
WWE Money In The Bank 2022 Results: Two Ladder Matches, Bobby Lashley, Bianca Belair In Action + More

Results for WWE Money In The Bank 2022, live from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for WWE Money In The Bank 2022, live on Peacock. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card.

– Raw Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair (c) vs. Carmella.

– SmackDown Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Natalya.

– WWE United States Championship: Theory (c) vs. Bobby Lashley.

– WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championship: The Usos (c) vs. The Street Profits

– Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Lacey Evans vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Liv Morgan vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Asuka vs. Becky Lynch.

– Men’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Seth Rollins vs. Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Omos vs. Sami Zayn vs. Riddle vs. Madcap Moss.

Live Coverage

– Jimmy Smith, Corey Graves, and Byron Saxton welcomed the audience to the broadcast of the show, quickly transitioning to the Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match to open the show.

Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match

Lacey Evans vs. Alexa Bliss vs. Liv Morgan vs. Raquel Rodriguez vs. Asuka vs. Becky Lynch

The match began with Evans, Morgan, Rodriguez, and Bliss rolling out of the ring to get the ladders. Lynch and Asuka exchanged strikes in the ring, hitting multiple back fists on Lynch, a hip attack on Rodriguez, and a low dropkick on Lynch. Asuka got a ladder, but Lynch attacked her from behind. Asuka hit a bulldog on Lynch onto a ladder. Asuka hit a knee strike on Morgan, who landed on the ladder. Raquel hit a big boot on Asuka. Raquel got the ladder, shaking Morgan and Lynch off it. Raquel slammed the ladder onto Bliss. Lynch and Morgan double-teamed Raquel with kicks and knee strikes before attempting a double suplex on Raquel, but Raquel hit a suplex both of them onto a ladder. Shotzi got dragged into the ring by Raquel, but Shotzi hit walked through a ladder to hit a cross body on Bliss. Evans, Shotzi, and Asuka slammed Raquel with the ladder. Shotzi hit a rope-assisted DDT on Raquel onto the ladder. Morgan walked on the ladder and hit a knee-strike on Shotzi but Evans met her with a pump kick onto a ladder before hitting her with a sitting senton on Morgan the ladder. Asuka hit a hip attack on Evans, sending her into the ladder but Lynch hit her with a dropkick kick, sending Asuka onto the ladder with Morgan, Evans, and Asuka. Lynch hit a leg drop on everybody that was on the ladder. Bliss hit the Molly Go-Round onto Morgan and Lynch. Bliss placed the ladder and tried. to climb it but Raquel got her. Bliss hit kicks and knee strikes before sending Raquel onto a ladder with Tijeras. Asuka hit a German Suplex on Bliss. Shotzi got hip tossed by Asuka onto a ladder placed in the ring corner. Asuka tried to climb the ladder, but Evans met her on the ladder, but Lynch dropped them off the ladder. Asuka and Evans evaded strikes before Evans hit an uppercut on Asuka. Evans tripped Lynch onto a ladder. Shotzi and Evans pulled each other from the ladder multiple times before they both climbed and met on the ladder. Evans hit a women’s right on Shotzi. Morgan and Rodriguez climbed the ladder before Morgan jumped over Raquel to hit a sunset bomb on Evans. Shotzi pulled Raquel off the top before hitting her with multiple chops. Bliss tried to climb the ladder, but Shotzi got her and dropped the ladder. Shotzi tried to set up the ladder again, with the crowd fully behind her. Shotzi climbed the ladder, but Lynch caught her leg and climbed the ladder with Shotzi before slamming Shotzi’s head on the ladder. Lynch climbed the ladder, but Shotzi pulled Lynch off the ladder, slamming Lynch’s face onto the ground. Shotzi placed Lynch on a ladder and tried to hit a top rope senton on her, but Lynch moved and Shotzi landed back first onto the ladder. Asuka hit another back fist on Lynch. Asuka tried to climb, but Raquel pulled her off the ladder. Raquel tried to climb, but Asuka took her off the ladder. They brawled their way out of the ring before Raquel hit a lariat on Asuka. Raquel placed a ladder between the ring and the broadcast table. Asuka jumped from the broadcast table onto Raquel and hit her with an arm bar, but Raquel got up and got Asuka on her back. Lynch kicked Raquel and Asuka onto the ladder placed in the middle before climbing the ladder and connected a leg drop on Asuka onto the ladder, getting a “Holy Shit” chant from the crowd. Evans, Shotzi, Raquel, and Bliss got back in the ring and placed three ladders in the ring. They all climbed the ladders and brawled with each other before Lynch pushed them off the ladders. Lynch climbed the ladder, but Morgan met her on another ladder. Lynch pushed Morgan’s ladder, but Morgan pushed the rope to re-accommodate the ladder. Morgan kicked Lynch off her ladder before retrieving the briefcase to win the match, becoming Ms. Money In The Bank 2022. 

