
IMPACT Wrestling Results (6/9/2022): Josh Alexander In Action, PCO vs Steve Maclin + More

Results for the 6/9/2022 Edition of IMPACT Wrestling, live on AXS TV & Youtube.

Welcome to the Fightful.com live discussion & coverage for the 6/9/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV & Youtube. We will bring full results and breakdowns for every match and segment on the show. Follow Fightful on Twitter.com/Fightful and Facebook.com/FIGHTFULONLINE

– The broadcast began with a video package highlighting the match between the team of W. Morrisey & PCO against the team of Steve Maclin & Moose and the aftermath of the match, with Sami Callihan hit hit Moose with a bat. After the video package, Callihan cut a promo saying that every time the lights go off and go back on, he always whoops Moose’s ass. Callihan said that at the end of the night, Moose would be begging Callihan for mercy. 

Tenille Dashwood (w/ Madison Rayne) vs Rosemary

Rosemary hit a chop on Dashwood, followed by locking in Dashwood on a Guillotine choke. Rosemary threw a series of punches on Dashwood, followed by a Straight jacket Suplex on Dashwood. Following a distraction from Madison Rayne, Dashwood hit a neck breaker on Rosemary. Dashwood stomped down Rosemary before slamming her face in the corner. After Dashwood hit two power punches on Rosemary, Rosemary got Dashwood in a rope-assisted head choke. Madison Rayne attacked Rosemary, which Dashwood took advantage, and hit a lariat for a near fall. Dashwood got a Full Nelson on Rosemary, but Rosemary threw Dashwood on the ground before both hit a double lariat, leaving both competitors laying. Rosemary hit a lariat, a running splash, and got Dashwood in the Last Chancery submission. Dashwood gauged Rosemary’s eyes to break the hold. After multiple holds, Rosemary hit a tiger suplex on Dashwood for a near fall. Rosemary pushed Dashwood on Rayne before getting Dashwood in an O’Connor Roll for a pinfall win. 

Winner: Rosemary.

– After the match, Rayne and Dashwood attacked Rosemary before Taya Valkaryie came in to make the save. Rosemary and Taya hit stereo spears on Rayne and Dashwood. Rosemary thanked Taya for the save, with Taya apologizing to Rosemary.

– Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson made their way to Jay and Mark Briscoes’ chicken farm due to comments from the Briscoes saying that they could not grind. For whatever reason, Karl Anderson punted a ball. Anderson and Gallows toured around the farm and did multiple activities like talking to the son of one of the Briscoes, craving chicken poop, chasing down wild chickens, and fanboy around a tractor. Gallows and Anderson recreated the Undertaker-AJ Styles match meme, where Gallows stood behind Anderson. Papa Briscoe encountered both Gallows and Anderson, asking them to leave. The Briscoes made their return from their lunch, attacking The Good Brothers all around the chicken farm. Anderson tossed Mark Briscoe to a random table. Gallows tried to hit Jay Briscoe with a cinderblock, but Papa Briscoe got a tool to stop the attack. A wild Mark Briscoe emerged from the ground with a metal tube and a digger, scaring The Good Brothers out of the chicken farm. 

– Heath was interviewed by Gia Miller, saying that Rhyno’s injury could take months to recover due to his surgery. Heath said that Honor No More is about to walk through hell and that he would be the one to burn them. 

Steve Maclin vs PCO.

The match began with Maclin and PCO locking up, with Maclin getting PCO in a side headlock. PCO clotheslined himself out of the ring. PCO hit a spear on Maclin through the middle rope, with Maclin landing on the outside. PCO hit a Tope Con Giro through the middle rope on Maclin. PCO went for a Moonsault, but Maclin pushed PCO off the top ground to the ground. Maclin got to the ring and hit a Tope Suicida on PCO through the bottom rope on the outside. Maclin hit a Spine buster on PCO into the ramp before the commercial break. Outside the ring, PCO but Maclin’s head while gauging the eyes. Maclin hit an Irish whip on PCO onto the ring-post. Maclin slammed PCO’s shoulder in the ring post. Maclin and PCO got back to the ring, but PCO hit a lariat on Maclin. PCO went to the top rope, but Maclin caught him. Maclin hit a chop and followed it up with a Superplex on PCO for a near fall. PCO hulked up and hit a punch on Maclin’s head. Maclin hit a Irish WHip on PCO, but PCO popped out of it with a clothesline on Maclin, followed by a running Cannonball on Maclin in the ring corner. PCO hit a De-animator on Maclin on the apron. PCO went for a cannonball on Maclin into the ring stairs, but PCO landed back first on the stairs. Maclin hit a Back drop on PCO on Ringside. Maclin placed PCO in the guard rail and hit a running spear on PCO. Maclin slammed PCO onto the ring-stairs. Maclin placed PCO’s arm behind the stairs, with Maclin kicking the stairs. PCO had his shoulder visibly injured. The referee tried to stop the match, but PCO slammed multiple referees outside the ring. After PCO got to the apron, Maclin hit PCO with a chair in the abdomen while the referee was distracted. Maclin hit an Underhook DDT on PCO onto the steel chair for the pinfall win. After the match, PCO popped back up and grabbed Maclin’s leg. Maclin ran out of the ring, with PCO standing in the ring.

