
AEW Dynamite Results (6/1/22): MJF Addresses Rumors, CM Punk In Action + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite (6/1/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card as we’re just three days removed from Double Or Nothing!


  • CM Punk & FTR vs. Max Caster & Gunn Club
  • Jon Moxley vs. Daniel Garcia
  • Wardlow vs. JD Drake
  • Darby Allin, Matt Hardy Christian Cage & Jurassic Express vs. Hiku Leo, reDRagon & The Young Bucks
  • Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. & Jamie Hayter vs. Ruby Soho & Toni Storm
  • Johnny Elite Open Challenge
  • Athena Interview With Tony Schiavone 
  • MJF Addresses Rumors Following Double Or Nothing Weekend

Live Coverage

Our commentary team of Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone and Excalibur welcome us to tonight’s show in Los Angeles, California and the new AEW World Champion CM Punk’s music hits and it’s time for our opening contest of the evening.

CM Punk & FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. Max Caster & Gunn Club (Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) (with Anthony Bowens & Billy Gunn)

Dax and Austin start this one off. Austin sends Dax to the corner and taunts him but Dax kicks him back and sends him to the corner and lights him up with some chops to the chest. Dax makes the tag to Cash, Austin tags in Colten and Cash launches Colten over his head with an overhead slam. Austin drags Cash to the corner and Caster tags himself in. Caster calls for Punk, Cash refuses to tag him in and applies an arm lock before finally making the tag to Punk as the crowd is in a frenzy. Punk goes up top and clobbers Caster with an axe handle. Caster trips Punk and sends him to the corner and applies a choke but referee Aubrey Edwards forces the break as Punk grabs the ropes. Punk trips Caster then goes up top and nails him with a diving cross-body. Caster knocks Punk back with a kick, Punk makes the tag to Cash, Caster makes the tag to Colten, and the Gunn Club double team Cash in the corner then trade-off with elbows.

Austin plants Punk with a snap mare and Colten goes for the cover but Dax kicks out. Gunn Club nails Dax with a double slam, Colten goes for the cover but Dax lifts the shoulders and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Austin works Dax over in the corner. Dax kicks Austin back and finally makes the tag to Punk and the AEW World Champion clears house. Punk wallops Austin with a clothesline then goes up top and crushes him with a diving elbow. Punk calls for the GTS but Billy Gunn gets on the apron and distracts him. Austin attacks Punk from behind but Punk evades and plants Austin with the GTS, makes the tag to Dax, FTR hit the Big Rig and Dax gets the 1-2-3!

Winners – CM Punk & FTR

 After the match, Punk and FTR celebrate with their respective titles. Punk grabs a microphone and says he’s never done a drug in his life but the adrenaline he feels right now must be what it feels like. Punk says he has a lot of work to do as AEW World Champion and he wouldn’t be where he was today if he didn’t make mistakes and want to get better, which is exactly what he’s gotta do now that he’s champion. Punk says you can call him a lot of things but one thing you have to do, is call him champion. Dax also grabs a microphone and says he’s done drugs and this is exactly what it feels like. Dax says his wife and beautiful baby girl are in the crowd and those are the only two things that mean more to him than professional wrestling. Dax says if you’re from the same company or a different company, come out here and he’ll ‘kick your ass’. Punk calls out NJPW and says NJPW has some of the best professional wrestlers in the world and he’s standing in the ring with two of them and calls out whoever wants to come face them at Forbidden Door. Hiroshi Tanahashi’s music hits and out comes ‘The Ace’ of NJPW! Tanahashi points at Punk, who hoists the AEW World Title above his head and the crowd goes wild.

 Commentary then hypes up the Forbidden Door pay-per-view, set for June 26 from Punk’s hometown of Chicago, Illinois. JR, Schiavone and Excalibur run down the rest of tonight’s card and it’s announced that we’ll hear from MJF…NEXT!

