for a near fall. Kay went for the AK47, but Willow responded with the pounce on Kay. Willow hit a cannonball on Kay in the abdomen before hitting a Gut-Wrench Bomb for the pinfall win. 

Winner: Willow Nightingale.

– There was a video package promoting the match between Claudio Castagnoli and ROH World Champion Jonathan Gresham for the championship, which is happening later in the night. 

Main Show.

– The broadcast began with Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman welcoming the audience before shockingly transitioning to the ROH World Heavyweight Championship Match between Claudio Castagnoli and Jonathan Gresham for the ROH World Heavyweight Championship.

ROH World Heavyweight Championship Match.

Jonathan Gresham (c) (w/ Prince Nana) vs. Claudio Castagnoli (w/ William Regal).

Claudio got Gresham in a wrist lock, but Gresham broke the hold with a kick on Claudio’s arm. Claudio and Gresham got into a greko-roman lock, but Claudio transitioned into the Cesaro Swing on Gresham. Claudio finally broke the swing for a lateral press for a near fall. Gresham hit Claudio with a rope-assisted dragon screw on Claudio’s left leg. Claudio slammed Gresham into the corner. Claudio tried to lift Gresham with one arm, but Gresham responded with an arm drag. Gresham hit a toss and a foot stomp on Claudio’s foot. Gresham got Claudio in a modified Figure Four, adding pressure to Claudio’s knee. Claudio pushed Gresham out of the ring. Claudio hit a knee strike on Gresham. Claudio tried to hit a deadlift gut-wrench suplex, but Gresham held his weight. Claudio completed the deadlift and hit the gut-wrench suplex for. a near fall. Gresham hit a dropkick on Claudio’s left leg. Gresham got Claudio with an ankle lock, but Claudio broke the hold. Claudio hit a tilt-to-world back breaker on Gresham for a near fall. Claudio hit an uppercut on Claudio for a near fall. Claudio went for a Sharp Shooter but instead hit a double foot stomp on Gresham for a near fall. Gresham was slammed to the corner by Claudio, but Gresham responded with a Missile Dropkick and a forearm strike on Claudio for a near fall. Gresham got Claudio in an ankle lock, but Claudio got a rope break. Gresham hit three chops on Claudio, but Claudio responded with an uppercut. Claudio hti a second uppercut, but Gresham chopped Claudio’s knee and an enziguri kick. Claudio got Gresham ina rack attack, but Claudio’s knee gave out. Gresham hit Claudio with a spring rope Moonsault, followed by a ankle lock and quickly transitioning into a German Suplex for a near fall. Claudio hit a pop-up uppercut on Gresham and tried to hit Gresham with a Ricola Bomb, but Gresham reversed it with a sunset flip bomb for a near fall. Claudio hit a lariat on Gresham. Claudio hit elbow strikes on Gresham’s neck before hitting the Ricola Bomb for the pinfall win, becoming the new Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Champion. 

Winner & New ROH World Heavyweight Champion: Claudio Castagnoli (w/ William Regal).

– Lexi Nair was backstage to interview Daniel Garcia. Garcia said it did not matter what Wheeler Yuta said about him, saying that he will take the ROH Pure Championship away from him. 

ROH 6-Man Tag Team Championship Match.

The Righteous (Vincent, Bateman & Dutch) (c) (w/ Vita Von Starr) vs. Dalton Castle & The Boys (Boy #1 & Boy #2).

