
WWE Hell In A Cell Results (6/5): Cody Rhodes Faces Seth Rollins Inside Hell In A Cell, More

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for WWE Hell In A Cell!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.


  • Cody Rhodes vs. Seth Rollins — Hell In A Cell Match
  • Bianca Belair (C) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Asuka — RAW Women’s Championship
  • Theory (C) vs. Mustafa Ali — United States Championship
  • Bobby Lashley vs. Omos & MVP — 2-on-1 Handicap Match
  • Madcap Moss vs. Happy Corbin — No-Holds Barred Match
  • The Judgement Day vs. AJ Styles, Finn Balor & Liv Morgan
  • Kevin Owens vs. Ezekiel

Live Coverage

Bianca Belair (C) vs. Becky Lynch vs. Asuka — RAW Women’s Championship

Lynch shoves both Asuka and Belair to start. Asuka trips Lynch to the mat and Lynch rolls to the outside. Belair and Asuka lock up, Asuka with a snapmare and wallops Belair with a leaping clothesline. Lynch drags Asuka to the outside and shoves her into the barricade. Lynch goes up top dives down but Belair slams Lynch to the mat and goes for the cover but Lynch kicks out. Belair sends Lynch to the corner, Lynch kicks her back, Asuka comes back in and plants Lynch with a bulldog. Asuka unloads kicks to both Belair and Lynch and sends them both to the same corner, Belair shoves Lynch aside and scoops Asuka and slams her to the mat. Asuka applies a triangle choke but Belair lifts and slams her to break the hold. Asuka trips Belair and goes up top, Belair chases after, Lynch comes in and slams them both to the mat then goes for the cover on each of them but both Belair and Asuka kick out.

Lynch sends Belair to the corner, trips her to the mat, goes up top and lays out Belair with a diving leg drop before going for the cover but Belair kicks out. Lynch plants Belair with an overhead slam, Belair slides to the outside and Lynch nails Asuka with a baseball slide. Lynch drags Belair back into the ring, goes up top and nails Belair with a leg drop but Asuka comes in and cracks Lynch with a sliding kick. Asuka plants Lynch with a spinning back elbow, then a kick to the mid section and a super kick then goes for the cover but Lunch lifts the shoulders after a two-count. Belair lifts and dumps Lynch, Asuka comes in but gets sent to the corner and speared while there. Belair goes to the middle rope and unloads punches to Asuka, Lynch rushes Belair but Belair tosses Lynch to the corner and nails both Asuka and Lynch with a corner splash. Lynch drags Belair back with her braid but Belair hits both challengers with a spine buster then a double standing moonsault and goes for the cover but Lynch and Asuka kick out.

Belair puts Lynch up top and looks for the superplex but Asuka comes in and looks for the powerbomb/suplex combo but she gets kicked back, as does Belair, Lynch dives down but Asuka catches her with the codebreaker. Asuka takes out both Belair and Lynch with a leaping hip strike and goes for the double pin attempt but both Belair and Lynch kicks out. Asuka applies a double ankle lock but Belair and Lynch shove Asuka through the ropes and to the outside. Belair and Lynch trade strikes, Lynch trips Belair and applies the Disarm-Her but Belair lifts her with one arm and tosses her down to the mat. Lynch goes up top and goes for the cross body but Belair catches her and slams her to the mat. Asuka comes in but Belair tosses her to the outside, Lynch attacks Belair from behind and plants her with the Man-Handle Slam and goes for the cover but Asuka breaks it up at two and a half!

Belair gets dumped to the outside, Asuka looks for a back slide on Lynch, Belair comes back in and holds Lynch up for an Asuka superkick but Lynch slides out and Asuka cracks Belair with a superkick. Belair rolls to the outside, Lynch applies the Disarm-Her on the middle ropes onto Asuka, Belair comes back and trips Lynch down but Asuka knocks Belair down with a hip attack and Lynch rolls Asuka up, Asuka kicks out and applies the Asuka Lock. Lynch rolls Asuka back, Asuka rolls Lynch up, Lynch kicks out, Asuka looks to reapply the Asuka Lock and does, Belair comes diving from the top and misses a stomp but Asuka breaks the hold and goes for a hip strike on Belair but Belair catches her and plants her with a Glam Slam into the top turnbuckle, Lynch comes in and tosses Belair out then plants Asuka with the Man-Handle Slam and looks for the cover but Belair comes back in and tosses Lynch out and covers Asuka for the 1-2-3!