Winner: Steve Maclin.

– Deonna Purrazzo was backstage texting, but IMPACT Knockout’s Champion, Tasha Steels, confronted Purrazzo for not continuing their agreement to end Mia Yim. Purrazzo refuted her claim, saying that the agreement was that Mia Yim was their common enemy and stating that she did not need help. Tasha Steels said that she would see about that before walking out of the shot. Chelsea Green joined Purrazzo, with Green telling her that a little help would not be an issue. 

– Matt Morgan was interviewed backstage by Gia Miller, saying that he was proud of the work done by the men and women of IMPACT Wrestling. Vincent confronted Morgan, telling him that all that was built for IMPACT will end in Slammiversary. 

Joe Doering (w/ Eric Young & Cody Deaner) vs Josh Alexander.

The match began with Doering and Alexander locking up, with Doering tossing ALexander to the ground. Alexander got Doering in a wrist lock, but Doering broke the hold with an arm strike. Alexander got Doering in a side headlock. Doering tried to break the hold with a back suplex, but Alexander maintained the hold. Alexander got Doering in the corner. Alexander hit the leg scissors on Doering before transitioning into an Ankle Lock. Alexander kicked Doering. Doering and Alexander ran the ropes before Doering hit a running crossbody on Alexander. Doering hit a bodyslam/whiplash elbow drop on Alexander for a near fall. Doering stomped Alexander down before hitting a clothesline on Alexander. Doering got Alexander in a headlock. Alexander powered out of the hold, but Doering took him down with a forearm strike. Doering did a neck-twist choke on Alexander, but Alexander got out with a series of clubbing blows. Alexander hit a boot on Doering’s face. Alexander hit a diving knee to the back of Doering’s neck. Alexander hit a rebound German Suplex on Doering. Alexander hit two more German suplexes. Doering tried to hit Alexander with a flag, but Alexander took the flag off him. Alexander hit Doering with the flag, with the referee ending the match in a disqualification.

After the match, Alexander hit a German suplex on Deaner. Eric Young tried to get to the ring, but ALexander caught him in the act. Eric Young walked out of the ring before celebrating Doering’s win.

Winner: Joe Doering (w/ Eric Young & Cody Deaner).

– Moose was interviewed by Gia miller, with Moose saying that he was not impressed by Sami Callihan’s mind games. The lights went out and back on, but nothing happened. Moose told Miller that he was going to put an end to it.

– There was a video highlight of X-Division Champion, Ace Austin, joining Bullet Club from NJPW’s Best of The Super Junoir 29 Finals (you can read the results to that show here). Austin and the rest of Buller Club (Doc Gallows, El Phantasmo, Chase Owens, Bad Luck Fale, Gedo, and Taiji Ishimori) attacked Alex Zayne, with Austin telling Zayne that he should get into Buller Club’s business without consequences.

Alex Zayne was announced to be a part of the Ultimate X Match for the X-Division Championship on Slammiversary, joining Mike Bailey, Kenny King, former AEW Wrestler Jack Evans, Trey Miguel, and current X-Division Champion Ace Austin. 

– Sami Callihan attacked Moose from behind. Moose hit Callihan with a bat. Moose slammed Callihan’s face in a door. Mosse punched Callihan’s face repeatedly, busting his head open. Moose tried to escape the room they locked in, but Callihan had the key. Callihan gauged Moose’s head with the key before scaping the room. Callihan locked Moose in the room,w ith Moose pleading for someone to get him out. 

– Former IMPACT Digital Champion, Matt Cardona, gave Brian Myers the Digital Media Title. While Myers has the belt, Rich Swann will defend the championship in a match against Myers on Slammiversary. 

– Mike Bailey vs Trey Miguel, Tasha Steels & Savanna Evans vs Jordynne Grace & Mia Yim, and The Briscoes vs Chris Bey & Jay White were matches announced to take place on the 6/16/2022 edition of IMPACT Wrestling TV.

Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Mike Bennett & Matt Taven) vs Frankie Kazarian & Motor CIty Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin).