Vincent and Dalton Castle began the match. Vincent and Castle locked up before Castle and Vincent brawled in the corner. Vincent hit a Tijeras/leg sweep on Castle, who rolled out of the ring after the move. The Boys and Catel ran outside the ring before Castle got back in and hit a overhead suplex on Bateman. Castle hit a one-wing suplex on Bateman. Boy #1 hit a moonsault on Bateman for a near fall. Dutch hit a double clothesline on both boys. Dutch hit three short-hand lariats on Boy 2 before hitting an exploder suplex for a near fall. Vincent tagged in and hit a running forearm and a Saito Suplex on Boy #2 for a near fall. Vincent hit a running knee on Boy #2. Bateman hit nine headbutts on Boy #2 before hitting a back elbow and a twisting neck breaker on Boy #2 for a near fall. Castle tagged in and hit a back elbow on Bateman before hitting a low-DDT. Castle hit an exploder suplexes on Bateman and Vincent. Castle tossed Boy #1 onto Bateman then tossed Boy #2 onto Vincent. Castle continued to toss the boys out of the ring into the members of the Righteous before Castle taunted the crowd. Von Starr distracted Castle and The Boys for the Righteous to attack them from behind. Von Starr hit a Moonsault on The boys. Dutch hit a Tope Con Giro on The Boys. Dutch hit a gut-wrench bomb before Vincent hit a Redrum Senton. fora near fall, thanks to Castle breaking the pin. Vincent tossed Castle to the outside of the ring before hitting Castle with a Tope Con Giro. Castle hit a tijeras on Vincent. Dutch hit a boss-am slam on Boy #1, but Castle a German Suplex on Dutch. Castle hit the Batarang on Bateman for the pinfall win. 

Winners & New ROH 6-Man Tag Team Champions: Dalton Castle & The Boys (Boy #1 & Boy #2).

– Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, and Satnam Singh cut a promo backstage while wearing white. Dutt revealed that they were wearing white because it was used to celebrate funerals, alluding that tonight was Joe’s demise. 

ROH Pure Championship.

Wheeler Yuta (c) vs. Daniel Garcia.

The two began the match exchanging strikes before Garcia did a takedown on Yuta. Garcia and Yuta exchanged slaps before Yuta hit a delayed Back Suplex on Garcia. Yuta got Garcia in a cross armed-choke, but Garcia tossed Yuta over his head to lock Yuta in the same hold. They continued to exchange the cross-hold before Yuta transitioned into a Guillotine Choke. Garcia broke the Guillotine Choke by tossing Yuta out of the ring. Outside of the ring, Garcia slammed Yuta into the barricade twice. Back in the ring, Garcia got Yuta in three pin attempts for a near fall. Garcia hit a suplex on Yuta for a near fall. Yuta got Garcia in a Knife Edge pin for a near fall. Yuta hit a body slam/running senton on Garcia for a near fall. Yuta chopped Garcia in the chest before hitting Garcia with elbow strikes in the abdomen. Yuta got Garcia in a Surfboard Stretch, but Garcia reversed it with a lateral press pin for a near fall. Yuta hit two German Suplexes on Garcia before getting Garcia in a wrist lock. Garcia broke the hold by biting Yuta’s ear off. Garcia got a near fall before slamming his forearm on Yuta’s injured ear. Garcia hit an uppercut on Yuta before slamming him back-first into the bottom turnbuckle. Garcia hit palm strikes on Yuta before placing Yuta on the top rope. Yuta hit a Shotgun Dropkick on Garcia from the top rope. Yuta hit an atomic drop/ enziguri kick combination before hitting a Miz Lariat/ Forearm Strike combination on Garcia. Garcia went for the sharpshooter, but Yuta reversed it with a small package for a near fall. Garcia and Yuta hit each other with double-clotheslines. Yuta and Garcia furiously exchanged slaps before Garcia collapsed on the ground. Yuta demanded the referee to count, but Garcia stood up at the count of nine, but Yuta caught him with a German Suplex for a near fall. Yuta hit the BCC elbow strikes on Garcia’s neck before going for a sleeper, but Garcia reversed it by flipping over Yuta and hitting Elbow strikes on Yuta’s neck. Garcia got Yuta in a sleeper before Yuta reversed it with a pin for a near fall. Yuta hit the Seatbelt suplex on Yuta for a near fall, quickly transitioning into a Cross face. Garcia transitioned the move with a Sharpshooter, but Yuta reversed it with a bulldog choke. Garcia reversed it with a cross face of his own before hitting knee strikes on Yuta’s head. Yuta got Garcia with a Boston Crab, which led to Garcia getting the first of three available rope breaks. Yuta and Garcia exchanged pin attempts before Garcia hit a piledriver on Yuta for a near fall. Yuta spit on Garcia’s face before getting Garcia in the seatbelt pin for the pinfall win, retaining the ROH Pure Championship. After the match, Garcia flicked off Yuta, teasing that their proceedings are not over yet.