The man that was the talk of Double Or Nothing weekend, MJF makes his way down to the ring. Halfway down the entrance ramp, MJF signals to cut off his music, which production does. MJF then continues his walk down to the ring with a microphone in hand. MJF says he’s in a lot of pain after what happened on Sunday but all anyone wants to do is hear him talk. MJF says he’ll talk but this is going to be Max Friedman talk. MJF says it would be a real shame if something bad happened with all of the executives in the building. MJF says Tony Khan has been trying to sit down with MJF to hash things out but says it’s too little, too late. MJF says when AEW started, it was all friend’s wrestling…except for him because he had to write his ticket. MJF says he delivered moment after moment for this company and he still didn’t get what he deserved. MJF says he’s on a different level and he’s not expected to hit home runs, he’s expected to hit grand slams and he does that every week. MJF says everyone can settle for being great while he has to be perfect because he’s the only man capable of carrying the company on his back. MJF says he hears boos but he also hears clapping, which is interesting because those people were online calling him unprofessional all weekend. MJF says all the people in the back that wanted his spot, can now have it because he doesn’t want to be here anymore. MJF directs his attention to the fans. MJF calls the fans ‘marks’ and says the fans ‘don’t know shit’. MJF says he’s the best in the world and unlike everyone in the back, he doesn’t need to do a ‘ton of bullshit’ to get everyone’s attention. MJF calls out Tony Khan and says he’s the second biggest minute for minute draw in the company and if nobody believes him, they can ask Tony Khan…but nobody better ask for any money because he ‘hoards’ all the money for the ‘ex WWE guys’ that can’t ‘lace’ his boots. The crowd is in a frenzy and asks Tony Khan if he’d be treated better if he was an ex WWE guy. MJF says the only position Khan should have is behind the guard rail as a fan. MJF says he doesn’t want to wait until 2024, he wants Khan to come out and fire him. MJF yells a bunch of expletives that are cut out and his microphone is cut off and we cut to a commercial break.

Back from the break and we see a replay of Hiroshi Tanahashi confronting CM Punk, earlier tonight.

 Johnny Elite then makes his way down to the ring and he’s set for his open challenge. Elite’s challenger is the returning Miro!

Johnny Elite vs. Miro

Elite sweeps Miro’s legs but Miro kicks Elite’s legs aside and trips him to the mat. Miro sends Elite to the corner and unloads a number of stomps. Miro sends Elite to the opposite corner and looks for a splash, Elite kicks him back and looks for a super kick but Miro catches him and launches him across the ring with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Miro’s lining Elite up for the Machka Kick but Elite slides out and cracks Miro with a super kick. Miro sends Elite to the corner and looks for a splash but Elite evades and drills Miro with a springboard enziguri then a corkscrew dive before going up top for Starship Pain but Miro rolls out and wallops him with the Machka Kick. Miro fires up the crowd and says it’s over before locking in Game Over and Elite taps!

Winner – Miro

We then see video highlights of the Anarchy In The Arena Match from this past Sunday at Double Or Nothing where the Jericho Appreciation Society defeated the Blackpool Combat Club, Eddie Kingston, Santana & Ortiz.

 Chris Jericho, Jake Hager, Angelo Parker, and Matt Lee of Jericho Appreciation Society then make their way down to the ring. Jericho cuts off his music during the entrance and the crowd heavily boos. Parker calls for the ‘AEW Galaxy’ to ‘appreciate’ the JAS. Lee asks the fans if they saw what JAS did at Double Or Nothing and if they did, they’d know that they are the ‘Britches of Pape’. Jericho says the fans don’t deserve to sing tonight and says they didn’t win the Anarchy In The Arena Match without paying a price. Jericho calls Eddie Kingston a psychopath and flips off the fans’ ‘Eddie! Eddie! Eddie!’ chants. Jericho asks what kind of man would burn another man. Jericho calls Bryan Danielson a piece of trash, the crowd pours down the ‘YES!’ chants. Jericho says Danielson isn’t there tonight and says Daniel Garcia is going to choke Jon Moxley out cold during tonight’s main event. Jericho says sports entertainers always beat professional wrestlers. Eddie Kingston’s music hits and Eddie yells for his music to be turned off. William Regal comes down with Kingston. Eddie says he’ll fight all of JAS right now and Kingston hands the microphone to Regal and tells Regal to tell JAS where he wants to fight them. Regal yells ‘BLOOD AND GUTS!’. Jericho says he’s not getting Blood and Guts and directs the rest of JAS to attack Kingston, which they do. Ortiz comes from behind Jericho and takes him out. Ortiz cuts off a small piece of Jericho’s hair and JAS rushes to the ring as Ortiz retreats to Kingston. Jericho calls Ortiz a ‘dumb son of a bitch’ and says his hair is worth more than his entire existence. Jericho accepts the Blood and Guts match offer but says he wants something in return…he wants Ortiz in a Hair vs. Hair match. Jericho says he’s going to shave and burn Ortiz…because he’s a wizard.

 Commentary then announces that Darby Allin, Matt Hardy Christian Cage, and Jurassic Express will face Hiku Leo, reDRagon, and The Young Bucks, after the break.

