
AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door Results (6/26/22): Moxley vs Tanahashi for Interim AEW Championship + More

Results for AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door, live from the United Center in Chicago, Illinois.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door, live on BR Live & Fite TV (International). We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

Match Card:

– Interim AEW World Championship: Jon Moxley vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi

– IWGP Heavyweight Championship: Jay White (c) vs. “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Adam Cole vs. Kazuchika Okada

– AEW All-Atlantic Championship: PAC vs. Miro vs. Clark Connors vs. Malakai Black

– AEW Women’s World Championship: Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm

– IWGP United States Championship: Orange Cassidy vs. Will Ospreay

– The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) & El Phantasmo (w/ Hikuleo) vs. Sting, Darby Allin & Shingo Takagi

– Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, & Minoru Suzuki vs. Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta, & Shota Umino

– Winner Takes All IWGP & ROH World Tag Team Title Match: FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Hardwood) vs. Roppongi Vice (Trent Beretta & Rocky Romero) vs. Jeff Cobb & Great-O-Khan

– Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Opponent Of Bryan Danielson’s Choosing

Buy-In Preview
– Gunn Club (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn & Billy Gunn) & Max Caster (w/ Anthony Bowens) vs. The DKC, Kevin Knight, Alex Coughlin, & Yuya Uemura

– Lance Archer vs. Nick Comoroto

– Shane “Swerve” Strickland & Keith Lee vs El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemoru

– The Factory (QT Marshall & Aaron Solo) vs Yoshi-Hashi & Hirooki Goto

Live Coverage


– Excalibur, Taz, and former WWE & Ring Of Honor commentator Kevin Kelly welcomed the audience to the broadcast of the Buy-In portion of the Pay-Per-View, streaming on YouTube.

The Factory (QT Marshall & Aaron Solo) vs Yoshi-Hashi & Hirooki Goto

Hashi and Solo began the match, with Solo kicking Hashi’s abdomen. Hashi got a headlock on Solo. Solo hit a dropkick on Hashi. Hashi hit a shoulder tackle on Solo. QT tagged in, to the chagrin of Kevin Kelly. Goto and QT locked up, with QT and Goto exchanging wrist locks before Goto hit a shoulder tackle and a chop on QT. Solo tagged in and pushed Hashi off the patron, while QT attacked Goto from behind. Goto hit a shoulder tackle on QT. Hashi and Goto hit double-shoulder tackles on Solo. Goto hip-tossed Hashi onto Solo. Hashi and Goto hit lightning punches on Solo before hitting punches on Solo’s back too. QT pulled Goto out of the ring. QT hit the QT-Special (cartwheel Top Con Giro) on both Goto and Hashi. Solo hit a double-stomp on Goto for a near fall. Solo and QT hit double back-elbows on Goto for a near fall. Solo tried to hit a suplex on Goto, but Goto hit the vertical suplex on Solo. QT mocked Goto, but Goto hit a mean lariat on Solo. Hashi tagged in and hit a chop on QT, followed by a ripcord chop. Hashi hit a back-body drop on QT. Hashi clotheslined QT in the corner before hitting the headhunter neck breaker for a near fall. Solo tossed Goto out of the ring before hitting a Tope Con Giro on both Hashi and Goto. QT went for the Diamond Cutter, but Hashi pushed him out of the way. QT hit an enzugiri, Solo followed with a kick, followed by a Diamond Cutter for a near fall. QT went for a 450 splash but missed Hashi, which Hashi took advantage of and hit a low-drop kick on Solo. Goto tagged in and set up Hashi to hit a superkick on QT. Goto hit a Yushi Goroshi on QT. Hashi and Goto hit an elevated DDT on Solo for the pinfall win.

Winners: Yoshi-Hashi & Hirooki Goto

Lance Archer vs Nick Comoroto

Archer hit a spring rope cannonball on Comoroto before hitting a series of punches on Comoroto. Archer hit a big boot on Comoroto. COmoroto hit a rope-assisted neck breaker on Archer before launching himself into Archer, sending him into the barricade outside the ring. Comoroto slammed Archer’s face into the apron. Comoroto hit a high elbow drop on Archer for a one-count. Comoroto hit a side-back breaker on Archer. Comoroto punched Archer’s head multiple times, but Archer shook the punches off. Comoroto went for a DDT, but Archer reversed it by hitting a Uranage on Comoroto. Comoroto and Archer exchanged strikes before Archer hit two lariats on Comoroto. Archer hit a rope-walk moonsault on Comoroto for a near fall. Archer went for the blackout, but Comoroto hit multiple elbows strikes before hitting a running power slam on Archer for a near fall. Archer hit Comoroto with a rising knee strike on him before hitting the Black Out for the pinfall win.