Winner & Still ROH Pure Champion: Wheeler Yuta (c).

Rush (w/ Jose The Assistant) vs. Dragon Lee.

The match began with the two brothers hugging before the two locked horns, with Rush leaning Lee in the ropes. The two locked up again before Rush hit a chop on Lee’s chest. Lee and Rush exchanged holds before Rush got Lee in an arm bar, but Lee did a kip up to break the hold. Lee got Rush in a headlock before attempting a shoulder tackle, but Rush was not amused. Rush punched Lee in the face before stomping him down. Rush hit a chop on Lee’s chest, to which Lee collapsed to the ground. Lee hit a spring rope kick on Rush in the corner before laying in punches. Rush hit a Shotgun Dropkick on Lee. Rush hit a Tope Con Giro on Lee to the outside. Rush slammed Lee all across the barricade before taunting the crowd. Back in the ring, Rush stomped down Lee in the corner before kicking his face and hitting a powerslam on Lee for an extremely cocky near fall. Rush kicked Lee’s chest, but Lee hit a Tijeras on Rush before hitting a Tope Con Giro on Rush to the outside. Lee placed Rush on the broadcast table before hitting a Tope Con Giro on Rush into the broadcast table. Back in the ring, Lee hit a Double Stomp from the top rope on Rush for a near fall. Lee hit a Death Valley Neck Breaker on Rush before hitting a Penalty Kick on Rush. Rush and Lee exchanged strikes and chops before Rush hit a Rolling Elbow. Lee and Rush exchanged German Suplexes before hitting each other with double-knee strikes on each other. Rush lifted Lee over the top rope before hitting him with a deadlift Suplex on Lee from the apron to the mat for a near fall. On the apron, the two brothers exchanged chops before Rush hit a super kick, but Lee responded with a running knee. Rush hit a belly-to-belly suplex on Lee, tossing him from the apron into the ringside floor. Lee got back up and hit a Tijeras on Rush, with the two landing on ringside. The two wrestles broke the 19-count by sliding back in the ring. The two exchanged chops again before Lee hit a super kick on Rush. Rush hit an overhead suplex on Lee onto the bottom turnbuckle. Rush hit the Bulls Horns on Lee for a near fall, with Lee becoming the first ever wrestler to kick out of Rush’s finisher. Rush placed Lee on the top rope, but Lee hit him with a double stomp for a One-count, to which Lee responded furiously by hitting a Liger Bomb on Rush for a near fall. Lee hit the Incinerator on Rush for a near fall.Rush hit a super kick, a forearm strike, and the Bulls Horns for a second time for the pinfall win.

Winner: Rush (w/ Jose The Assistant)

ROH Women’s World Championship Match.

Mercedes Martinez (c) vs. Serena Deeb.

