
IMPACT Wrestling Results (4/28/22): Josh Alexander Defends IMPACT World Title Against Moose + More!

Welcome to Fightful.com‘s live coverage & discussion for IMPACT Wrestling (4/28/22)!

We’ll be bringing you full, fight-by-fight results of every match on the card.


  • Josh Alexander (C) vs. Moose — IMPACT Wrestling World Championship
  • Honor No More vs. Motor City Machine Guns & ‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey
  • Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans vs. Decay
  • Bhupinder Gujjar vs. VSK
  • Briscoe Brothers Return

Live Coverage

The show begins and our commentary team of Tom Hannifan and Matt Rehwoldt welcome us to tonight’s show and the IMPACT Tag Team Champions, Eric Young, Joe Doering and Deaner of Violent By Design make their way down to the ring. Young says that at Rebellion, VBD took control of the company when they beat seven of the best tag teams on the IMPACT roster and there’s nothing anybody can do about it. Rhino and Heath’s music hits and out they come. Rhino says at Rebellion, they didn’t get the revenge that they deserved…and out comes Jay and Mark Briscoe! Violent By Design retreat and our opening contest of the evening is set to get underway.

Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Rhino & Heath — Number One Contender’s Match, IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Championship

Jay and Mark take out Rhino on the outside then quickly double-team Heath back in the ring. Rhino dumps Jay to the outside. A quick brawl ensues between all four competitors, Rhino gets dumped out, Jay slams Heath, Mark goes up top and drills Rhino with a diving elbow for the 1-2-3 and the win!

Winners – Jay & Mark Briscoe

We then see another vignette hyping up ‘EGV’.

Gia Miller’s then shown backstage interviewing Ace Austin. Ace says he’s now a three-time X-Division Champion and Ace is quickly interrupted by Rocky Romero who says Ace should compete in this year’s NJPW Best of The Super Juniors Tournament and then challenges Ace to an X-Division Championship match, next week. Ace seemingly accepts and we cut back to the ring where it’s time for our next matchup.

Bhupinder Gujjar vs. VSK

— VSK tosses his jacket at Gujjar as the bell sounds and attacks the big man from behind with a few forearms to the back. VSK sends Gujjar to the corner and goes for a clothesline but Gujjar ducks out and drills him with a body avalanche. Gujjar launches VSK across the ring and VSK rolls out to recover. Gujjar gollows VSK to the outside and wallops him with a sling-shot and then tosses VSK back into the ring. VSK sends Gujjar back into the ropes and lands a sling-shot DDT and goes for the cover but Gujjar lifts the shoulders after a count of two. VSK lands some stomps and then a knee to the back before drilling Gujjar with a back-breaker and goes for another cover but Gujjar kicks out. VSK continues the attack and drops a bunch of knees on Gujjar’s back. Gujjar comes back and clicks VSK with a lariat then a slam and a sling-blade before drilling his opponent with a running knee. Gujjar plants BSK with a Samoan Drop, VSK rakes Gujjar’s eyes and rolls him up but Gujjar slides out, VSK argues with the referee then goes up top, dives down but Gujjar catches him mid-air and plants him with a spear for the three-count!

Winner – Bhupinder Gujjar

After the match, Raj Singh and Shera come down to the ring and they argue with Gujjar and we head to a commercial break.

Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett (with Maria Kanellis & Kenny King) vs. ‘Speedball’ Mike Bailey & Motor City Machine Guns (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley)

Bailey and Taven start this one off. Everyone starts to brawl and this one is out of control early. Sabin and Taven end up as the legal competitors and Taven slams Sabin, Bennett comes in and clubs Sabin with a forearm and he and Taven plant Sabin with a power-bomb. Edwards knocks Bailey back with a kick, Bailey leaps out of a suplex from Edwards and Taven then dumps Bailey to the outside. Bailey lights up Taven with some kicks, King distracts Bailey from the outside and Bennett tosses Bailey out of the ring. Edwards takes all three opponents out, Bailey sends Edwards back with a kick then a standing moonsault knee-drop combination before making the tag to Sabin, who drop-kicks Taven and Bennett off of the apron. Sabin lands an elbow, Taven takes Sabin out with an enziguri, Shelley lays Taven out with a flatliner and drop-kicks Bennett to the outside. Bailey lands a spinning-back kick on Edwards, then an axe kick and another flurry of kicks before going up too and landing a shooting star press before going for the cover but Edwards kicks out. Another brawl breaks out, King attacks Sabin while Kanellis distracts the referee, Sabin knocks King back with a kick, Taven takes Sabin out with a running knee, Taven follows-up with an enziguri, Taven hits Shelley with a buckle-bomb, Bennett drills Shelley with a lariat then he and Taven land a double super-kick and Edwards lands the Die Hard Driver for the 1-2-3!