Winner – Bianca Belair (STILL RAW Women’s Champion)

Bobby Lashley vs. Omos & MVP — 2-on-1 Handicap Match

Lashley starts this one off against MVP. Lashley shoves MVP and MVP immediately tags out to Omos. Lashley and Omos lock up and Omos shoves Lashley across the ring. Lashley looks for an armlock but Omos, again, fires Lashley across the ring. Lashley fires off a number of strikes on Omos but Omos sends him to the corner and Lashley knocks MVP off the apron. Omos clobbers Lashley with a corner splash and launches the former WWE Champion across the ring and makes the tag to MVP, who starts unloading strikes on Lashley. MVP cracks Lashley with an elbow but Lashley fires back with a forearms and slams MVP to the mat. MVP sneaks a tag to Omos, who slams Lashley to the mat and drills Lashley with snake eyes on the top turnbuckle and follows up with a corner splash.

Omos lands another splash in the corner and makes the tag to MVP, who drills Lashley with a kick in the corner and Lashley spills to the outside. MVP drags Lashley back into the ring and unloads a bunch of punches and a knee then goes for the cover but Lashley kicks out, MVP immediately goes for another cover but Lashley, again, kicks out. Lashley wallops MVP with a spear, Omos attacks Lashley but Cedric Alexander comes down and attacks Omos and Omos goes for a chokeslam but Lashley drills Omos with a spear and Omos is sent to the outside. MVP goes for a big boot on Lashley but Lashley ducks and applies the Hurt Lock and MVP taps out!

Winner – Bobby Lashley

Kevin Owens vs. Ezekiel

Ezekiel knocks Owens back with a forearm then goes up top and lays Owens out with a diving elbow and goes for the quick cover but Owens kicks out. Owens lays into Ezekiel with some chops and then a slam and some stomps. Owens goes to the middle rope and nails Ezekiel with a moonsault and goes for the cover but Ezekiel lifts the shoulders after a count of two. Owens applies a headlock and chokes Ezekiel with the middle rope until the referee forces the break. Ezekiel knocks Owens back with a punch, Owens clocks Ezekiel with a shot of his own but Ezekiel launches Owens to the corner and Owens tumbles upside down and back to the mat.

Both competitors exchange strikes, Owens goes up top and plants Ezekiel with a tornado DDT then goes for the cover but Ezekiel kicks out. Owens drills Ezekiel with a senton then goes up top and wallops Ezekiel with a moonsault. Ezekiel comes back with some kicks and sends Owens to the corner and unloads a number of strikes. Ezekiel with a pump kick and goes for a corner splash and hits it before going for another and he lands the second but whiffs on the third as Owens slides out but Ezekiel plants Owens with a spine buster. Owens fights back with some strikes and a slam then goes the stunner but Ezekiel rolls him up but Owens kicks out. Ezekiel trips Owens to the mat and goes up top, Owens trips him up and drills him with a super kick, then another and wallops Ezekiel with a corner senton then a stunner and gets the three-count!

Winner – Kevin Owens

The Judgement Day (Edge, Damian Priest & Rhea Ripley) vs. AJ Styles, Finn Balor & Liv Morgan

Everyone brawls to start. Morgan wallops Ripley with a dive over Styles and Balor and Morgan and Ripley officially start this one off. Morgan rushes Ripley but Ripley cracks her with a thunderous headbutt. Ripley mocks Styles and Balor in the corner and plants Morgan with a massive suplex and goes for the cover but Morgan kicks out. Ripley sends Morgan to the corner and drills her with a spear in the corner. Morgan makes the tag to Styles, so Ripley has to tag out to either Edge or Priest and she does so to Priest. Styles clobbers Priest with a kick combination and drills Priest with a step-up enziguri and makes the tag to Balor, who goes for an armlock but Priest counters but Balor sweeps him with a drop kick to the legs. Balor sends Priest to the corner and unloads some chops to chest.

Priest makes the tag to Edge but dumps Balor out of the ring and Edge cracks Balor with a running forearm and launches Balor into the barricade before sending him back into the ring. Edge makes the tag to Priest who wallops Balor with a flying knee then goes for the cover but Balor kicks out. Priest tags Edge back in and the Hall of Famer unloads strikes onto a cornered Balor. Edge fires Balor into the corner then starts mocking the first-ever Universal Champion and makes the tag to Priest. Balor fights Priest back with some strikes but Priest plants Balor with a back-body drop and goes for the cover but Balor kick out.