Winner: Liv Morgan.

WWE United States Championship.

Theory (c) vs. Bobby Lashley.

The match began with Theory and Lashley doing a pose-down, with the crowd audible chanting for Lashley. The two locked up before Lashley pushed Theory out of the ring. Theory got back in the ring, but Lashley met him with a choke slam. Lashley went for a spear, but Theory rolled out of the ring. Lashley hit a forearm strike on Theory, sending him straight to the barricade. Lashley went for the Helicopter Ring post slam, but Theory slammed Lashley onto the post before slamming him into the barricade. Theory punched Lashley’s head. Theory went for a cross body, but Lashley caught him and hit him with the Fireman’s carry Ring Post slam. Theory and Lashley got back in the ring before Theory collapsed in the ring. Lashley slammed Theory’s head on the turnbuckles before hitting a lariat and a left-hand punch for a near fall. Theory punched down Lashley on the ground before placing Lashley in the top turnbuckle. Theory hit a super kick on Theory for a near fall, which he followed with more punches on Lashley. Theory got a chin lock on Lashley. Theory held the hold for a long while before Lashley carry him to break the hold. Theory hit a Pele kick on Lashley, but Lashley hit two lariats, a belly-to-belly suplex, and a corner spear on Theory. Lashley went for a suplex but Theory rolled out of it. Lashley lifted Theory before hitting a power slam for a near fall. Lashley rolled up Theory for a near fall, but Theory tripped Lashley into the corner before hitting the rolling Shotgun dropkick for a near fall. Theory went for A-Town Down, but Lashley reversed it with an inside cradle for a near fall. Theory hit a spear on Lashley before attempting the A-Town Down, but Lashley escaped and hit the Hurt Lock on Theory, making him tap out for the pinfall win and becoming the new United States Champion.

Winner & New WWE United States Champion: Bobby Lashley.

– Sara Schreiber interviewed Ms. Money In The Bank, Liv Morgan. Morgan said that she has a full year to think about who she will cash in on, but stated that she will celebrate for now. 

Raw Women’s Championship.

Bianca Belair (c) vs. Carmella.

Belair and Carmella locked up, with Belair hitting a waist takedown on Carmella. Carmella rolled out of the ring before coming back to the ring and slamming Belair off her braid. Belair got to the middle rope and taunted Carmella, to which Carmella reacted by running at Belair. Belair flipped over Carmella before hitting a dropkick on her. Carmella went for the Mistica, but Belair caught her and hit two back breakers on Carmella. Carmella rolled out of the ring to get some win, but Belair met her outside and hit a lariat. Carmella rolled onto the apron and hit a guillotine and super kicked on Belair for a 1-count kick out. Carmella hit back-elbows on Belair in the corner before hitting a senton on Belair for a 1-count kick out. Carmella got Belair in a brutalizer but Belair reversed with a crucifix for a near fall. Belair went for a body slam, but Carmella rolled behind her and pulled her off her braid. Belair hit a standing suplex on Carmella while marching. Belair hit a vicious punch on Carmella. Belair went for a corner spear, but Carmella rolled out of the way with Belair slamming her shoulder into the ring post. Carmella got two near falls on Belair before hitting a super kick on Belair for another near fall. Belair slapped Carmella’s soul off her body before hitting a vicious KOD on Carmella for the pinfall win, retaining the Raw Women’s Championship. Carmella attacked Belair from behind after the match.

Winner & Still Raw Women’s Champion: Bianca Belair (c).

– There was a video package highlighting Logan Paul’s signing to WWE, which was met with a mixed reaction from the crowd. 