The two locked up, with Deeb getting Martinez in a hammerlock, but Martinez reversed it with a sleeper. Deeb reversed the hold with another hammerlock, but Martinez got another hammerlock before going for a modified knee-lock on Deeb. Martinez stomped Deeb’s hand before hitting a shoulder tackle on Deeb. Deeb got a near fall on Martinez before hitting an arm drag hold on Martinez. Martinez broke the hold and hit a Spine buster on Deeb. Martinez hit a big boot on Deeb in the corner before hitting a low-shotgun dropkick on Deeb, sending her to the outside. Outside of the ring, Deeb and Martinez exchanged slaps and chops before Martinez hit elbow drops on Deeb’s neck. Martinez went for a Death Valley Driver on the apron, but Deeb responded with a spear on Martinez onto the apron. Back in the ring, Deeb got Martinez with a Dragon Sleeper Stunner for a near fall. Deeb hit an uppercut on Martinez, but Martinez hit a half-and-half suplex on Deeb. Martinez placed Deeb in the corner and tried to hit an Avalanche German Suplex, but Deeb hit back elbows on Martinez. Martinez got a Dragon Sleeper to disable Deeb, but Deeb hit back elbows on Martinez to leave her hanging in the top turnbuckle. Deeb kicked Martinez’s neck while she was hanging in the top turnbuckle before hitting a shotgun dropkick on Martinez’s ribs. Deeb got Martinez in an abdominal stretch before she transitioned into a motorcycle stretch. Martinez broke the hold by slamming Deeb into the ground. The two exchange pins before Martinez got Deeb in an Arm bar. Martinez got Deeb ina front face lock, but Deeb broke the hold with a kick. While on the ground, the two exchanged big boots before laying each other on the ground. Deeb got Martinez in a piledriver hold, but Martinez reversed it with a back drop and a running knee on Deeb. Beed hit a forearm strike on Deeb and tried to go for a top rope move, but Martinez hit a big boot on Deeb. Martinez hit an Avalanche German Suplex on Deeb, who landed straight on her neck. Martinez went for a running forearm trike, but Deeb collapsed. Martinez went for the Romero Special, but Deeb bit Martinez’s arm to break the hold. Martinez went for a Death Valley Driver, but Deeb reversed it with a Spinning Neck breaker. Deeb hit a Tornado DDT before getting Martinez in the Serenity Lock, but Martinez broke the hold by rolling into a lateral press for a near fall. Deeb continued to attack Martinez’s injured left knee before getting her in an ankle lock, but Martinez rolled over to slam Deeb into the middle turnbuckle. Martinez hit a super kick on Deeb while she was in the corner before hitting a Razor’s Edge Faceslam for a near fall. Martinez finally ended proceeding by getting Deeb in the Romero Special/Dragon Sleeper for the submission win.

Winner & Still ROH Women’s Champion: Mercedes Martinez (c).

– The two began brawling. outside of the ring, with Joe hitting headbutts on Lethal’s head. Lethal hit a dropkick on Joe before the two exchanged chops. Joe slammed Lethal into the barricade, but Lethal responded by slamming Joe into the apron. Joe hit a lariat on Lethal. Lethal gauged Joe’s eyes and teased hitting Joe in the head with the title, but Joe hit a headbutt and another chop on Lethal. Lethal hit three Tope Suicidas on Joe. Lethal chopped Joe in the chest and went for a running move, but Joe caught him with a running kick and a helluva kick into the barricade. Satnam Singh came down to attack Joe from behind. Lethal placed a chair on Joe’s hand before Lethal and Singh slammed Joe into the ring post. 

ROH Television Championship Match.

Samoa Joe (c) vs. Jay Lethal (w/ Satnam Singh & Sonjay Dutt).

The match officially began with Satnam Singh being kicked out of the arena by the referee. Lethal laid in kicks on Joe and targeted Joe’s injured arm. Lethal got a wrist lock on Joe, but Joe responded with a chop on Lethal’s chest. Joe hit a running elbow and an enziguri kick on Lethal for a near fall, thanks to Lethal getting a rope break. Lethal hit a top-rope dropkick on Joe for a near fall, with Lethal adding extra pressure on Joe’s arm. Lethal and Joe exchanged chops before Joe hit a running forearm strike on Joe, but Lethal responded with a leaping dropkick on Joe. Joe slapped Lethal straight in the face, but Lethal responded with an enziguri. Joe hit Lethal with a running back elbow before launching himself into Lethal with a Tope Suicida to the outside of the ring. Joe and Lethal exchanged forearm strikes before Joe got Lethal in a sunset pin for a near fall. Joe hit a lariat on Lethal for a near fall. Lethal hit an enziguri kick on Joe’s injured arm, but Joe got to hit Lethal with a powerslam for a near fall. Joe hit a series of slaps on Joe, but Lethal responded with a back-breaker/flat liner combo for a near fall. Lethal targetted Joe’s leg and attemptedthe Figure Four, but Joe kicked lethal off his bum. Lethal placed Joe on the top rope and tried to hit a Muscle Buster, but Joe kicked him and took him off the top rope before Joe hit a top rope leg drop on Lethal for a near fall. Joe went for the Muscle Buster, but Lethal escaped the move and hit the Lethal Injection for an extremely close near fall. Lethal hit a shotgun drop kick on Joe and went for a running forearm, but Joe responded with vicious Uranage. Sonjay Dutt distracted the referee with a lead pipe, which lead to Lethal hitting Joe with the ROH TV Title for a near fall. Lethal went for another Lethal Injection, but Joe caught him with a Coquina Clutch, but Lethal broke the hold with a jawbreaker. Lethal got Joe with an O’Connor Roll, but Joe reversed it with another Coquina Clutch for the submission win. 

