
AEW Rampage Results (6/10/2022): FTR & Trent Beretta vs Will Ospreay & Aussie Open + More.

Results for the 6/10/2022 edition of AEW Rampage.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 6/10/2022 edition of AEW Rampage, live on TNT. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– Exalibur, Taz, and Ricky Starks welcomed the audience to the broadcast. 

Eddie Kingston vs Jake Hager.

Kingston and Hager exchanged strikes before Hager punched Kingston. Hager hit a series of short-line lariats on Kingston. Hager tossed Kingston out of the ring. Kingston hit a series of chops on Hager, but Hager hit him with a knee strike on Kingston’s abdomen. Back in the ring, Hager hit a back suplex on Kingston before getting him in a double hook lock. Hager tossed Kingston out of the ring again. Hager hit a suplex on Kingston in the ring.  Hager hit a series of elbow strikes on Kingston’s back. Hager hit a belly-to-belly suplex on Kingston for a near fall. Kinsgton slapped Kingston, but Hager drove his knee to Kingston’s midsection. Kingston hit an overhand chop, to which Kingston responded with a series of chops on Hager followed by a boot to the side of Hager’s head. Hager hit an overhead suplex. Outside the ring, Kingston tried to hit an exploder suplex on Hager, but Hager slammed Kingston into the barricade. Hager and Kingston exchanged punches. Kingston got to his knees and flicked off Hager. Kingston gauged Hager’s eyes before hitting a DDT on Hager. Kingston hit Machine Gun chops on Hager. Hager booted Kingston before hitting the Hager Bomb for a near fall. Hager got Kingston in an ankle lock, but transitioned into a gut wrench. Kingston hit an exploder suplex, followed by a Saito suplex for a near fall. Hager hit a takedown on Kingston, followed by another attempt of the ankle lock. Kingston broke the hold with a rope break, but Hager rained strikes on Kingston. Hager went for top rope punches on Kingston, but Kingston hit a powerbomb on Hager. Kingston hit two Spinning Back Fists on Hager for the pinfall. 

Winner: Eddie Kingston.

– Dr. Britt Baker, DMD, Jamie Hayter, and Rebel were interviewed by Tony Schiavone. Baker said that Toni Storm grabbing the AEW Women’s Championship was pretty arrogant, telling her that’s not how things work in AEW. Baker said that if someone is taking the AEW Women’s title from Champion (Thunder Rosa), it was going to be someone from Team DMD. 

– Ortiz (of Proud & Powerful) cut a promo, saying that he would need to become a piece of shit to beat Chris Jericho. Ortiz said he will cut 

Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh (w/ Sonjay Dutt) vs Mat Fitchett & Davey Vega

Singh hit a knee strike on Fitchett, followed by a viscous chop on Fitchett. Veag and Fitchett striked down Singh, but Singh hit a running crossbody on both wrestlers. Lethal hit a double Lethal Injection on both wrestlers for the pinfall win. 

After the match, Singh hit a Razor’s Edge on Fitchett, with him, Lethal, and Dutt standing tall.

Winner: Jay Lethal & Satnam Singh (w/ Sonjay Dutt)

– Danhausen was interviewed by Alexa Nair. Nair was looking for Hook, but Danhausen drove out of shot in a golf cart. Hook showed up in a golf cart and looked at Nair before leaving the shot. 

Kris Statlander vs Red Velvet (w/ Jade Cargill, Kiera Hogan & Stokely Hathaway).