Winner: Lance Archer.

– Cark Connors was interviewed by Alex Marvez, saying that he would become the inaugural All-Atlantic Champion.

Shane “Swerve” Strickland & Keith Lee vs El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru

Lee and Kanemaru started the match, with Lee basking in the glory from the fans while Yoshinobu Kanemaru covered his ears. Lee tried to get Kanemaru in greek-roman lock up but got to the top rope. Kanemaru went for Lee’s knee, but Lee slammed Kanemaru to the ground. Swerve tagged in, but Kanemaru ran away and tagged in Desperado. Desperado went for the Brock-Lock on Swerve, but Swerve got a rope break. Swerve sent Desperado. Swerve went for a move, but Desperado slammed Swerve into the apron before hitting a Brock lock on Swerve outside the ring. Swerve got some offense on Desperado. Swerve went for a low dropkick but hit Lee instead on Desperado. Desperado and Kanemaru targeted Lee’s left leg. Kanemaru got hit with a double-chop on Kanemaru. Lee went for the Spirit Bomb on Kanemaru, but Desperado hit a low-dropkick on Lee, leading Kanemaru to hit a DDT on Lee for a near fall. Lee pushed Desperado to the other side of the ring before tagging in Swerve. Swerve hit a running uppercut on Desperado. Swerve rolled Desperado across the ring before hitting a Brainbuster on Desperado for a near fall. Desperado countered a move on Swerve for a pinfall attempt. Desperado hit a spine buster on Swerve for a near fall. Desperado hit a side slam, with a drop kick from Kanemaru, for a near fall. Swerve and Desperado exchanged strikes before Swerve hit a backbreaker on Desperado. Desperado hit a lariat on Swerve, but Swerve popped up and hit an STO on Desperado. Kanemaru hit low dropkicks on Lee before locking in a Figure Four lock, but Lee broke it the hold by tossing Desperado into Kanemaru. Kanemaru went for a sunset flip on Lee, but Lee popped Kanemaru up for a spirit bomb. Kanemaru escaped. Kanemaru spits whisky on Lee’s eyes before getting a roll-up on Lee for a near fall. Swerve hit an assisted kick on Kanemaru before hitting a double-stomp on Desperado. Lee hit Kanemaru with a Fireman’s Carry Powerslam for the pinfall win.

Winners: Shane “Swerve” Strickland & Keith Lee.

– Ricky Starks and Powerhouse Hobbs talked trash to Swerve and Lee after the match, telling them that they cannot be the best tag team if they haven’t beaten Team Taz.

Gunn Club (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn & Billy Gunn) & Max Caster (w/ Anthony Bowens) vs. The DKC, Kevin Knight, Alex Coughlin, & Yuya Uemura

Before the match, Danhausen cut a promo on The Gunn Club presenting the with a gift. It was a song titled ” We’re the ass boys”, which led to Colten and Austin Gunn running out of the arena to chase down Danhausen, exiting themselves out of the match.

The LA Dojo attacked Billy Gunn and Max Caster before Coughlin hit an overhead suplex on Billy Gunn. Coughlin hit a kareline suplex on Caster for a near fall. Knight hit a dropkick and bodyslam on Caster for a near fall. Uemura tagged in and he and Knight hit double-back elbows on Caster and multiple moves on Caster for a near fall. Caster punched everyone from the LA Doo, but Uemura hit a running elbow strike-bulldog combination on Caster for a near fall. DKC hit a slap on Caster before hitting a leaping back-elbow on Caster, followed by a snap suplex for a near fall. Caster slammed Knight and DKC into each other. Gunn tagged in and went rampant on everyone from the LA Dojo. Gunn hit the Famous-ser on DKC, with Caster tagging in and hitting the Mic-Drop for the pinfall win.

Winners: Gunn Club (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn & Billy Gunn) & Max Caster (w/ Anthony Bowens)

Main Show.

Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, & Minoru Suzuki (w/ Tay Conti) vs. Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta, & Shota Umino

Yuta and Jericho began the match exchanging strikes before Yuta hit five german suplexes for a near fall, before transitioning into a crossface. Everyone got into the ring and started brawling outside the ring. Guevara hit a kick in Yuta’s abdomen. Yuta hit an arm drag on Guevara before Kingston and Guevara launched strikes on Guevara. Guevara hit a dropkick on Yuta. Yuta hit a body slam-senton for a one-count. Umino tagged in and hit a low dropkick on Guevara. Jericho tagged in and hit a chop on Umino. Umino hit multiple strikes on Jericho before getting a rope break. Kingston tagged in and stared daggers at Jericho. Jericho tagged Suzuki in before Suzuki and Kingston locked eyes. Kingston and Suzuki exchanged chops in the center of the ring to the delight of the crowd. Kingston hit machine gun chops on Suzuki, but Suzuki hit a gnarly forearm strike on Kingston, dropping Kingston to the ground. Jericho and Suzuki stomped down Kingston. Kingston fired chops on Jericho before chopping Guevara out of the apron. Suzuki got Kingston in an armbar in the rope before Jericho hit an arm breaker on Kingston. Jericho got Kingston in a half-arm bar before tagging in Suzuki. Suzuki kicked Umino and Yuta off the apron before hitting a running kick on Kingston for a near fall. Suzuki hit the octopus lock on Kingston. Guevara got an abdominal stretch on Umino while Guevara got Yuta in a crossface, but Kingston broke Suzuki’s hold with a rope break. Suzuki hit a snap mare before Guevara went for a top rope move, but Kingston hit him with an exploder suplex. Umino tagged in and launched Jericho out of the ring. Umino dropped Guevara before hitting a low-upper cut on Guevara. Suzuki and Umino exchanged strikes before Umino hit a back elbow and a low dropkick on Suzuki. Umino hit a fisherman’s suplex on Guevara for a near fall. Umino hit a dropkick on Jericho before hitting. him with a cannonball on Jericho. Guevara hit a shooting star press on Umino, but Yuta got Guevara with a Tope COn Giro. Eddie hit a tope suicida on Guevara. Yuta hit a cross body on Guevara for a near fall. Yuta got an O’Connor Roll for a near fall. Guevara hit a Spanish Fly on Yuta, but Kingston hit a Saito suplex on Guevara. Eddie hit a dragon sleeper on Guevara. Kingston hit the back fist on Suzuki, Jericho hit a german suplex, and Guevara hit a spring rope cutter on Umino. Umino tagged back in, but Jericho caught him with a code breaker for a near fall. Umino hit an avalanche power slam on Umino for a near fall. Jericho went for the Lionsault, but Kingston punched Jericho for Umino to get a near fall. Umino ran the ropes, but Guevara hit Umino in the back. Umino hit a tornado DDT and a brainbuster on Jericho for a near fall. Umino got Jericho in a Boston Crab. Guevara hit superkicks on Umino. Suzuki hit a headbutt on Umino. Suzuki hit a pile driver on Kingston. Suzuki and Guevara stomped down Umino, but Umino hit multiple strikes before Jericho hit the Judas Effect for the pinfall win.

Winners: Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara, & Minoru Suzuki (w/ Tay Conti).

Winner Takes All IWGP & ROH World Tag Team Title Match

FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Hardwood) (c) vs. Roppongi Vice (Trent Beretta & Rocky Romero) vs. Jeff Cobb & Great-O-Khan (c)