– There was a backstage segment showing Alexa Bliss and Lilly, which showed that Lilly bought a whole lot of WWE Merch with Lilly’s WWE Sponsored Credit Card. Lilly bought Bliss a pair of small roller skaters. 

WWE Undisputed Tag Team Championship.

The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c) vs. The Street Profits

Pat McAfee, Michael Cole, and Corey Graves were in charge of narrating the match. The Usos cut a promo before the match, saying that they were going to bet on themselves to win the match since they are in Las Vegas. Dawkins and Jimmy began the match exchanging words before locking up, with Dawkins getting Jimmy in a side headlock. Jimmy hit a shoulder tackle on Dawkins before taunting the crowd. Dawkins got another side headlock on Jimmy before hitting a shoulder tackle on his own. Dawkins hit a somersault to evade Jimmy’s offense before hitting a dropkick and a spine buster on Jimmy. Ford went for a frog splash, but Jimmy evaded. Ford pushed Jimmy off before Jimmy tagged in Jey. Jey and Ford locked up before Jey got a side headlock on Ford. Ford hit a shoulder tackle on Jey, but Jey hit a forearm strike on Ford. Ford hit a dropkick on Jey. Dawkins hit a shoulder tackle on Jey before tossing Ford onto Jey for a near fall. Dawkins hit some punches on Jey, but Jimmy tagged in and The Usos it a double choke slam on Dawkins. Jimmy hit a Tope Suicida on Dawkins onto the outside of the ring. The Usos hit a suplex on Dawkins onto the ring post. Jey tagged in and got Dawkins back in the ring. Dawkins punched Jey before Jey hit an open hand slap on Dawkins, to which Dawkins collapsed to the ground. Jimmy hit a leaping forearm strike on Dawkins. Jimmy choked Dawkins in the middle rope before punching down Dawkins on the ground. Dawkins slapped Jimmy before tagging in Ford. Ford hit an enziguri kick and went for a cross body, but the recently tagged-in Jey Uso hit a mid-air super kick on Ford for a near fall. Jey hit an Irish Whip on Ford. Jimmy hit a leaping low dropkick on Ford while the referee was distracted by Jey. The Usos hit a back-breaker/double ax handle on Ford for a near fall. Jimmy hit two chops on Ford’s chest before choking Ford in the middle rope. The Usos extended the legs of Ford. Jey hit cross-face strikes on Ford before locking in an S-Grip Headlock on Ford, transitioning into a guillotine choke. Jey broke the hold to slap Dawkins off the apron. Ford punched down Jimmy and Jey. Ford did the “Suck It” taunt but was met with a nasty open hand slap from Jimmy Uso. Jimmy went for a suplex on Ford on the apron, but Ford hit the suplex on the apron before Jimmy. Ford rolled across the ring before tagging in Dawkins, who hit a Tope Con Giro on both Usos outside the ring. Dawkins hit two lariats, a leaping elbow, an enziguri kick, and a corkscrew neck breaker on Jimmy for a near fall. Dawkins got out of the ring and hit the Pounce on both Jimmy and Jey Uso. Street Profits hit a pounce/ back-suplex combo on Jimmy Uso for a near fall. Ford hit an enziguri kick on Jey. The Street Profits hit a Doomsday Blockbuster on Jey for a near fall. Jey and Dawkins exchanged strikes before Jey hit an enziguri kick on Dawkins. Dawkins punched both Jimmy and Jey. Street Profits went for another Doomsday Blockbuster on Jey but Jimmy pulled Jey off and slammed Dawkins into the ring post. The Usos hit a double super kicks on Ford for a near fall. Ford tossed both of The Usos out of the ring before hitting a Tope Con Giro over the ring post onto The Usos. Dawkins hit a spine buster before Ford hit a frog splash. The Street Profits had the match won, but Jimmy Uso broke the pinfall attempt at the count of two. The four wrestlers brawled before Jimmy hit a superkick on Dawkins, sending him over the barricade. The Usos hit another double super kick before hitting the 1D for the pinfall win, retaining the WWE Undisputed Championship. There was a controversy after the match, where WWE showed a replay of Jimmy Uso pulling Ford’s shoulder off the mat in the winning, possibly setting up for a rematch. 