Darby Allin, Matt Hardy Christian Cage & Jurassic Express (Jungle Boy & Luchasaurus) (with Jeff Hardy) vs. Hiku Leo, reDRagon (Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish) & The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (with Adam Cole)

A brawl to start. Cage and Fish start this one off. Cage slams Fish to the mat and makes the tag to Hardy, who immediately goes for Twist Of Fate, Fish slides out and makes the tag to Matt as Hardy makes the tag to Cage, who works over Matt with a choke on the middle rope then a punch to the throat. Cage goes up top, Fish tries to knock him off, Darby makes the save and Jungle Boy comes out of nowhere with a hurricanrana on Fish. Cage slams Matt and goes for the cover and everyone comes into the ring and brawls. Darby dives through the ropes on everyone, Jungle Boy does the same, Matt Jackson follows suit, as does Nick Jackson and we head to a commercial break amidst the chaos!

Back from the break and The Bucks for the Superkick Party but Cage trips them both and makes the tag to Luchasaurus, who clears the ring and lights up The Bucks with a bevy of strikes and a corner splash. Luchasaurusmisses a splash on O’Reilly but he nails him with a clothesline. Luchasaurus goes for a chokeslam on Nick but Nick evades and sends Luchasaurus to the corner. Luchasaurus plants Matt with a Frankensteiner, Nick plants the big man with a destroyer, Hiku Leo’s tagged in and he and Luchasaurus crack each other with simultaneous lariats. Darby and O’Reilly are tagged in, Fish attacks Darby but he’s taken out with a splash, as is O’Reilly. Darby drops Fish with a double kick to the face and makes the tag to Hardy. Darby looks for a Coffin Drop on Leo, but the big man catches him and drops him on his head on the outside. Hardy and The Bucks are in the ring, Hardy takes them both out, then does the same to O’Reilly and Fish. Hardy tries to take out Leo but Leo sends Hardy to the corner but misses a splash. Cage goes up top and cracks Leo with a missile dropkick, Hardy plants Leo with the Twist Of Fate and Cage takes out Leo with a spear on the outside. Pure chaos breaks out, Jungle Boy and Matt Jackson end up as the legal competitors, Fish and O’Reilly take out Luchasaurus with a clothesline/leg sweep combination and The Bucks hit the Meltzer Driver on Jungle Boy for the 1-2-3!

Winners – Hiku Leo, reDRagon, & The Young Bucks

 We then see Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland, backstage with Lexy Nair. Swerve introduces some of his Hollywood friends. Lee says no matter if it’s as tag partners or as singles competitors, everyone will swerve in their glory.

 Back at the ringside area, Tony Schiavone’s on the stage and he introduces the newly-signed Athena! Schiavone officially welcomes Athena to AEW. Athena says she’s All Elite and she’s here because of the ‘top tier’ AEW Women’s division…especially Jade Cargill. Athena says all streaks were made to be broken and she’s the one who’ll break Jade’s. TBS Champion Jade Cargill interrupts, alongside Kiera Hogan, Red Velvet, and Stokely Hathaway. Jade calls Hathaway the best talker in the game and hands him the microphone. Hathaway calls Jade a queen, a goddess, and the TBS Champion. Hathaway says he knows Athena wants a title shot, but that’s not happening today. Kiera Hogan gets in Athena’s face, Anna Jay comes out, as does Kris Statlander and Hathaway calls for security as everyone starts shouting at one another. Security comes down to break up the argument and commentary announces that Wardlow will face JD Drake, after the break.

Wardlow vs. JD Drake

Wardlow tosses Drake to the corner and slams him to the mat. Wardlow takes down his arm straps and sets Drake up for the Powerbomb Symphony. Wardlow plants Drake with a pair of massive powerbombs, puts his foot o his chest and gets the quick three-count!

Winner – Wardlow

After the match, Tony Schiavone comes down to the ring and congratulates Wardlow on finally being All Elite. Mark Sterling then comes down to the ring with security and ‘serves’ Wardlow with a class action lawsuit for attacking security every week. Wardlow grabs a member of security and plants him with a powerbomb then rips up the papers Sterling served him and shoves them in the security’s mouth.

 We then see TNT Champion Scorpio Sky, Ethan Page and Dan Lambert backstage with Lexy Nair. Lambert says Dante Martin can only hope to one day be as good as Scorpio, Page says while Martin has potential, he doesn’t have enough time to realize that potential since he faces Scorpio in just two days. Scorpio says Martin can enjoy his California vacation but on Friday night at Rampage, Martin is in over his head. Martin comes in and says he’s already better then Scorpio and on Friday night, he’s walking out with the TNT Championship.

Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. & Jamie Hayter (with Rebel) vs. Ruby Soho & Toni Storm

Baker and Storm start this one off. Storm goes to attack Hayter on the apron but Hayter evades and Baker attacks Storm from behind. Storm trips Baker shoves her to the corner and unloads several stomps. Baker rolls out of the ring and grabs her Owen Hart Cup Championship and hoists it above her head and laughs in Soho’s face with it. Storm rolls Baker up but baker kicks out. Storm applies a headlock, Baker rolls out, Storm nails her with a sliding kick to the face and makes the tag to Soho, who goes for the cover but Baker kicks out. Baker trips Soho and makes the tag to Hayter. Soho tosses Hayter into the ropes, Hayter kicks her back and sends her to the apron, Baker trips Soho and nails her with a DDT on the outside and we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Baker’s working over Soho whilst back in the ring. Baker goes for a DDT but Soho trips her with a backslide and goes for the cover but Baker kicks out. Hayter runs around the ring and trips Storm off the apron. Back in the ring, Soho plants Baker with a back-body drop, and both her and Baker struggle to the corners but make tags to Storm and Hayter, respectively. Storm plants Hayter with a back-body drop and then sends her to the corner where she lands a running knee. Hayter rolls to the outside, Storm goes for a tornado DDT but Hayter catches her and drills her with a DDT of her own. Soho comes out of nowhere and takes out Hayter with a dive on the outside and Baker attacks Soho with a clothesline before sending both Storm and Hayter back into the right where Hayter goes for the cover but Storm kicks out. Hayter sets Storm up for her finisher but Storm rolls out and plants Hayter with an Alabama Slam before making the tag to Soho, who goes up top but misses a dive onto Hayter. Baker and Storm both rush the ring, Hayter nails Soho with a back-breaker, sends Storm out of the ring, and makes the tag to Baker. The former AEW Women’s World Champion slams Soho to the mat and goes for a superkick but Soho rolls out and nails her with Eat Defeat but Baker rolls it into Lock Jaw but Soho rolls it into a pin attempt but Baker kicks out. Storm gets on the apron, Hayter makes the save, she and Storm spill to the outside, Soho with a roll-up, Baker kicks out but Soho comes right back with her finisher and gets the 1-2-3!

Winners – Ruby Soho & Toni Storm

 After the match, Hayter and Baker attack Soho and Storm, and commentary announces that Jon Moxley will face Daniel Garcia in our main event of the evening, after the break.

Jon Moxley vs. Daniel Garcia

Chris Jericho A lock-up to start. Garcia sends Moxley to the corner and they reengage. Garcia cracks Moxley with an elbow to the face, Moxley takes Garcia down with a snap mare and nails Garcia with a kick to the midsection. Garcia latches onto Moxley and they both spill to the outside. Garcia trips Moxley and shoves him into the steel steps then traps Moxley’s arm between the steps and the ring post and dropkicks the steps into Moxley’s arm and we head to a commercial break. Back from the break and Moxley and Garcia are in a double leg lock whilst in the center of the ring. Garcia sends Moxley to the corner and goes for a splash but Moxley kicks him back and goes up top, Garcia follows him up and rakes his eyes. Garcia goes back up top with Moxley and looks for a back body drop off the top, Moxleyfights back with elbows but Garcia gets the back-body drop and they both come crashing down to the mat where Garcia goes for the cover but Moxley kicks out. Moxley rolls to the outside and Garcia follows, Moxley cracks him with a kick to the midsection and drills Garcia with a brain bister on the steel steps. Both men are pouring blood, referee Bryce Remsburg goes to check on Garcia, who gets back into the ring and Moxley puts him on the top turnbuckle. Moxleyplants Garcia with a DDT off the top and goes for the cover but Garcia kicks out at two and a half! Moxley looks for the rear-naked choke, Garcia rolls out and drills Moxley with elbows.
Moxley rolls out and lights Garcia up with elbows of his own, Garcia slides out and applies a cross face but Moxley drags himself to the ropes and grabs the bottom rope to force the break. Moxley rolls Garcia up, Garcia kicks out and slaps Moxley before planting him with a German suplex then a pile driver, and goes for the cover but Moxley lifts the shoulders at two and a half! Garcia applies a Sharpshooter, Moxley grabs Garcia’s head and goes for a bulldog choke but Garcia rolls it into a pin to force the break, and Moxley rolls to the outside. Garcia follows Moxley out and jumps on his back but Moxley falls back and they both crash through a table. Moxley tosses Garcia back into the ring and Chris Jericho rushes down to the ring from commentary. Garcia uses the distraction and kicks Moxley, Eddie Kingston comes down and takes out Jericho, Moxley rolls Garcia into a choke, and Garcia taps!

Winner – Jon Moxley

After the match, Jericho and Garcia retreat, Moxley and Kingston stare them down from afar and the show goes off the air.

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