The match began with Beretta and Dax locking up, with Dax getting a side headlock on Beretta. Dax and Trent exchanged side headlocks and head scissors before Cobb tagged in. Cobb and Dax locked up, with Cobb getting chopped by Dax. Cobb hit an uppercut and a running shoulder tackle on Cobb. Dax hit a shoulder tackle on Rocky. Cash hit an uppercut on Rocky. They did a drop-toe hold/ elbow drop on Rocky for a near fall. There was an awkward spot where Dax had his shoulder checked out, leaving him out of the match momentarily. Rocky hit Tijeras on Cash. O’Khan hit the Mongolian Chops on Romero. O’Khan sat on Cash’s head before striking Cash’s back. Cobb hit a short-arm lariat on Cash. Cobb hit an Irish Whip on Cash before hitting a spinning back suplex on Cobb. O’Khan hit a bodyslam on Cash. Cash hit a headbutt on O’Khan. Cash tagged Trent in, with Trent hitting a half-german suplex on O’Khan, followed by a Tornado DDT. Trent went for a Tornado DDT on Cobb, but Cobb turned it into a suplex on Trent, Rocky hit a Hurricarana on Cobb. O’Khan Iron Claw slammed Rocky on the apron. Rocky hit a diving knee on Cobb, while Trent hit a spear on O’Khan. Rocky hit a dropkick on O’Khan followed by a sliding kick from Trent for a near fall. O’khan hit a backdrop on Trent. Cash hit uppercuts and chops on Cobb and O’Khan, but got hit with an elevated elbow drop on O’Khan. Cobb and O’Khan beat up cash before Dax stormed through the ramp to make the tag. Dax hit punches and chops on O’Khan and Cobb before hitting three short-arm lariats on O’Khan and three german suplexes on Cobb. Cash and Cobb went to the top rope, joined by Trent. Trent and Dax hit a Superplex on Cobb, with Cash hitting a frog splash on Cobb for a near fall. Dax and Trent exchanged strikes before punching O’khan. Rocky tagged in, with Cash and Rocky hitting an assisted Piledriver on O’Khan. Trent and Rocky hit stereo rising knee-strikes on Cobb. Cobb hit a powerbomb on Trent. O’Khan cleaned the house before Cobb hit a standing moonsault on Rocky. Cobb and O’Khan hit an Iron Claw-German Suplex combination on Trent for a near fall. Rocky hit a tope suicida on Dax and O’Khan. Trent hit Strong Zero on Cobb, but Cash broke the pinfall attempt. Rocky got Dax with an O’Connor Roll for a near fall. Rocky hit a reversed Inseguri on Dax, but FTR hit Rocky with the Big Rig for the pinfall win, becoming the new IWGP Tag Champions and retaining the ROH Tag Titles.

Winners of the IWGP & ROH Championship Match: FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Hardwood).

– IWGP United States Champion Juice Robinson and IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Jay White were interviewed backstage by Tony Schiavone, with both saying that Bullet Club would remain standing tall in the night.

Innagural AEW All-Atlantic Championship Match.

PAC vs. Miro vs. Clark Connors vs. Malakai Black.

PAC hit a helluva kick on Black, clotheslining Black out of the ring. Connor hit a chop on Miro, but Miro hit a back-elbow on Connors for a near fall. Connors hi another chop on Miro, but Miro hit a body slam on Connors. Connors went for a cross-body before hitting a shoulder tackle on Miro. Connors went for another crossbody on Miro outside the ring, but Miro hit a body slam on Connors outside. PAC and Black brawled on the top rope, with PAC hitting a headbutt on Black. PAC went for a sunset bomb, but Black stood on his feet. Black hit kicks on Miro, but Miro punched him to the ground. Black hit a spring rope moonsault on Miro. Black hit a knee strike on Connors before locking in a knee bar on Connors, but miro pulled Connors out of the ring to break the hold. PAC went for a spring rope cross body, but Miro hit a fall-away slam on PAC. Connors hit multiple strikes on Miro but was hit with a Uranage by Miro for a near fall. Miro hit an Irish Whip on Connors before hitting him with two lariats. Miro hit a Gut-wrench suplex on Connors for a near fall. Black and Miro stomped down PAC. Miro and Black stared each other down to decide who would beat up PAC before exchanging blows. Miro hit an uppercut on Black. Miro hit a Samoan Drop on PAC for a near fall. Miro went for the super kick, but PAC hit Miro with a super kick of his own. PAC hit a Tornillo on Black out of the ring, followed by a shotgun dropkick on Miro. PAC hit a german suplex on Black, but Black hit. a knee strike on PAC. Connors hit a german suplex on Black, and while Miro punching Connors, Black hit a big boot on Miro for a near fall. Black pulled a table from underneath the ring. Black and Miro tried to slam each other on the table, but Miro slammed Black into the stairs. Connors hit a spear on Miro into the table. Connors and black exchanged strikes before Connors hit lariats and a power slam on Black. Connors hit a spear and the Trophy Call on PAC for a near fall. Connors went for another Trophy Call, but PAC hit a super kick on Connors. PAC went for the Black Arrow, but Black cut him off. Miro hit a tower of doom on everyone, with Miro singling out PAC. Miro hit the mule kick, followed by the Game Over on PAC, but Black spit the black mist on Miro. Black got Connors in an arm bar, but PAC hit a 450 Splash on Black. PAC hit the the brutalizer on Connors, winning the AEW All-Atlantic Championship via submission.