Winner: Samoa Joe.

2 Out Of 3 Falls Match for the ROH Tag Team Championship.

FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (c) vs. The Briscoes (Mark Briscoe & Jay Briscoe).

Fall #1.

The match began with with FTR and Briscoes staring daggers at each other before Wheeler and Jay got to the apron. Mark and Dax locked up for a long time before they broke the hold. The two locked up again before Mark got Dax in a headlock before he hit Dax with a shoulder tackle. After Dax talked in the corner with Cash Wheeler, Dax tried to get Mark in a Chicken Wing before Mark got a rope break. Mark Briscoe got Dax in a headlock, transitioning into a hammerlock before Dax broke the hold and hit a shoulder tackle on Mark. Cash Wheeler tagged in and got Mark in a wrist lock, but Mark reversed it with a wrist lock of his own. Wheeler reversed the hold with a Guillotine before Mark got Cash in the corner. Mark hit an overhead arm drag on Cash before he teased unleashing the Redneck Kung Fu moves. Jay and Dax tagged in, with Dax getting Jay in a headlock. Jay broke the hold, hit two shoulder tackles, and hit tijeras before Dax caught him in two headlock takedowns. Jay hit a back suplex on Dax for a near fall. Outside of the ring, Dax was checked on by Doc Sampson. Cash tagged in and immediately butted heads with Jay. Jay and Cash exchanged chops before Cash hit a midsection tackle on Jay and a back suplex on Jay. Dax hit a forearm strike on Mark to send him off the apron. Mark Briscoe hit chops on Cash before tagging in Jay. FTR hit a drop toehold/elbow drop on Jay for a near fall. Dax hit a leg drop on Jay. Cash tagged back in and hit Jay with a wristlock back suplex on Jay for a near fall. Jay hit a big boot on Cash before tagging in Mark Briscoe. The Briscoes caught Cash with a surprise chop before hitting him with a double shoulder tackle. Jay hit an uppercut on Cash before tagging in Mark. Mark Briscoe chopped Cash’s chest before hitting a suplex for a one-count kick out. Jay hit an elbow strike on Cash in the corner before Mark hit a corner splash on Cash. Jay got Cash in a headlock before hitting an elbow strike for a near fall. Mark Briscoe tagged in and chopped Cash’s chest. Cash hit a Steiner Slam on Mark before tagging in Dax. Dax rained punched on Mark and Jay before hitting two German Suplex on Jay, but Mark caught him with a chop on Dax’s neck. Dax got two near falls on Mark before Mark got a roll-up on Dax for another near fall. Jay and Mark hit a corner splash/ helluva kick combo on Dax. Cash hit a leaping lariat on Mark from the apron to the outside of the ring. Jay Briscoe went for a Jay-Driller, but Dax responded with a DDT for a near fall. Jay catapulted Dax into the top turnbuckle. The Briscoes hit a Doomsday Device on Dax for the pinfall win, winning the first fall. 

Fall #2.