Winners & Still WWE Undisputed Tag Team Champions: The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) (c).

– There was a mysterious video vignette teasing something. It was not clear for whom this was for, but it showed multiple things on fire and multiple broken props, including a gold medal and a Texas license plate that read Latino Heat, Jeff Hardy’s arm bands, Bubba Ray Dudley’s glasses, and a random crow.

SmackDown Women’s Championship.

Ronda Rousey (c) vs. Natalya.

Natalya and Rousey locked up, with Natalya using Rousey onto the ropes. Natalya got Rousey in a side headlock before both wrestlers exchanged back-wrist locks. Rousey got a wrist lock on Rousey, but Natalya reversed it with a wrist lock of her own. They continued to exchange wrist locks before attempting a wrist lock slam, but Rousey reversed it into two pinfall attempts for a near fall. Natalya and Rousey exchanged Ankle Locks, but Natalya got Roousey in a snap-mare kick on Rousey. Rousey got Natalya in another ankle lock before Natalya got a rope break. Rousey chased Natalya out of the ring before they came back in. Natalya tossed Rousey onto the middle rope before hitting a discus lariat on Rousey for a near fall. Natalya punched down Rousey before slamming her into the turnbuckle. Natalya got Rousey in a sleeper hold before slamming Rousey onto the ring mat. Natalya went for a back suplex to which Rousey tried to reverse it into a hip toss but Natalya reversed it into a sitting Abdominal Stretch. Rousey & Natalya exchanged Abdominal stretches before Rousey attempted the arm bar. Natalya escaped and kick Rousey in the head. Natalya went for another discus clothesline, but Rousey did a take down on Natalya. Rousey hit a mule kick on Natalya and attempted Piper’s Pit, but Natalya reversed it with a pinffal attempt for a near fall. The two exchanged pinfall attempts before Natalya got Rousey in an arm bar. Rousey escaped the hold and locked in the sharp-shooter on Natalya before Natalya got a rope break. Rousey went for the arm bar, but Natalya flipped to toss Rousey out of the ring. Natalya targeted Rousey’s leg before locking in the Sharp Shooter on Rousey on the apron. Rousey broke the hold by tossing Natalya onto the ring post. Rousey went for Piper’s Pit, but Natalya reversed it into a pinfall, which Rousey reversed it into an arm bar. Natalya reversed the arm bar into the Sharp Shooter, but Rousey reversed it into an ankle lock. Natalya got the rope break and went for another Sharp Shooter, but Rousey caught her in a leg-assisted triangle choke on Natalya for the submission win. 

Winner & Still SmackDown Women’s Champion

– After the match, Ms. Money In The Bank, Liv Morgan, sprinted down the ramp to cash in her Money In The Bank briefcase, setting up an impromptu match for the SmackDown Women’s Championship. 

SmackDown Women’s Championship Match.

Ronda Rousey (c) vs Liv Morgan. 

Rousey got Morgan in an ankle lock, but Morgan targeted the injured knee before rolling up Rousey for the pinfall win, becoming the new SmackDown Women’s Champion. Rousey gifted the belt to Morgan and the two embraced with a hug in the middle of the ring.

Winner & New SmackDown Women’s Champion: Liv Morgan.

– There was a video package promoting the Last Man Standing match between Brock Lesnar and WWE Undisputed Champion Roman Reigns for the title on SummerSlam. The match was promoted as the end of their feud. 

Men’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match.

– Prior to the match, Adam Pearce revealed another participant to the match. The 8th participant entered was Theory. 

Seth Rollins vs. Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Omos (w/ MVP) vs. Sami Zayn vs. Riddle vs. Madcap Moss vs. Theory.