Winner & 1st Ever AEW All-Atlantic Champion: PAC.

The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) & El Phantasmo (w/ Hikuleo) vs. Sting, Darby Allin & Shingo Takagi

Sting hit a crossbody into the entire Bullet Club before the match. Shingo and Phantasmo began the match, hitting a suplex on Phantasmo for anear fall. Shingo got a wrist lock on Phantasmo before he and Sting hit double shoulder tackles on Phantasmo. Sting hit a senton on Phantasmo. Allin tagged in and hit an arm drag on Phantasmo. The Youg Bucks a stomp facebuster before eliminating Shingo and Sting. The Young Bucks hit a neck-breaker/back-breaker combination on Allin. Phantasmo attacked Sting and Shingo before hitting a back racker, known as the dermis destroyer on Allin. Matt Jackson hit a back racker of his own on Allin. Bullet Club hit a triple dropkick on Allin. Allin hit a german suplex on Phantasmo, who was in the top rope. Hikuleo took Sting out of the apron. Allin hit a code red on Phantasmo. Shingo hit a body slam on Matt Jackson and punched Nick Jackson. Shingo pushed Nick Jackson onto Matt before hitting Nick with a lariat. Shingo hit a twisting suplex on ick Jackson. Jackson hit a corkscrew kick on Shingo. Shingo hit a death valley driver on Nick. Sting laid out everyone from Bullet Club. Phantasmo twisted Sting’s nipples but got hit with a stinger splash. Sting hit a stinger splash on both Bucks before attempting a scorpion deathlock on Matt. Phantasmo hit Sting in the nards. The Young Bucks hit super kicks on Sting, but Sting shook it off before hitting a double lariat on both Young Bucks. Allin tagged in the ad went for the coffin drop, but Matt lifted. Phantasmo hit. a frog splash on Allin for near fall. Young Bucks hit a double tope suicida on Allin and Shingo. Phantasmo hit a walk-rope moonsault on everyone outside. Bullet Club hit Sting with a triple super kick. Sting hit a double scorpion death drop on The young bucks. Sting twisted the nipples of Phantasmo, followed by a low blow. Shingo hit boxing punches before hitting El Phantasmo with a lariat for a near fall. Shingo hit Last of The Dragon for the pinfall win.

Winner: Sting, Darby Allin & Shingo Takagi.

– Jericho Appreciation Society hit Shota Umino with a fireball backstage.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match

Thunder Rosa (c) vs. Toni Storm

The match began with the two locking up, with Storm hitting a headlock scissors takedown on Rosa. Rosa and Storm exchanged wrist locks before staring themselves down. Rosa and Storm exchanged pinfall attempts before Rosa hit a sit-down slap on Storm, an ode to Dustin Rhodes. The storm hit a big boot on Rosa, followed by a snap suplex on Rosa. Storm went for another suplex, but Rosa reversed it with an inside cradle for a near fall. Rosa and Storm exchanged strikes, but Rosa hit Storm with a Stone Cold Stunner. Rosa hit a dropkick to Storm’s spine, followed by a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall. Rosa hit the cazadora on Storm for a near fall before hitting a double-stomp on Storm for another near fall. Rosa hit a forearm strike before being tossed by storm out of the ring. Rosa hit a Northern light Suplex on Storm on the outside. Storm got to the top rope, but Rosa caught her and went for a Death Valer Driver, but Storm reversed it and hit Rosa with a german suplex on Rosa on the apron. Storm hit a tornado DDT on Rosa out of the ring. Storm hit a nasty Hip Attack, followed by a tornado DDT on Rosa for a near fall. Storm went for storm zero, but Rosa hit a code breaker on Storm’s arm. Rosa hit the Death Valley Driver on Storm, followed by the Fire Thunder Driver for a near fall. Rosa hit multiple kicks on Storm, but Storm escaped and hit a german suplex on Rosa. Rosa tossed Storm’s arm into the ground before hitting the Final Reckoning for the pinfall win.

Winner: Thunder Rosa (c)

Interim IWGP United States Championship Match.