Balor desperately tries to reach for the tag to Styles but Priest drills him with a side walk slams and goes for the pin but Balor lifts the shoulders after a two-count. Priest clocks Balor with an uppercut but Balor sends him to the canvas with a Pele Kick. Both Balor and Priest make tags to Styles and Edge, respectively and Styles clears house and plants Priest with a front slam and drills Edge with a running forearm in the corner and goes for the cover but Edge kicks out. Styles goes to the apron and looks for the Phenomenal Forearm and lands it then goes for the cover but Priest drags Styles out of the ring. Ripley and Morgan are both tagged in, Morgan lands a hurricanrana into a pin but Ripley kicks out. Morgan with a backslide into another cover but Ripley, again, kicks out. Ripley plants Morgan with a German suplex then goes for an inside/out powerbomb, Morgan slides out but Ripley comes back and slams her down to the mat and goes for the cover but Morgan kicks out.

Ripley goes for a powerslam, Morgan spins out and makes the tag to Balor and everyone starts brawling in the ring. Balor sends Priest to the outside, Styles does the same to Edge and Morgan does the same to Ripley. Balor and Styles go flying over the top rope onto Priest and Edge and Morgan comes through middle rope and takes out Ripley. Balor sends Priest back into the ring and goes up top but Priest trips him off the top and goes groin first into the top rope. Priest makes the tag to Edge, Priest plants Balor with a chokeslam, Styles comes flying in with a Phenomenal Forearm and takes out Priest. Edge goes for a spear on Balor but Balor rolls him up but Edge kicks out. Balor kicks Edge into the corner and goes up top and looks for the Coup De Grace but Ripley stands in the way. Morgan jumps onto Rhea and they both spill to the outside. Edge drills Balor with a spear and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners – The Judgement Day

Madcap Moss vs. Happy Corbin — No-Holds Barred Match

Moss attacks Corbin right as the bell sounds. Corbin sends Moss to the corner but Moss sends Corbin to the outside with a clothesline. Corbin launches Moss into the stage paneling but Moss comes back and sends Corbin into one barricade then another and the back into the ring. Moss grabs a steel chair but Corbin attacks from behind and tosses the chair aside. Corbin tries to smack Moss into the announce table but Moss stops him but Corbin launches Moss over the announce table anyway. Moss pops back up and whips a chair at Corbin and launches him into the steel steps then into the other set of steps. Moss picks the steps up and tries to hit Corbin with them but Corbin escapes through the crowd. Moss chases after Corbin but Corbin sends Moss over the barricade and back into the ringside area.

Corbin puts Moss hanging over the barricade and cracks him with a running knee to the back. Corbin sends Moss back into the ring and plants him with a chokeslam then goes to the outside and retrieves a steel chair from underneath the ring. Corbin wallops Moss with a chair shot to the back, then another then sets the chair up and puts Moss seated on it. Moss trips Corbin face-first into the chair but Corbin comes back with a spinning back-body drop and goes for the cover but Moss kicks out. Corbin starts choking Moss with the chair then hits him in the mid section with it. Corbin sets the chair up in the corner and goes to throw Moss into it but Moss moves and shoves Corbin face-first into the chair. Moss grabs a chair and hits Corbin in the mid section with it then lashes him across the back with another shot.

Moss plants Corbin with a DDT into the chair and goes for the cover but Corbin kicks out. The fight spills to the outside. Moss goes for a clothesline but Corbin trips him and launches him into the barricade then the announce table. Corbin puts Moss’ head into a chair and sends him head-first into the announce table. Corbin sends Moss back into the ring and brings the steel steps in with him. Corbin goes to throw Moss into the steps but Moss slides out and launches Corbin into them then plants him with a neckbreaker. Moss grabs a steel chair, wraps it around Corbin’s neck and plants him with a neckbreaker for the three-count!

Winner – Madcap Moss

Theory (C) vs. Mustafa Ali — United States Championship

Ali applies a waistlock to start. Ali slams Theory to the mat and goes up top, Theory rolls to the outside but Ali wallops him with a cross body anyway. Theory sends Ali into the ring post then back into the ring and unloads a bunch of strikes. Ali goes up top and Theory dumps him to the outside belly first in a scary looking spot. Theory sends Ali back in the ring and plants him with a back-body drop and looks for the cover but Ali kicks out. Ali nails Theory with a spinning back kick and a cross body, Theory sends Ali to the corner but Ali kicks him back and drills him with a superkick.