 Dax got Jay in a small package for a near fall before Jay got Dax with a lariat. Outside of the ring, Mark Briscoe rained the chops on Dax’s chest before sending Dax back into the ring. Back outside of the ring, Jay slammed Dax into the barricade. Mark tossed Cash into the stairs. Dax was bleeding heavily from the chest, which Jay took advantage with more chops. Mark got Dax with a snap mare headlock, transitioning into a sleeper hold. Hardwood broke Mark’s hold with a back suplex. Jay tagged in and hit a big boot on Cash, but Dax caught Jay with two German Suplexes. Dax placed Jay in the top corner before hitting an Avalanche Back Suplex on Jay Briscoe. Dax tried to tag in Cash, but Mark pulled Cash from the apron. Jay placed Dax in the top corner before he and Mark hit Redneck Boogie (Neck breaker/ Razor’s Edge combo) for a near fall. Mark got Cash in another sleeper, but Dax broke the hold with punches on Mark’s abdomen. Mark and Dax exchanged chops before Dax rolled under Mark to tag in Cash. Cash hit two forearm strikes, a Belly-to-belly suplex on Mark, a lariat and a Brainbuster on Mark Briscoe for a near fall. Mark slapped Cash in the head and tried to go for another redneck boogie, but Cash got Mark with a Gory Special for a near fall. Jay sent Dax over the barricade, while Cash sent Mark over an announcer’s table. Cash got Mark back in the ring and hit a cross body on Mark for a near fall. Jay hit Cash with the ring bell while the referee was distracted, which led to Mark getting a near fall. Jay and Mark hit the Death Valley Driver/Froggy Bow combo for a near fall,  thanks to Dax pulling Jay out of the ring to break the pin. Dax launched Mark into the stairs. Jay hit a forearm strike on Cash, but Dax and Cash caught Jay with the Big Rig for the pinfall win, with FTR winning the second fall. 

Fall #3.

To start the final fall, Cash and Mark tagged in before they butted heads and exchanged strikes. Mark laid in the chops on Cash before Mark hit half-exploder suplexes on Cash and Dax consecutively. Mark tried to suplex Dax onto the apron, but they continued to exchange strikes. Mark finally unleashed the Redneck Kung Fu, hitting an open palm strike and a blockbuster from the apron onto Dax. Jay tagged in and hit a super kick on Dax before attempting to go for the Jay Driller, but Dax reversed it with a piledriver for a near fall. Jay and Mark went again for the Doomsday Device, but Cash slammed Mark off the top rope. Dax accidentally punched the referee. Jay hit the Jay Driller while the referee was injured, missing the pin. The Briscoes went for the Doomsday Device again, but Cash dropped Mark off the top rope again. FTR caught Jay with the Big Rig. Cash pulled the referee to catch the pin, but Jay kicked out at the slow count of two. Dax placed Jay in the top corner, but Jay caught Dax to hit a second Doomsday Device on Dax, but Wheeler broke Jay’s pinfall attempt at two. The crowd was electric after the kickout before Mark Briscoe and Cash Wheeler stood up. They exchanged strikes before Cash hit a rope-assisted suplex that was turned into a stunner, sending them to the outside of the ring. Dax and Jay stood up and exchanged jabs before Jay hit a big boot, but Dax hit a lariat for a near fall. Jay got Dax in a small package for a near fall before getting Dax in a Camel Clutch. Cash came to the ring to break the hold, but Mark got in the ring and got Cash in a Camel Clutch of his own. Cash and Dax held hands before Dax got the rope break. Jay went for the Jay-Driller/ Froggy Bow combo, but Cash hit a back suplex on Mark from the top rope into the broadcast table on the outside. Jay hit the Jay Driller on Dax for a heart-stopping near fall. Jay went for a second Jay Driller, but Dax placed Jay in the top rope before laying in chops. Dax got Jay in the top rope and finally put Jay Briscoe out with an Avalanche Piledriver for the pinfall win, with FTR retaining the ROH Tag Team Championships. 

Winners & Still ROH Tag team Champions: FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) (c).

– FTR stood tall while Dax Hardwood shared some drinks with the fans on ringside. Cash Wheeler demanded Mark Briscoe and Jay Briscoe to get back in the ring to be celebrated by the crowd. The Briscoes and FTR shook hands in the ring before Dax said the following: “Mother fucker, I love professional wrestling!!”. Dax said that you could call him a “fucking mark”, but he did not care because he loves professional wrestling. Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, and William Regal stood on the ramp to confront FTR, lifting their championships. FTR stood tall to end the broadcast. 


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