Orange Cassidy vs. Will Ospreay (c) (w/ Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher).

Ospreay went for a dropkick, but Cassidy evaded. Cassidy and Ospreay evaded each other’s moves before both did a stare-down. Cassidy hit a double-Tijeras on Ospreay. Ospreay tossed Cassidy into the top rope before hitting a big boot on Cassidy. Ospreay tossed Cassidy out of the ring before hitting a running dropkick on Cassidy into the barricade. Ospreay slapped Cassidy before hitting an Irish Whip on Cassidy. Ospreay did sit-ups to taunt the crowd. Ospreay hit a spinning side back-breaker on Cassidy for a near fall. Ospreay hit another Irish Whip on Cassidy for a near fall. Ospreay got Cassidy with an abdominal stretch and flicked off the crowd while in the hold. Cassidy hit a hip toss on Ospreay. Cassidy slammed Ospreay in the turnbuckles, followed by a cross body on Ospreay. Ospreay reversed Cassidy’s Tijeras attempt with a facebuster, followed by a cartwheel kick. Ospreay hit a diving elbow strike on Cassidy for a near fall. Ospreay hit kicks to Cassidy’s forehead. Cassidy hit a shotgun dropkick on Ospreay. Cassidy did a kick-up before hitting Ospreay with low-volume forehead kicks on Ospreay. Cassidy hit a superkick on Ospreay before hitting the Kawai kicks on Ospreay. Cassidy reversed a suplex attempt with a stunner, followed by a Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Cassidy hit a moonsault tornado DDT on Ospreay, followed by a Tope Suicida. Cassidy hit a Mariposa dive on Aussie Open before hitting Ospreay with a Spike DDT on Ospreay for a near fall. Ospreay hit. running Spanish Fly on Cassidy. Ospreay hit Cassidy with the Cheeky Nandos Kick. Cassidy slammed Ospreay into the turnbuckle camera. Cassidy pretended to be slammed, but it did not work as Ospreay hit a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Cassidy hit Beach Break on Cassidy for a near fall. Cassidy went for the Orange Punch, but Ospreay hit two Os-Cutters on Cassidy for a near fall. Ospreay went for the hidden blade, but Cassidy evaded. Cassidy hit a Frankensteiner on Ospreay for a near fall. Ospreay hit the Hidden Blade on Cassidy for a near fall, but Ospreay hit the Storm Breaker for the pinfall win, retaining the IWGP United States Championship.

Winner & Still IWGP United States Champion: Will Ospreay (c) (w/ Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher).

– After the match, the United Empire attacked Orange Cassidy at the orders of Ospreay. Trent Beretta and Rocky Romero came down for the save, but The united Empire took care of them. From out of nowhere, Shibata came to the ring to attack all of the United Empire. Shibata and Ospreay brawled before Shibata hit a pump kick. on Ospreay. Katsuyori Shibata hit a mump kick on Fletcher before hitting the leaping dropkick on Ospreay. Shibata got Ospreay in a rear-naked choke, but United Empire took him out of the ring.

– Zack Sabre Jr. made his way to the ring to face an opponent Of Bryan Danielson’s choosing. It was revealed that Sabre Jr.’s opponent ended up being none other than Claudio Castagnoli (formerly known as Cesaro in WWE). This was originally reported on Fightful Select.

Zack Sabre Jr. vs Claudio Castagnoli.

