
WWE Hell In A Cell 2022 – Raw Women’s Championship – Bianca Belair vs. Asuka vs. Becky Lynch Result

Bianca Belair is still the EST of Monday Night Raw.

In a barnburner of an opener at WWE Hell in a Cell 2022, Bianca Belair was able to outsmart Becky Lynch just long enough to throw her out of the ring and pin Asuka in order to retain her WWE Raw Women’s Championship.

Here’s how it all went down courtesy of our live coverage:

Bianca Belair (C) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Asuka — RAW Women’s Championship

Lynch shoves both Asuka and Belair to start. Asuka trips Lynch to the mat and Lynch rolls to the outside. Belair and Asuka lock up, Asuka with a snapmare and wallops Belair with a leaping clothesline. Lynch drags Asuka to the outside and shoves her into the barricade. Lynch goes up top dives down but Belair slams Lynch to the mat and goes for the cover but Lynch kicks out. Belair sends Lynch to the corner, Lynch kicks her back, Asuka comes back in and plants Lynch with a bulldog. Asuka unloads kicks to both Belair and Lynch and sends them both to the same corner, Belair shoves Lynch aside and scoops Asuka and slams her to the mat. Asuka applies a triangle choke but Belair lifts and slams her to break the hold. Asuka trips Belair and goes up top, Belair chases after, Lynch comes in and slams them both to the mat then goes for the cover on each of them but both Belair and Asuka kick out.

Lynch sends Belair to the corner, trips her to the mat, goes up top and lays out Belair with a diving leg drop before going for the cover but Belair kicks out. Lynch plants Belair with an overhead slam, Belair slides to the outside and Lynch nails Asuka with a baseball slide. Lynch drags Belair back into the ring, goes up top and nails Belair with a leg drop but Asuka comes in and cracks Lynch with a sliding kick. Asuka plants Lynch with a spinning back elbow, then a kick to the mid section and a super kick then goes for the cover but Lunch lifts the shoulders after a two-count. Belair lifts and dumps Lynch, Asuka comes in but gets sent to the corner and speared while there. Belair goes to the middle rope and unloads punches to Asuka, Lynch rushes Belair but Belair tosses Lynch to the corner and nails both Asuka and Lynch with a corner splash. Lynch drags Belair back with her braid but Belair hits both challengers with a spine buster then a double standing moonsault and goes for the cover but Lynch and Asuka kick out.

Belair puts Lynch up top and looks for the superplex but Asuka comes in and looks for the powerbomb/suplex combo but she gets kicked back, as does Belair, Lynch dives down but Asuka catches her with the codebreaker. Asuka takes out both Belair and Lynch with a leaping hip strike and goes for the double pin attempt but both Belair and Lynch kicks out. Asuka applies a double ankle lock but Belair and Lynch shove Asuka through the ropes and to the outside. Belair and Lynch trade strikes, Lynch trips Belair and applies the Disarm-Her but Belair lifts her with one arm and tosses her down to the mat. Lynch goes up top and goes for the cross body but Belair catches her and slams her to the mat. Asuka comes in but Belair tosses her to the outside, Lynch attacks Belair from behind and plants her with the Man-Handle Slam and goes for the cover but Asuka breaks it up at two and a half!

Belair gets dumped to the outside, Asuka looks for a back slide on Lynch, Belair comes back in and holds Lynch up for an Asuka superkick but Lynch slides out and Asuka cracks Belair with a superkick. Belair rolls to the outside, Lynch applies the Disarm-Her on the middle ropes onto Asuka, Belair comes back and trips Lynch down but Asuka knocks Belair down with a hip attack and Lynch rolls Asuka up, Asuka kicks out and applies the Asuka Lock. Lynch rolls Asuka back, Asuka rolls Lynch up, Lynch kicks out, Asuka looks to reapply the Asuka Lock and does, Belair comes diving from the top and misses a stomp but Asuka breaks the hold and goes for a hip strike on Belair but Belair catches her and plants her with a Glam Slam into the top turnbuckle, Lynch comes in and tosses Belair out then plants Asuka with the Man-Handle Slam and looks for the cover but Belair comes back in and tosses Lynch out and covers Asuka for the 1-2-3!

Winner – Bianca Belair (STILL RAW Women’s Champion)

If you are missing any of tonight’s action follow along with our WWE Hell in a Cell live coverage. Also, make sure to check out our review podcast with Sean Ross Sapp and Denise Salcedo after the show goes off the air.

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