 Shelley and Bennett locked up, with Shelley getting Bennett in a wrist lock. Bennett reversed the hold with a wrist lock, but Shelley turned it into a sideheadlock. Bennett stomped down Shelley. Shelley booted Bennett’s face before chopping Bennett. Sabin and Shelley hit a Senton-Knee Drop combo on Bennett for a near fall. Sabit hit Taven with an arm drag. Sabin hit a top rope Tijeras on Taven. Taven hit a leaping dropkick on Sabin. Sabin evaded Taven’s offense before Kazarian hit a neck breaker on Taven. Kazarian hit a Russian Leg Sweep on Taven for a near fall. Kazarian got a wrist lock on Edwards. Sabin, Kazarian, and Shelley hit Ax Handles on Edwards’ arm. Shelley and Kazarian got Taven in a Camel Clutch/Single Leg Crab on Taven, which Sabin used to kick Taven’s head. Shelley and Sabin hit a double-suplex on Bennett. Shelley, Sabin, and Kazarian hit Leg Drops on Bennett before taunting to the crowd. Shelley stomped Edward’s injured arm. Shelley got Edwards in a wrist-breaker, before sliding to trip Edwards. Shelley hit a Stunner on Edwards, with Edwards’ neck landing on the top rope. Bennett slammed Shelley into the apron. Bennett and Taven attacked Shelley outside. Edwards hit a Tope Suicida on Shelley. Taven and Bennett hit a Inseguri Kick/ Spinebuster combination on Kazarian. Bennett hit Sabin with a forearm strike before Taven and Edwards hit a pop-up powerbomb on Sabin. Edwards hit a headbutt on Shelley. Shelley lifted Taven out of the ring, followed by lifting Edwards onto the apron. Shelley evaded a running splash from Bennett, with Bennett accidentally hitting Edwards off the apron. Shelley kicked Bennett  off him and tried to tag in Kazarian, but Edwards and Taven took both Sabin and Kazarian off the apron, preventing the tag. Bennett hit a rolling elbow on Shelley for a near fall. Taven hit a top rope drop-kick on Shelley for a near fall. Taven slammed Shelley on the head of Eddie Edwards. Edwards hit a chop on Shelley. Shelley hit a chop of his own on Edwards. Edwards poked Shelley’s eyes before hitting another chop on Shelley. Shelley hit an STO on Bennett into the middle turnbuckle. Shelley went for the tag, but Taven launched himself into Kazarian and Sabin, taking them off the apron again. Shelley hit a leg-breaker on Taven, but Edwards tagged in and hit a running forearm on Shelley in the corner. Shelley and Edwards exchanged big boots. Edwards booted Bennett off the apron, which led to Shelley tagging in Kazarian. Kazarian hit an elbow strike on Edwards, followed by a laying slap on Bennett. Kazarian hit a running forearm on Edwards. Kazarian hit Edwards with a Northern Lights Suplex while having Taven in an O’Connor Roll for a near fall. Taven and Edwars tried to hit a double-back suplex, but Kazarian flipped out of the offense before tagging in Sabin. Sabin hit a crossbody on Edwards and Taven. Sabin hit strikes on Edwards and Taven. Shelley hit Taven with a Superkick before Sabin hit Taven with an Inseguri kick while hitting Edwards with a Tornado DDT for a near fall. Sabin hit Bennett with a Diamond Cutter. Shelley hit Edwards with an Atomic Drop, which Sabin followed up with a low drop kick. Sabin and Shelley hit a Last Chancery/Running Missile dropkick combination on Edwards. Sabin hit a Tope Suicida on Edwards. Taven hit a spring rope Inseguri on Shelley, sending him off the ropes to the floor. Kazarian tried to lariat Taven, but Taven evaded the lariat to hit a Leaping Splash on Shelley, Sabin, and Edwards on the outside. Mike Bennett hit a spear on Kazarian on the outside of the ring. Edwards hit a Liger bomb on Sabin, followed by a running kick from Taven, for a near fall. Shelley hit a lariat on Edwards in the corner. Kazarian followed it up with a leaping forearm on Edwards in the corner, which Sabin followed up with a Helluva Kick on Edwards in the corner. Kazarian, Shelley, and Sabin hit a running kick/ tope rope dropkick/ STO combination on Edwards for a near fall. Sabin, Kazarian, and Shelley hit low dropkicks on Edwards. Sabin hit a top rope Tornado DDT on Edwards, but Taven slammed Shelley onto Sabin to break the pinfall attempt. Shelley and Taven exchanged strikes. Taven hit the Climax on Shelley, but Kazarian hit Taven with a Diamond Cutter. Bennett hit a rolling elbow on Kazarian, followed by a German Suplex on Sabin. Sabin shook the suplex off and hit a viscous lariat on Bennett. Sabin and Edwards exchanged super kicks before Bennet hit Sabin with a low blow. Edwards hit the Die Hard Driver for the pinfall win. 

Winners: Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Mike Bennett & Matt Taven)

– After the match, Honor No More continued to attack Shelley, Kazarian, and Sabin. Heath tried to make the save, but Honor No More beat him up. Heath hit a Scissor Kick on Bennett and stomped down Taven. Heath threw a chair on Edwards’ head before hitting Edwards with the Wake Up Call. Heath tried to injure Eddie’s leg, but Kenny King and Vincent came to the ring to stop Heath. Honor No More hit Heath’s leg (which was wrapped in a steel chair) with another steel chair, injuring Heath’s leg. Honor No More stood tall to end the show. 

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