Claudio hit an uppercut on Zack, followed by a neutralizer for a thunderous near fall. Claudio hit an Irish who on Zack, followed by another uppercut. Claudio went for another uppercut, but Zack. evaded. Sabre jr. got a wrist lock on Claudio, but Claudio hit another uppercut on Zack. Claudio hit a delayed vertical suplex on Zack. Zack got Claudio in a knee bar on the apron before the rope break. Claudio went for a gut wrench, but Zack targeted Claudio’s arm. Zack got Claudio in a disarmer before sitting on Claudio’s shoulder. Claudio hit a nasty uppercut on Zack before hitting la mistica on Claudio, followed by more joint manipulation for a near fall. Zack went for a brutalizer, transitioning into. ahead lock. Zack twisted Claudio’s ankle before stomping it. Zack to Claudio in a wrist lock followed by two uppercuts. Claudio hit two Uranage back breakers on Zack, followed by two uppercuts for a near fall. Claudio went for a UFO, but Zack spaced by getting Claudio in an arm bar. Claudio reversed the arm-bar tossing each other over the top rope, but Zack held on to the submission. Claudio walked the stairs while having Zack on his shoulders before power bombing him into the inside of the ring. Claudio went for the Cesaro Swing, but Zack reversed it with a guillotine choke. Claudio broke the guillotine choke by launching Zack on the turnbuckle. Zack got Claudio with an octopus lock on the top rope. Claudio rocked Zack with an uppercut on the top rope. Claudio hit an avalanche Kareline Suplex on Zack. Claudio tried to get the Cesaro Swing, but Zack got to the ropes. Zack and Claudio exchanged uppercuts before Claudio hit a gnarly uppercut for a near fall. Claudio finally got Zack in the Cesaro swing, but he cut the swing due to his injured arm. Claudio went for the sharpshooter, but Zack reversed it into a knee-bar, transitioning into a figure four lock. Claudio reversed it with a sharpshooter but broke the hold with a double-stomp on Zack for a near fall. Claudio hit two more uppercuts on Zack, with Zack getting Claudio with a Pele kick to the arm. Zack got Claudio with a sleeper hold, transitioning into a modified arm bar. Zack hit Penalty kicks on Claudio, but Claudio shook them off and hit another uppercut and a lariat on Zack for a near fall. Zack got Claudio in a European Clutch for a near fall. Claudio hit a pop-up uppercut, followed by a lariat. Claudio hit a Ricola Bomb on Zack for the pinfall win.

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli.

IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Match.

Jay White (c) (w/ Gedo) vs. “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Adam Cole vs. Kazuchika Okada

The match began with the four grapplers staring each other down, taunting to the crowd to get wild. White rolled out of the ring, and Cole did the same. Okada and Page shook hands, but Cole pulled Page out. of the ring, while White attack Okada from behind. Okada and Page hit back elbows on White. White and Cole talked strategy, but Okada and Page attacked them. The four brawled out of the ring before Page hit a Tope Suicida on Cole. White hit a facebuster on Okada into the apron. White and Cole hit Page with a delayed vertical suplex on the stage. Cole hit a neck breaker on Okada. White hit three knife-edge chops on Okada. Page slammed White into the stairs. Okada wanted to hit for a tombstone on Cole, but White and Cole stomped down Okada. Page hit a spring rope lariat on White before hitting a Fall Away Slam on Cole. Page hit a crossbody on White out of the ring before hitting a top rope lariat on Cole for a near fall. Page hit four chops on Cole’s chest. Page went for a top rope Moonsault, but Cole caught him with a super kick in mid-air. Okada got back in the ring and hit shots on Cole and White before hitting a back elbow on Cole, a facebuster on White, and a leaping dropkick on Cole. Okada slammed White onto the barricade before hitting him with a bog boot. Okada tossed Cole over the barricade. Okada hit a cross body on Cole and White over the barricade, landing with the crowd. Okada got the Money Clip on Cole, but White broke the hold before White hit Cole with a Saito Suplex. Page went for a lariat, but White hit a Flatliner. Page got. a jack-knife cover, but Cole broke the count. Cole and White embraced with the Too Sweet before Cole hit a backstabber on White, followed by a knee-brainbuster on White. fora near fall. White hit Cole with a Uranage. White went for a sleeper-suplex but Cole hit back elbows on White’s head. White hit sleeper-suplexes on Cole, Okada, and Page. Cole hit the Boom on White, but Okada hit him with a Shotgun dropkick. Page hit a lariat on Okada. the four wrestlers exchanged strikes before Cole and White gauged the eyes of Okada and Page. Page hit a big boot on Okada, an elbow strike on Cole, and a pop-up powerbomb on White for a near fall. Page went for the Buckshot Lariat on White, but hit a moonsault on Okada and Cole. Page punched Gedo in the mouth. Page and hit White with a deadeye and a Buckshot Lariat before Okada broke the pinfall attempt. Okada and Page exchanged strikes before Page hit a German Suplex, followed by a discus lariat on Okada. Cole slammed Page into the ring post before hitting Okada with a low kick. Okada hit a back-breaker on Page, followed by a body slam and a top-rope elbow rope on Cole. Okada went for the Rainmaker but got hit with a super kick by Cole. Cole hit a super kick on Page and another super kick on Okada for a near fall. Okada went for a rainmaker, but Cole hit an enzugiri kick and a super kick on Okada. Okada hit a dropkick on Cole, followed by a Michinoku Driver. Okada went for a Rainmaker on Cole, but White hit a Blade Runner on Okada. White pinned Cole for the abrupt pinfall win. Cole was checked on by Kyle O’Reilly, The Young Bucks, and the AEW medical team.