Winners – Honor No More

After the match, Bullet Club come down to the ring and another brawl breaks out as we head to a commercial break.

Back from the break and NEW AAA Reina de Reinas Champion Taya Valkyrie makes her way down to the ring. Taya says she’s had a lot of time to reflect and she had her creativity and passion were held captive in other companies [WWE]. Taya says she knows her worth and sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to reach the top yet again, which she did at Rebellion when she became a four-time AAA Reina de Reinas Champion. Ring of Honor Women’s Champion Deonna Purrazzo attacks Taya from behind and locks-in the Fujiwara Arm-bar and Rosemary and Havok of Decay rush down and make the save. Deonna retreats, Decay check on Taya and Rosemary and Havok will be in tag action after the break.

Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans vs. Decay (Rosemary & Havok)

 Steelz attacks Havin before the bell, Rosemary and Havok dump both Steelz and Evans to the outside. Everyone resets and Rosemary and Evans are the legal competitors to start this one off. Evans drills Rosemary with a few strikes and then a chop to the chest. A brawl breaks out, Evans plants Rosemary with a choke-slam and goes for the cover but Rosemary kicks out. Evans lays into Rosemary with some ground-and-pound and makes the tag to Evans. Steelz stomps out Rosemary and drills her with a running uppercut. Steelz hits an enziguri then a snap-mare before going for the cover but Rosemary lifts the shoulders at two. Evans’ tagged back in and delivers a running knee to Rosemary’s mid-section and then a buckle-bomb. Evans with a chop then some shoulder tackles. Rosemary bites Evans’ forehead and makes the tag to Havok, who slams Evans and then drills her with a big boot. Havok plants Evans with a Death Valley Driver then goes for the cover but Evans kicks out. Rosemary knocks Steelz off the apron, Havok and Rosemary hit Evans with a back-breaker and spear combination and get the three-count!

Winners – Decay

We then see a video package highlighting Josh Alexander’s win over Moose at Rebellion for the IMPACT World Championship. We then head to a commercial break ahead of their rematch, which is our main event of the evening.

Josh Alexander (C) vs. Moose — IMPACT World Championship

 — Moose sends Alexander to the corner and drills him with a running shoulder in the corner to start. Moose lands a pair of chops to the chest and yells at Alexander but the champion comes back and plants Moose with a suplex. Alexander with a bevy of chops and strikes then stomps on the challenger. Moose lands a big boot, then some forearms but Alexander slaps Moose in the face. Moose goes crazy and wallops Alexander with a running knee to the mid-section then he sends the champion to the corner and drills him with a pair of big boots to the face. Alexander comes back and plants Moose with a pair of German suplexes but Moose returns fire with a back-elbow. Alexander lines Moose up for the C4 Spike but Moose slides out and trips Alexander to the mat. Alexander trips Moose right back and locks-in the Sharpshooter but Moose drags himself to the ropes and grabs the bottom rope to force a break. Moose lands a ripcord head-butt then goes for a uranage but Alexander trips Moose and locks-in the ankle lock. Moose kicks Alexander face-first into the top turnbuckle and plants the champion with a choke-slam. Moose launches Alexander to the corner with a buckle-bomb but Alexander comes back and drills Moose with a kick to the mid-section then plants Moose with a power-bomb and then lands the C4 Spike for the 1-2-3!

Winner – Josh Alexander (C) (STILL IMPACT World Champion)

After the match, Tomohiro Ishii makes his way down to the ring and he faces off with Alexander as the show goes-off-the-air.

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