Rollins, Zayn, and Theory rolled out of the ring, with the rest going after Omos. Omos clothesline McIntyre and Sheamus, before hitting a black hole slam on Riddle. Omos slammed a ladder on Theory and Rollins before hitting Sheamus and McIntyre individually. Omos slammed the ladder onto Moss and Riddle. Omos tossed the ladder in the ring and tried to climb, but he focused competitors trying to get Omos on the ladder. Omos tossed Riddle and clotheslined Moss out of the ring, but McIntyre hit a Claymore on Omos, sending him out of the ring. Sheamus pulled McIntyre off the ladder before tossing him out of the ring. Sheamus and McIntyre exchanged strikes while Theory claimed the ladder. Sheamus and McIntyre caught Theory and pulled him off the ladder. Sheamus and McIntyre hit the Beats of The Bells on Theory’s chest before he collapsed off the apron. Rollins hit Sheamus and McIntyre with a ladder before tossing a ladder onto them on the outside. Rollins pushed Riddle onto a ladder in the ring. Rollins went for a pedigree, but Riddle back-dropped Rollins onto a ladder before hitting a bro-ton on Rollins. Moss pulled Zayn off the ladder, but Zayn slammed Moss onto the ladder before slamming a ladder on Moss’ back. Moss slammed Zayn’s face on the ladder before sending him into a ladder in the corner with an Irish Whip. Moss climbed the ladder, but Riddle met him on the ladder. Omos pulled Moss before catching Riddle with a body slam. Theory went for a top rope move, but Omos caught him and hit a choke slam on Theory. Moss and McIntyre pushed Omos off the ladder before clotheslining him out of the ring. Sheamus and Riddle tossed ladders onto Omos. Everyone in the match buried Omos on a stack of ladders. Sheamus attacked everyone with a ladder while Rollins climbed the ladder in the ring. Sheamus, Theory and Zayn met him on the top. Sheamus pushed Zayn and Rollins off a ladder. Theory pushed Sheamus off the ladder and nearly won the match, but Moss caught him and hit a Fall Away Slam. Moss punched Zayn before hitting him in the head with a ladder. Moss placed a ladder between the ropes and power bombed Zayn onto that ladder. Moss climbed the ladder, but McIntyre climbed the ladder on the other side. McIntyre headbutted Moss off the ladder, but Sheamus pushed McIntyre off the ladder before hitting him with the White Noise. Sheamus hit the Irish Curse on Riddle. Riddle hit a dripping DDT from a ladder on Sheamus. Riddle hit a Pele Kick on Moss before hitting a powerslam on Rollins. Riddle hit a Floating Bro from a ladder onto Sheamus, McIntyre, Rollins, and Moss. Omos got back to the ring and hit a big boot on Moss, a headbutt on McIntyre, a clothesline on Rollins, and a back strike on Riddle before being punched in the abdomen by Moss, whom he tossed out of the ring. Omos also threw McIntyre out of the ring. Riddle got Omos in a rear-naked choke, but Omos tossed Riddle off his back. Theory tried to climb the ladder, but Omos caught him and hit the double-hand chokeslam on Theory. Sheamus slammed Omos’ head onto a ladder, to which Zayn followed up by hitting the Helluva Kick on Omos. Riddle got Omos in a Triangle Choke on the rope before Moss tossed Omos out of the ring. Outside the ring, McIntyre hit Glasgow’s Kiss on Omos, Rollins hit a curb stomp on Omos on the apron, and everyone but theory lifted Omos to powerbomb him onto the broadcast table before brawling on the outside. Zayn climbed the ladder while the brawl was happening, but McIntyre got him and slammed him into a ladder. Sheamus slammed McIntyre into a ladder. McIntyre hit the future shock DDT on Sheamus. McIntyre placed the ladder on Sheamus and climbed the ladder before Butch came in and locked in a sleeper hold. Sheamus hit a Brogue Kick on McIntyre and placed the ladder on Mcintyre. McIntyre benched-pressed the ladder to toss Sheamus off the ladder. McIntyre hit the Claymore on Butch and tried to climb again, but Sheamus pulled him out. Sami Zayn dumped Sheamus and McIntyre onto a ladder in the ring corner before climbing the ladder to retrieve the ladder, but Moss pushed him out of the way, but Rollins pushed Moss off the ladder and hit a Curb Stomp on Moss. Rollins climbed the ladder, but Riddle hit him with the ladder and climbed his way up. Rollins punched Riddle off the ladder, but RIddle climbed back and hit an RKO from the ladder onto the mat. Riddle climbed his way back, but Theory climbed from the other side. They exchanged strikes on the top of the ladder before Theory pushed Riddle off the ladder, which led to Theory to retrieve the Money In The Bank briefcase and win the match. Theory took a selfie from the top of the ladder in celebration to end the show.

Winner: Theory.



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