Michael Bisping Calls Chris Weidman A Bitch

UFC Middleweight Champion Michael Bisping was watching UFC 210 live when the controversial finish to the Chris Weidman/Gegard Mousasi fight went down.

The champion feels that Weidman tries to manipulate the rules and now he feels the champion is nothing more than a bitch.

“At the end of the day, when those knees were delivered — and they were legal knees, we know that with the benefit of slo-mo replay — Weidman put on a performance,” Bisping said on Believe You Me. “He rolled around on the floor. He clutched his head like a six-year-old that bangs his head and wants a Band-Aid from his mommy! He was holding his head like a little kid! ‘Uhhh, mommy, mommy, I’ve hurt my head.’ And then he tumbles back onto his backside and he’s rolling around on the floor looking so sorry for himself. I fought Anderson Silva. At the end of the third round, my mouthpiece came out, he dives up in the air, knees me in the face, opens stitches all over my face — I needed about 20 stitches in my face — I’m on the floor. As he kneed me, the buzzer went. Did I roll around on the floor going ‘mummy, mummy, please help.’ No! I got up, wiped the blood off my face, stuck my mouthpiece in, took a breath, had a sip of water, then went back out and fought. I didn’t roll around like a little b**ch on the floor hoping that the commission would give me a win by default. That’s what he did! Just like Daniel Cormier tried to manipulate his weight with that towel, Chris Weidman tried to manipulate the outcome of that fight due to that legal knee.“

Weidman has filed an appeal with The New York State Athletic Commission, but a ruling hasn’t been announced at this time.

Bisping also states that in the end, the person to blame for the whole controversy is Weidman himself.

“Chris Weidman has only got himself to blame for that fight being finished,” Bisping said. “… It appeared, initially, that it was two illegal strikes. So Weidman thought he had five minutes. But come on, man, talk about an Oscar winning performance. He was laying it on thick. He thought he had five minutes but he was rolling around on the floor, clutching his head, [saying] ‘uhhhhhh.’ He was putting on a real performance here. He even rolled back from being on his knees on his backside. Because he was acting so hurt and so injured, the commission said, ‘no, you’re not continuing to fight,’ so they called it a TKO. I don’t know if that was the right decision, but Weidman was trying to win via a disqualification or, at the very most, trying to get a point deducted from Mousasi.”

Although they have never met in the octagon, the champion and the former champion have been involved in some verbal sparring sessions with the other.

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