Ali goes up top but Theory jumps to the top rope and slams him to the mat and goes for the cover but Ali kicks out, Theory goes for another cover but Ali, again, kicks out. Theory goes for the ATL, Ali rolls out and applies a headlock but Theory rolls to the bottom rope and grabs it to force the break. Ali plants Theory with a tornado DDT then goes up and goes for the 450 splash but Theory rolls out and cracks Ali in the back of the left knee with a sliding elbow. Theory lifts and plants Ali with the ATL for the 1-2-3!

Winner – Theory (STILL United States Champion)

Cody Rhodes vs. Seth Rollins — Hell In A Cell Match

Cody is sporting a MASSIVE bruise on his torn pectoral side, Rollins is trolling Cody with Dusty Rhodes’ famous polka dot gear, the bell rings and this one is officially underway. Cody unloads a number of strikes and lays Rollins out with a Disaster Kick. Cody springboards and hits a Cody Cutter but his arm gives out and ‘The American Nightmare’ is in a massive amount of pain. Cody applies a leg lock, Rollins pushes himself to the outside, grabs a kendo stick and cracks Cody in the arm with it. Rollins cracks Cody in the chest with the kendo stick and starts stabbing Rollins’ pec with it. Rollins sends Cody to the outside and kicks him into the cage and slams Cody’s shoulder into the cage. Rollins starts stabbing Cody’s shoulder with the kendo stick into the cage. Rollins starts dragging Cody’s face across the metal grating.

Cody sends Rollins back into the ring and nails him with a kick. Cody rolls to the outside but Rollins meets him with the steel steps into the shoulder. Rollins puts Cody’s jacket on and retrieves a lifting belt from underneath the ring that says Visionary on it with Dusty’s polka dots also on the belt. Rollins throws Cody in the ring and cracks Cody with the belt and goes for the cover but Cody kicks out. Rollins grabs a table from underneath the ring and tosses it into the ring. Rollins sets up the table and puts Cody on the top turnbuckle then follows him up, Cody goes for a powerbomb but Rollins slides out and cracks Cody in the back with a forearm. Rollins goes up top and goes for a splash but Cody moves and Rollins goes crashing through the table. Cody goes to the outside and grabs a rope with a cowbell from underneath the ring.

Cody wraps the rope around his waist and tosses the other half of the rope to Rollins and tells Rollins to tie it to himself, which he does. Cody hits Rollins with a knee to the mid section, wraps the rope around Rollins legs and flips him to the mat but Rollins cracks Cody with the rope to the mid section but Cody comes back and knocks Rollins to the mat with the cowbell an goes for the cover but Rollins kicks out. The fight spills to the outside, Rollins wraps the rope around the ring post and drags Cody shoulder-first into the ring post not once, but twice. Rollins gets another table from under the ring and sets it up in the corner whilst back in the ring. Rollins lifts Cody and goes for a powerbomb through the table but Cody flips out and plants Rollins with the Cross Rhodes and goes for the cover but Rollins kicks out at two and a half!

Cody tries to lift Rollins for a powerbomb but his shoulder gives out, so he transitions into a bulldog but Rollins knocks him back, lifts him and powerbombs him through the table in the corner, Rollins goes for the cover but Cody lifts the shoulders at two and a half! Rollins goes back under the ring and this time, he gets a toolbox and a sledgehammer. Rollins grabs the sledgehammer and gets in the ring but Cody kicks him in the mid section, Rollins looks for a pedigree but Cody counters into the pedigree and goes for the cover but Rollins kicks out! Cody grabs the sledgehammer but Rollins rolls to the outside. Rollins retreats, Cody chases, Rollins gets back in and nails Cody with a stomp and goes for the cover but Cody kicks out!

Rollins sets Cody up for another stomp, Cody goes for the Cross Rhodes, Rollins goes for the Cross Rhodes but Cody counters right back into another Cross Rhodes and plants Rollins but he can’t drag himself for the cover. Both competitors drag themselves towards the sledgehammer, Cody grabs it but his shoulder gives out, Rollins grabs it, Cody kicks it away and hits Rollins with two Cross Rhodes and goes for a third but he drops Rollins, grabs the sledgehammer and cracks Rollins with it for the three-count!

Winner – Cody Rhodes

 After the match, Cody’s visibly emotional and the sold out Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois is brought to their feet with a standing ovation. What a performance from Cody Rhodes with his injury. Cody continues his celebration as Rollins looks on from afar as the show goes off the air.

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