Winner & Still IWGP World Heavyweight Champion: Jay White (w/ Gedo).

Interim AEW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Jon Moxley vs Hiroshi Tanahashi.

Moxley and Tanahashi began the match with a lock-up, exchanging waist locks before Moxley got Tanahashi with a wrist lock. Tanahashi broke the hold and got Moxley in a side headlock before Moxley got a rope break. Tanahashi got another headlock on Moxley, but Moxley tossed Tanahashi into the ring corner. Tanahashi hit a middle-rope cross body on Moxley. Moxley and Tanahashi exchanged strikes before Tanahashi hit two low-drop kicks and a dragon screw on Moxley’s left leg. Tanahashi targeted Moxley’s left leg, getting Moxley in an Indian Leg Lock before Moxley got a rope break. Moxley hit Tanahashi with a cutter from out of nowhere. Moxley and Tanahashi exchanged strikes again before Moxley hit him with a clothesline. Moxley got Tanahashi in the top rope before hitting an avalanche under-hook suplex on Tanahashi. Moxley hit a spike piledriver on Tanahashi for a near fall. Moxley started to kick Tanahashi’s head in before getting Tanahashi in the Cloverleaf leg lock. While this was happening, two fans were escorted out of the arena for trying to fight the security guard. Tanahashi hit a somersault senton on Moxley for a near fall. Moxley tried to toss Tanahashi out of the ring, but Tanahashi pulled himself back into the ring. Moxley noticed that and hit a clothesline on Tanahashi out of the ring. Moxley hit a Uranage on Tanahashi in the time-keeper’s table outside of the ring. Tanahashi beat the count-out at number nine. Moxley hit multiple kicks to Tanahashi’s chest, but Tanahashi got his leg. Tanahashi went for a dragon screw, but Moxley reversed it with an arm bar. Tanahashi kicked Moxley’s head in before hitting Moxley with the sling blade. Moxley was busted open from the sling blade. Tanahashi hit a cross body on Moxley onto the outside of the ring. Back in the ring, Moxley went for Paradigm Shift, but Tanahashi hit the Twisted Shout twice. Moxley hit a german suplex on Tanahashi, before hitting the paradigm shift on Tanahashi for the near fall. Tanahashi hit the cross body on Moxley, followed by the side frog splash for a near fall, which Moxley transitioned quickly into the Bulldog choke. Tanahashi got up, but Moxley hit a headbutt on Tanahashi. Tanahashi hit a jack-knife cover for a near fall, with Moxley transitioning into a rear-naked choke. Tanahashi hit headbutts on Moxley, but Moxley hit a lariat on Tanahashi. Tanahashi kicked out at one, with Moxley hitting. series of elbow strikes on Tanahashi followed by a sleeper hold, transitioning into the bulldog choke. Tanahashi fought through the hold but was passed out. Rather than hitting the Paradigm Shift, Moxley hit the Death Rider on Tanahashi for the pinfall win, becoming the first-ever two-time AEW World Heavyweight Champion.

Winner & New Interim AEW World Heavyweight Champion: Jon Moxley.

– After the match, Tanahashi and Moxley locked eyes. Moxley and Tanahashi exchanged words before Chris Jericho and Daniel Garcia came to the ring to attack Tanahashi and Moxley. Kingston came to the aid of Moxley, with Yuta and Proud & Powerful (Santana & Ortiz) following him up. Matt Maynard, Jake Hager, Sammy Guevara, and Angelo Parker joined proceedings and continued to brawl. Claudio Castagnoli came to the ring and hit a pop-up uppercut on Jericho and hit uppercuts on every member of the Jericho Appreciation Society. William Regal came to the ramp while Claudio got Angelo Parker in the Cesaro Swing. The Blackpool Combat Club, Eddie Kingston, and Proud & Powerful stood stall. Claudio and Kingston exchanged words before the end of the show. Moxley held the AEW Championship on the ring in celebration to end the broadcast.

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