Statlander hit a powerslam on Red Velvet on ringside before throwing Velvet on the apron. Statlander hit an uppercut and a knee strike on Red Velvet, sending Velvet out of the ring. Statlander striked down Velvet before Red Velvet gauged her eyes. Red Velvet got Statlander in a rear-naked coke, but Statlander got to the ring corner and tossed Red Velvet. Statlander missed a crossbody. Statlander went for a Vertical Suplex on Red Velvet, but Velvet escaped and hit a chop block on Sttalander’s knee. Red Velvet hit a snapmare Full Nelson on Statlander, but Kris slammed Velvet in the corner. Red Velvet hit a scissor kick on  Statlander for a near fall. Velvet and Statlander exchanged strikes before Statlander hit a backbreaker on Velvet. Kris rained down the strikes on Red Velvet before hitting a Blue Thunderbomb for a near fall. Stalander went for the Electric chair, but Red Velvet reversed it to a Victory Roll for a near fall. Statlander hit a O’Connor Roll German Suplex on Velvet, followed by a modified Brainbuster for a near fall. Red Velvet hit knee strikes on Statlander’s neck. Red velvet hit a spring rope cutter on Statlander, followed by the “Just Dessert” kick for a near fall. Statlander hit a pumphandle Friday Night Fever for the pinfall win.

Kiera Hogan attacked Statlander. Jade Cargill took advantage of this and hit a pump kick on Statlander. Anna Jay came in for the same, but got taken down by Red Velvet and Kiera Hogan. Athena ran to the ring, but she was stopped by officials and former WWE Producer, Pat Buck. 

Winner: Kris Statlander.

– There was a video package highlighting Miro’s return on the 6/1/2022 edition of AEW Dynamite. 

– Ethan Page cut a promo, saying that he looks up to himself, unlike Miro who looks up to Jesus. Page told Miro that on the 6/15/2022 edition of AEW Dynamite, Miro will end up praying to Page. 

– FTR, Trent Beretta, Will Ospreay & Aussie Open were interviewed by Mark Henry. Ospreay said that they came to AEW to separate the lions from the sheep. Dax Hardwood said that they pissed off the wrong guys, with Cash Wheeler saying United Empire were nerd asses. 

FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Hardwood) & Trent Beretta vs Will Ospreay & Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis) (w/ Aaron Henare).

The match began with Dax and Ospreay exchanging holds before they stared each other down. The two locked up before Ospreay chopped Dax. Dax chopped Ospreay. Cash tagged in and hit a shoulder block on Ospreay, but Ospreay kicked up. Cash hit another shoulder block, but Ospreay hit a modified version of Tijeras on Cash. Fletcher punched Cash before Davis tagged in. Davis tossed Cash before Trent tagged in. Trent chopped Davis twice. Trent hit a sunset flip for a near fall. Davis hit a chop on Trent. Ospreay tagged in and hit a chop on Trent, but Trent got a Tornado DDT on Ospreay. Trent hit a spring rope moonsault on Ospreay outside of the ring. Ospreay took down both members of FTR. Aussie Open tossed Ospreay onto Trent’s face for a near fall. Davis tossed Trent. Fletcher tagged in and body slammed Trent for a near fall.  Fletcher got Trent in a side headlock. Ospreay tagged back in and got Trent in a headlock of his own. Ospreay hit a forearm strike and an elbow strike on Trent’s neck. Trent hit a backdrop on Ospreay before hitting an inseguri kick on Fletcher. Davis caught Trent and hit a senton on Trent for a near fall. Fletcher tagged in and chopped Trent. Trent went for a dropkick on Trent, but Trent evaded, with Fletcher landing on his head. Dax punched Davis, Fletcher, and Ospreay before hitting a suplex on Fletcher. Dax suplexed Davis on Fletcher. Dax hit a lariat on Ospreay. Dax hit three German Suplexes on Fletcher. Cash hit a powerbomb on Fletcher for a near fall. Fletcher hti an elbow strike on Dax. Cash hit a Atomic Drop on Ospreay. Aussie Open hit a Death Valler Cutter, followed by a 450 Splash from Ospreay for a near fall. Ospreay hit the Os-Cutter on Cash for a near fall. Cash hit a Frankensteiner on Davies. Fletcher and Trent exchanged strikes before Trent hti a back drop suplex on Fletcher. Ospreay hit a face buster on Trent before hitting a spring rope crossbody on FTR outside. Fletcher went for a Canadian Destroyer, but Trent caught Fletcher with Strong Zero for the pinfall win. Trent and FTR stood tall to end the show. 

Winners: FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Hardwood) & Trent Beretta.



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